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Izuku woke up in a hospital bed, the lights above him hurting his eyes. Izuku sat up slowly, his ribs burning at each movement. He groaned as he finally got into a sitting position. His head felt like someone had hit it repeatedly with an ice pick, which probably explained the light-sensitivity. Izuku looked at the end-table next to his bed, seeing his phone on it. He opened it quickly, seeing multiple messages from his mother. Oh gosh, she'll probably never let me out of her sight again, he thought to himself. As Izuku was lost in his thoughts, the door to his room opened slowly, revealing Kaminari.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" Kaminari said before turning around and shouting, "He's up everybody!"

Soon Izuku's classmates were flooding into his hospital room, thought there wasn't much space for everyone.

"Deku!" Uraraka squealed, hugging him tightly. Izuku let out a soft yelp when she touched his ribs, causing her to let go. "Oh yeah, my bad." She apologized quickly, backing up.

"Give him some space guys, the dude just woke up." Kirishima said, pushing some of the classmates back. Izuku rubbed his head, trying to relieve some of the pain residing in it.

"H-how long was I asleep for?" Izuku asked, looking at the class. At first no one answered, but then Bakugo stepped forward. "About a week."

"A week!" Izuku's head had another rush of pain when he said that, causing him to grip his head. My mom's DEFINITELY never going to let me out of the house again.

"Bakugo!" Iida said, nudging him harshly. "Don't stress him out! Obviously Midoryia is still recovering!" He exclaimed, doing his weird hand gestures again.

"He was gonna find out eventually." Bakugo rolled his eyes, looking back at Izuku. "You scared the shit out of us, you know? Who the hell just passes out for a week straight?"

Izuku looked down at his hospital sheets sheepishly. "I'm sorry for making you guys worry." He replied back. Tsuyu slapped Bakugo across the face and stepped forward next to Izuku. Kirishima and Kaminari had to hold Bakugo back from attacking the frog-girl.

"You don't have to apologize Midoryia. You helped save us. If it wasn't for you, then All Might night not have won, then we all would have been in trouble." Tsuyu said, the rest of the class agreeing with her.

"I'm sure that we could have figured something else out, I was just being careless." Izuku replied back.

"But you were the only one who even suggested helping, the rest of us just stood there while All Might fought for our lives." Tokoyami stepped in, putting his hand on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku smiled, "Thanks you guys."

"Aww this is so sweet!" Mina cried out, running over and hugging Tokoyami and Izuku, which ended up triggering a group hug. The class made sure to be careful not to bump into Izuku's side, but even if they did Izuku wouldn't have cared. This was nice.

After another hour of catching up on what Izuku had missed, the class was shoo'ed out so Izuku could take his medicine. After he finished the doctor opened the door and revealed Mr. Aizawa waiting outside.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku said excitedly, which probably wasn't a good choice since his head began to hurt again. I really need to stop doing that. Izuku tried to hide his pain from Aizawa by mustering up a smile but Aizawa saw straight through it.

"Can we have a moment alone?" Aizawa asked the doctor. The doctor nodded and closed the door behind him as he left. Aizawa pulled up a chair and set it next to Izuku's bed. "How are you feeling problem child?"

Izuku laughed, which also wasn't a good idea because his ribs once again felt like they were in fire. He's laughter turned into coughing as he looked at Aizawa. "I'm fine, it's nothing that I can't handle."

Aizawa smiled, "I know, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried. What were you thinking putting yourself out there like that? You pushed way past your limit, you know how dangerous that can be."

Izuku looked down at his hands as he fidgeted his thumbs. "I know, but I had too. If I didn't then the rest of the class could have gotten hurt. What kind of hero would I be if I didn't do anything in that kind of situation."

Aizawa sighed, "And it's exactly that kind of thinking that convinced me to make you my successor. Just please promise me you won't go overboard like that again. I mean, a week, seriously? I was worried sick."

Izuku smiled at him, "I promise." His smile then dropped as he remember something from his fight. "Mr. Aizawa... the villain's said they wanted me so they could use my power. What if they come after me? Or the people I love?"

Aizawa's face grew serious as he looked at Izuku. "I'm not gonna let that happen, okay? They aren't going to get near you or your family, I promise." Aizawa assured Izuku, pulling him into a hug. Izuku didn't know what to do at first since the entire time he's known Aizawa, he had never once showed emotion like this before. Izuku hugged him back, tears forming in his eyes. "Thank you Mr. Aizawa. I p-promise I won't let you down or make you worry again!"

Aizawa pulled away from the hug and smiled back at him, "That's what I like to hear, now get some rest. We need you back in class as soon as possible."

Izuku nodded his head, wiping away the tears in his eyes. Aizawa turned towards the door and headed out, turning the lights off as he left. The darkness was soothing to Izuku's eyes and he laid back down onto his back, pulling the blankets up his body. He then allowed him self to slip into peacefully unconsciousness.

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~Hey guys! I just wanted to thank y'all for over 200 views. It means so much! I plan on doing the Sports Festival Arc next so stay tuned!~

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