Give Me The Boy

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Midoryia's POV

I had been searching for Iida for about 10 minutes when I heard shouting. I followed the noise to its source, finding exactly what I expected. Iida was on the ground with Stain in front of him. I couldn't make out what they were saying but whatever it was, it wasn't good. I saw Stain raise his blade in the air and I quickly acted. I propelled myself forward, shooting towards the villain. My foot made contact with his rib, causing his to skid across the concrete as I landed in front of Iida.

"Midoryia? What're you doing here?!" Iida asked with confusion painted over his face. It was obvious that he had been crying but I acted like I didn't notice.

"I was in the area and saw you needed help."

I heard a soft groan to the right of me, causing me to notice the other body in the alleyway. Shit if it had just been Iida than I could have floated us both out of here but my head's starting to hurt already so the chances of me getting all three of us out of here unharmed is low. My only choice is to try to scare Stain off.

"Can you move?" I asked Iida, looking down at him as he was sprawled on the ground.

"N-no, I think it's his quirk."

"Hey, I recognize you." Stain huffed as he got onto his feet, a smile appearing on his face. I narrowed my eyes as he took another step forward. "You're the kid Shigaraki wants, aren't you."

Play dumb. "I don't know what you're talking about." I hissed at him. I could hear Iida struggling to move behind me.

"Midoryia, just go! You can still save yourself!"

"What kind of hero or friend would I be if I just left you here to die? It's a heroes job to get involved, even if they're presence isn't wanted." I said to him, causing him to fall quiet. Stain began to laugh as he took another step closer. I retrieved my phone from my back pocket and quickly sent my location to the class's groupchat. Hopefully someone will receive it in time.

"Ha, do you really think I would let you go even if you did decide to run now. Hell, forget about these two, Shigaraki would pay a heft price for someone like you." Stain stated, licking the top part of his lip. A chill went down my spine as I got into a fighting stance.

I sprung forward as he pulled out a small knife. I just have to avoid getting cut. I lifted him into the air and tried to cancel his quirk but he was too fast. He threw down his knife, causing it to slice into my arm. I let out a small grunt as my focus was broke, releasing him from my quirk. He lunged at him and I attempted to dodge. I thought I was in the clear when I noticed he hadn't lunged for me, he had gone for the blade. I watched as he licked the fresh blood off of its shiny surface and suddenly my entire body locked up.

"What-" I felt myself fall over.

"Midoryia!" Iida called out as I hit the ground. I tried to move my body but it was like all my muscles had stopped working. I couldn't do anything as Stain approached me, tying a piece of cloth over my eyes.

"We don't want you cancelling out my quirk, now do we?" He laughed as I felt him hoist me up. I was limp on his shoulder as he began to walk. My heart was pounding as thoughts raced through my head. That's when I felt a heat blast shoot past me. Stain yelped in pain as he dropped me hard onto the floor. I couldn't see what was happening as I felt the ground beneath me began to slant downwards and grow cold. That's when I noticed I was sliding.

Someone removed my blindfold allowing me to see as my eyes tried to adjust. Todoroki looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

"Midoryia, you should have sent more details. I was almost too late to stop this guy." Todoroki said as he stood bak up.

"Todoroki!" I let out a sigh of relief. "He can paralyze you by ingesting your blood."

Todoroki nodded, "Then I guess I'll just have to keep my distance."

Stain growled as he began approaching again. "Look kid, just hand over the boy and the rest of you can go." He stated, pointing his blade towards me.

Todoroki brow creased into a frown, "Not going to happen."

Stain scoffed as he pulled out two more blades, "You don't have much of a choice."

He shot towards Todoroki with blades in hand. Todoroki formed an ice wall between them but Stain managed to cut through it, slicing Todoroki's cheek. Stain went to lick the blood dripping from the wound when Todoroki activated his flames, forcing Stain to retreat.

Stain tried to think of a plan before his eyes landed on me. He smiled and threw a small knife in my directions I tried calling upon my levitation quirk to stop it but it was no use. Todoroki saw the incoming blade and went into action. He formed another ice wall, just big enough to stop the blade. However, while he was busy protecting me, Stain was already on top of him. He sliced Todoroki's arm before licking the blood from the cut. I thought fast and managed to activate my erasing quirk as Stain's tongue swallowed the blood.

Todoroki flinched, expecting himself to fall over only to find that he could still move. Stain sneered as he looked towards me. Since his quirk was rendered useless, Iida, the other hero, and myself were finally able to stand.

Iida had tears pouring down his face as he wiped them away. "This is not your battle. You guys should get out of here!"

"It is our battle because he's targeted one of our friends. Not to mention he seems to want Midoryia. We aren't leaving." Todoroki stated. The other hero backed up slowly before running down the alleyway. How pathetic. "Besides the other pros will be here soon anyways."

"Then it looks like I should really be wrapping things up." Stain grabbed a chain out from his  uniform he was wearing that also concealed his weapons. Before we could react he shot the chain towards me. I put my arms up in defense but it wrapped around them, thrusting me forward. I wheezed as I hit the ground, landing on my chest.

"Midoryia!" Todoroki and Iida yelled out, getting ready to fight. Stain just continued to laugh before kneeling on top of me. My arms were no good against the chains as he once again blind folded me and tossed me to the side. I hit against the wall of the alleyway hard, making my head spin.

The last thing I remembered before passing out was Stain's words.

"I'll be right back after I take care of your friends."

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