Attack on USJ (Pt.2)

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"Protect the students, I'll hold them off!" Aizawa said, jumping into action as he prepared his capture gear. Thirteen turned to the class and hurried them towards the door. They were a couple yards away when another portal opened in front of them. "Where do you think your going? We can't have any of you alerting the other heroes." The portal said as it began to shift towards them.

Izuku turned to Iida, "We'll distract him! You are the fastest one here so you need to run past him to alert the other teachers!" Iida looked around to the others.

"Do y'all really put that much trust in me?" Iida asked, everybody nodded as they prepared themselves to use their quirks.

"Go already!" Bakugo shouted at Iida. Iida didn't hesitate sprung forwards. The portal villain notice him immediately and went to grab him when the others jumped into action. Bakugo got in front of Iida and sent an explosion towards the portal, though it only got sucked in. Thirteen began to use her black hole quirk but the portal villain opened another portal right behind her, causing her to use her quirk against her own body, effectively tearing her back to shreds. The villain blocked the door, causing Iida to stop, and then the portal began to surround the group of students.

"What's it doing?" Sero yelled as he sprung backwards to avoid getting sucked into the portal. Izuku began muttering to himself, trying to think of how to get out.

"He's trying to separate us." Izuku came to a conclusion as they became completely surrounded. "Prepare for a fight." Then everyone's vision went dark as the portal closed.

When Izuku could see again, he felt himself falling, he looked down to notice a rocky landscape down below. "This must be the landslide simulation." He looked to his sides only to see he was the only one there. The ground was approaching fast as Izuku focused on using his powers. He began to float as lowered himself down to the ground. Where could the others be? Did we all get sent into different simulations.

Izuku then heard a noise come from behind him, he turned around quickly, prepared to attack any villain he saw, when he noticed a familiar face. "Asui?"

"I told you to just call me Tsuyu." She said as she hopped towards him. Izuku apologized and then scanned his surroundings. "We need to get out of here and find the others." He said as he began moving in the direction of the edge of the simulation. Tsuyu agreed and hopped after him.

They got several yards away from their original landing spot before the first villain appeared. It was a skinny-looking guy with flowing hair. He laughed at the kids as he stepped forwards. "I was hoping Kurogiri would send some brats my way." He scoffed as he walked towards them. That must be the name of the portal villain, Izuku analyzed.

The villain's hair began floating as it turned into sharp spears above his head. Izuku immediately activated his quirk causing the hair to fall limp. The villain looked at his hair in confusion. "What? My quirk!" He growled at Izuku before lunging forward. Izuku used his telekinesis to send the guy flying into the side of one of the rock walls positioned all around the simulation. The villain began to get up and Izuku sent him flying once more. A sharp headache sliced through Izuku's skull and he fell to one knee. Tsuyu looked at him worriedly, "Izuku? What's wrong?" Izuku looked back up at her and shook his head, standing back up. "I-it's nothing, I just get headaches if I use my powers too much, it's fine. It's not even that bad." It doesn't help that I didn't get any sleep last night.

Tsuyu nodded and they looked back to the villain. Luckily Izuku had knocked him out when he threw him the second time so they hurriedly ran past him and towards the edge of the simulation. They reached it after a minute or two of running and quickly hid behind a rock as another villain ran past them towards a different simulation. It seems like their spot was not targeted by that many villains, since most of them seemed to be swarming either Aizawa or the Earthquake zone. Izuku forgot about his goggles hanging around his neck and quickly put them on. Not only did they prevent the villains from seeing who he was looking at but it also helped him focus more.

A small screamed echoed through the air, coming from one of the water simulations. "Hey that sounds like Mineta ribbit." Tsuyu said, holding a finger to her face as she thought. "We need to go help him then." Izuku said as he began creeping forwards, trying to not draw any attention towards them. Tsuyu followed him, silently wishing they could have just ignored Mineta.

The screams grew louder as they came closer to the simulation that had a boat in the middle of a ocean-like body of water. Mineta was holding onto the top of the boat as a group of villains surrounded him in the water. "What do we do Midoryia?" Tsuyu said, crouching behind him. Izuku was already muttering again as he held a hand up to his face, trying to concentrate. He then looked down quickly and remembered his capture belt. He turned to Tsuyu.

"I can levitate this to Mineta, wrap it around him, and pull him towards us." He whispered to her. She nodded, liking the idea since it would most likely freak Mineta out. Izuku used his quirk to unwrap the belt from around his body and shot it towards Mineta. Mineta was busy throwing his balls at the villains that he didn't even notice the belt approaching him. The belt attached to his waist quickly before yanking him towards Izuku and Tsuyu. Mineta screeched as he flew through the air. "RELEASE ME!!" He screamed. It only took a couple of seconds before he was dropped in front of Tsuyu, the belt wrapping back around Izuku's waist. Mineta looked like he was going to be sick, as his skin was really pale and his eyes were stuck in a wide position. "T-thanks for the rescue g-guys." He said, before throwing up. Tsuyu looked at him in disgust.

"Now what do we do?" She asked Izuku, the villains already noticed them and were swimming towards them but it would take them at least a minute to reach them. Izuku picked up Mineta who was still on the verge of passing out. "We need to get moving."

The group ran from the villains swimming towards them and dodged through a couple of smaller buildings to make sure they were off their trail before hiding behind one that was close to where Aizawa was fighting. The building was close to a wall so no villains could sneak up behind them and they were able to see what was happening in front of them. Izuku raised his finger to his lips, signaling to the others that they had to be quiet so they wouldn't be heard. That's when a loud bang sounded from in front of their hiding spot. Izuku peered around the corner to see a monster-looking villain holding Aizawa by his head as Aizawa struggled against him. Aizawa looked beaten up and part of his elbow was disintegrated. Izuku watched as the monster threw Aizawa into the ground, where there was already a crater. They've probably been doing this for a while.

The man with the hands all around his body approached the monster and Aizawa. "I'm not going to ask again. Where's All Might?" Aizawa spat in his face, causing the man to rear back and punch him. Mineta let out a squeak, which Tsuyu slapped him for, but it was too late, the man looked over to the building.

"It appears we have an audience", he said as he approached the group of kids. Izuku came out of his hiding spot and stood in front of the others. "Fuck off", he said to the man, who was getting closer.

"Ha! You think you have any power here? Do you know what I can do?" The man teased as he drew closer.

"No, but do you know what I can do?" Izuku mocked back as he lifted the man into the air and sent him into the monster villain. The monster didn't move but the man definitely wasn't expecting that. He stood up slowly, before beginning to laugh. His laughter seemed to echoed through the whole colosseum as he reached out to touch the ground. The ground began to decay at the mere touch of his hand. The man made sure to let the group notice his power before motioning his hand towards a limp Aizawa. Izuku stepped forward, his hair glowing a soft green as the man touched Aizawa's face.

He looked at his hand in confusion and then tried again, but Aizawa remained intact. He turned back to Izuku and scoffed. "It appears we have more than one eraser hero in our presence." He said with a grin. "You know, you could be useful for the league, helping us cancel out heroes' quirks."

Izuku chuckled at his remark. "What makes you think I would want to help you?"

The man began to smile underneath the hand that covered his face, a crazy look appearing in his eyes. "Who said it would be willingly?" Izuku's face turned pale as he watched the monster drop Aizawa and turn towards them instead. "Nomu, fetch."

1615 Words

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