The Night Before

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"You don't have to go on the trip if you don't want to. Nobody would blame you, you've been through a lot." Aizawa said as he sat on Midoryia's bed. They were back in their cabin on campus. A few days had passed since the incident, there was still a faint bruise that wrapped around the greenette's neck and he had been in and out of the police station answering questions about the incident that had occured between him and Shigaraki. Midoryia was huddled up on the other side of his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest as his eyes remained fixated on the ground.

"No I need to do this. It's like you said, this is a quick way for us to get our hero licenses and with everything going on I need mine now more than ever." Midoryia stated softly. Aizawa nodded his head.

"It's true that this would be the easiest way but are you sure you want to be surrounded by people right now? Just yesterday you had me tell Todoroki and Iida that you weren't taking visitors. You haven't spoken to any of your classmates since the incident... don't tell me you're still blaming yourself for all of this?"

Midoryia shrunk furth into the corner of his bed. "If I wasn't so weak then I could have just realized that I could have just erased Shigaraki's quirk when I first looked at him. I got so caught up in the moment and scared that I couldn't think clearly and my classmates had to come rescue me."

"Any student would have done the same in your situation. Shigaraki's quirk is not something to take lightly. One wrong move and that would be the end. You did the best you could do." Aizawa tried to reassure him.

Midoryia just sighed. "My best wasn't good enough. That's why I am going to the camp."

Aizawa smiled softly and patted the greenette's shoulder before standing up. "In that case, we need to be out of the house by 9:00 tomorrow morning. The bus will leave at 9:30."

Midoryia smiled softly. back to him and nodded. With that, Aizawa left the boy's room, closing the door behind him. Midoryia let out a soft sigh before laying down on his bed. He stared at the ceiling, thoughts running through his head before his phone began to buzz.

The screen read, "Uraraka is calling". Midoryia stared at it for a moment before setting it to the side and allowing the call to go to voicemail. He didn't want his classmates to see him like this.

The phone began to buzz again. "Uraraka is calling" once again stretched across the screen. Midoryia watched again as it buzzed next to him. After it buzzed a few times Midoryia gave in and answered it.

"Hello?" He asked softly, his voice low as he spoke.

"Look out your window!" Uraraka announced.

"Wha-" Midoryia looked towards the only window in his room. He made his way towards it before opening the curtains. Outside of it stood Uraraka, Asui, Todoroki and Iida. Well, it looks like the gang's all here.

"Let us in." Uraraka's voice came through the phone. Midoryia sighed as he looked at the time. It was 10:00 p.m. but he doubted Mr. Aizawa would care if he had some friends over. Like he said, it's been a while.

Midoryia unlocked the latch on the window and the group quickly pushed in.

"What the heck Deku, we've been trying to get in touch with you for days now. How are you feeling?" Uraraka stated as she quickly hugged him tightly.

"Uraraka don't be so abrupt about it, but she's right. The whole class has been worried about you. You've been ignoring all of our texts." Iida added in. Midoryia looked down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you guys worry, I've just been dealing with a lot at the moment."

Of course Todoroki and Iida understood the full severity of the situation but Uraraka and Asui were oblivious to everything that had lead up to Shigaraki's attack.

"Well don't worry Midoryia, there's no way the teachers will let Shigaraki anywhere near you, ribbit." Asui said.

"Yeah, plus they'll have to go through us first!" Uraraka chimed in after her.

"Thanks guys." Midoryia smiled softly. Though things were not that simple. Todoroki saw the unease in Midoryia's face and the uncertainty in his voice.

"I think we should let Midoryia get some rest." He announced to the group.

"Fine, but hey Deku are you going to the trip tomorrow?" Uraraka asked, her eyes meeting his.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Great! See you there!"

With that, Uraraka and Asui made their way out of the bedroom and back outside.

"Todoroki, Iida, are y'all coming?" Asui called back.

"We'll catch up with you just give us a minute." Todoroki called back.

The duo nodded their heads and began to head back towards their homes. Once they were gone the boys' turned their attention back to the greenette.

"Are you actually okay Midoryia?" Todoroki asked him, worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, you've been acting off since the Hosu incident but ever since the attack things seem to have regressed even farther."

Midoryia remained quiet as he stared at the ground. "It's much stuff is happening all at once and it's getting dangerous for all of you to be around me."

"That's ridiculous. Please don't tell me you are still dwelling on what my asshole of a father said. He doesn't know the first thing about loyalty or friendship."

"But he was right! As grateful as I am for Kacchan stepping in to save me from Shigaraki, things could have ended some much worse. Shigaraki could have hurt him in order to take me or worse. I can't just let you guys risk your lives for me."

"Well then at least just let us be there for you during this time, as friends." Iida replied back. "You were there for me in Hosu and you risked everything to save me. You did that because you are my friend. Let us do the same for you."

Midoryia grew quiet again as he thought about Iida's words. Suddenly he felt a hand fall on his shoulder. "Yeah, don't push us away Midoryia. We're here right now because we care."

Midoryia could feel tears beginning to swell up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for acting so stupid lately." Midoryia said as the tears fell down his cheeks.

"Nobody blames you for your behavior Midoryia. It's alright."

Midoryia sniffed as he quickly wiped his tears.

"Thanks you guys."

"Of course, what are friends for?" Iida smiled gently before looking at the time.

"It's getting late and we need to be up early tomorrow. Let's go Todoroki."

The dual haired boy nodded and they made their way towards the window.

"We'll see you tomorrow Midoryia."

"Y-Yeah, see ya."

Hey guys! I am sooooo sorry for the long wait. I've recently started college and I'm in the pre-med program so I've had a lot of work not to mention my tiktok account has recently hit 50K so I've been trying to make content for that as well. However, I promise to try to post more! Thank you for your patience!

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