Close Encounters

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"So what store should we go in first?" Mina asked excitedly as the group walked into the shopping center.

"Beats me, you guys pick." Kirishima said, shrugging his shoulders.

"What store are you going to Deku?" Uraraka asked, tilting her head. Midoryia looked over at her, causing her cheeks to flush softly as their eyes met.

"Oh I don't know. I was just going to maybe get new shoes for the camping trip. What about you?" He asked. Suddenly Uraraka became flustered as she looked around.

"Oh I need...BUG SPRAY!" She blurted out before booking it for the escalators.

"Wait am I the bug?!" Midoryia called out as his friend ran off.

At this point the rest of the class has already dispersed, leaving Midoryia alone. He sighed softly, not minding the solitude as he began to explore the mall himself.

He passed by a couple stores before stopping in the middle of the mall. He began muttering to himself, trying to figure out which store would have the best shoes for the cheapest price.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight grip. The person holding him was slightly behind him just out of his like of sight. Before Midoryia could say anything the person was already speaking.

"Oh you're that one kid from the sports festival! Izuku Midoryia, correct?" The person said, their voice sounding raspy. Midoryia let out an uncomfortable chuckle.

Wow that was weeks ago and people still are recognizing me from it. That's UA for ya.

"Y-Yeah that's me." Midoryia responded. He just wanted to keep shopping and the person holding him was making him feel...uneasy.

"You know, that erasing quirk of yours is really something. I bet anyone would want to get their hands on it." The voice said. Before Midoryia could react, he felt fingers wrap tightly around his neck. Only four fingers had contact with his skin but they were digging into his neck, causing Midoryia to wince. He managed to turn just enough to see who it was that was holding him.

The cracked face of Shigaraki stood behind him, a hoodie pulled over his head.

"Why don't we have a little talk Izuku?"

Midoryia's eyes widened as his blood ran cold. This was the man that had sent out his bounty. The man that had caused him to get kidnapped. The greenette's heart was pounding out of his chest at this point as his neck began to ache.

"Don't bother struggling. The moment my finger lands on your neck, you will be disintegrated before you could even call out for help." Shigaraki hissed before pulling Midoryia forward.

"Don't say a damn word. If you warn anybody or try to escape then I'll take out everyone I can before the cops arrive."

Midoryia's eyes darted from side to side as tears begin to surface. One of his classmates had to be close.  They had to be.

Shigaraki's grip on the boy's neck tightened, causing him to struggle to get air in. His hand instinctively rose up to his neck but Shigaraki slapped it away.

"Don't try it. The faster we get out of here, the faster I'll let you breath."

Midoryia's lungs burned as they drew closer to the exit of the mall. Is this it? This is how he's going to get captured? There's nothing else he can do. His friends won't notice til it's too late-

"Oi, Deku."

That voice caused the duo to freeze as a blonde stepped in their way. Bakugo's eyes scanned them, going from Shigaraki before landing on Deku's scared eyes. His face was turning slightly purple as he begged to breath.

"Let go of him." Bakugo stated coldly, not moving. Shigaraki eyes narrowed slightly before he finally released Midoryia's neck, causing the greenette to collapse to the ground as he began to cough roughly.

"Sorry I wasn't aware you had come with your friends." Shigaraki said smiling before leaning over him. "Follow me and I'll get mad."

As the man trudged past Bakugo, the blonde quickly rushed over to the greenette who was still on the ground.

"Shigaraki! What's your plan?" Midoryia managed to choke out.

"Shigaraki?" Bakugo's eyes widened as he looked back at the man.

"You'll find out soon enough. I'll see you soon Izuku." Shigaraki said as he slipped into the crowd and disappeared.

Midoryia held his throat as a bruise was already forming. Tears were streaming down his face as he continued to struggle to take in deep breathes.

Bakugo grabbed him by his arm and helped him to a bench where Midoryia quickly slumped into.

"Deku!" Uraraka shouted as she ran over to him. He wasn't listening as he tried to process everything.

"What happened to him?"

"Shigaraki was here." Bakugo responded.

"What?! We need to call the cops!" Uraraka exclaimed, dialing the emergency number ad she requested for police to come to the mall. It wasn't long before his fellow classmmates had come running back towards them, making sure Midoryia was okay.

"Give him some space! He's been through an ordeal!" Iida stated as he chopped his arms in front of him. Todoroki also got in on the action, blocking Midoryia off from the others. They had gone into full protection mode.

Midoryia paid no attention to it however as his hand remained on his bruised throat. What did he mean by soon? Is he going to try something? When?

Questions ran through the boys head, only being interrupted when the police arrived.

"Are you Izuku Midoryia?" They asked him softly. He looked up and nodded his head.

"We'd like to ask you some questions."

It hurt to talk so Midoryia simply nodded his head again and got up.

"We'll see you tomorrow Midoryia. Get some rest." Todoroki said as their friend left. 

Little did they know that the next coming weeks would be hell.

984 Words

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