Flashback (Pt.2)

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Shota Aizawa, better known as Eraser Head, was patrolling the streets downtown, keeping his eyes peeled for any suspicious behavior. He had just received an alert of a loose villain in the downtown area and was eager to help.

He was running along the rooftops since it wold be easier for him to spot the villain better from a higher view point when he suddenly heard low thumps coming from a tunnel under a bridge that he was passing over. He put in his goggles and swung down to the entrance of the tunnel when he spotted the source of the noises.

The villain that had been reported was trying to capture what looked to be a middle school student. Aizawa had just managed to arrive when the villain caught the student off guard, causing what appeared to be the student's quirk to deactivate, releasing the glob-like villain to the ground.

The glob smirked at the kid as he pulled him close and slowly started to overcome him. Aizawa immediately sprung into action. He could see the student getting weaker from what he assumed was lack of air due to being engulfed in the glob-villain's body.

Aizawa's hair rose above his head as he began to erase the villain's quirk. The villain's form receded into a thin outline of a man, but he was still covered in the glob-like material. The student fell to the ground with a thud, finally being released from the villain. The student groaned, obviously exhausted from the fight.

"I'll get to the kid later, I have to focus on capturing the villain first", Aizawa thought to himself as he sprung towards the man. The villain spotted Aizawa before he could reach him and dodged out of the way, scooping up the kid and revealing a knife from his back pocket, holding it up to the kid's neck. The villain had fear in his eyes mixed with irritation as he pointed the knife at the student.

"S-stay back!" The villain screamed, "I swear, I'll k-kill him if you take another step!" The man's eyes darted, scanning Aizawa's body for any sign of movement.

"Shit, now what. Even without his quirk this guy's relentless." Aizawa hissed to himself. He looked at the kid in the man's arms who still had his eyes closed and seemed to be breathing heavily. Aizawa frowned and made eye contact with the villain. "Just let the kid go, he has nothing to do with any of this."

The villain chuckled, "And what? Give away my leverage? Ha! I don't think so." He pressed the knife harder against the kid's neck. It wasn't enough to draw blood but it was obviously enough to feel uncomfortable. Aizawa froze, knowing if he moved the man would cut deeper into the kid. "Get down on your knees! Hands above your head!", the man yelled at Aizawa, daring him to go against his wishes.

Aizawa looked from man to the kid and decided to comply. He couldn't use his capture gear on the villain without chance of the man cutting the kid before the gear reached him so there was nothing else he could do. Aizawa's eyes were straining to stay open, but he knew if he blinked the villain would regain his form and get away with the kid. Aizawa began to get down on his knees when he noticed a movement come from the kid.

Suddenly the kid kicked off of the man's chest, throwing himself to the ground roughly. "What the fu-", the villain began to say before he was lifted back into the air.

Aizawa looked with wife eyes at the student who had just looked almost lifeless a mere second ago. It was obvious the kid was straining to use his powers in the state he was in so he needed to act fast in capture the villain. Aizawa sprung forward and used his capture gear to wrap around the man, as he pulled out a jar. Aizawa flung the villain hard against the tunnel walls before slingshotting him towards himself. Aizawa held out his jar and captured the glob man within the container, shutting it tightly.

Aizawa used some of his gear to securely fastened the lid into the container, ensuring the man couldn't escape. He let out a sigh but then immediately directed his attention back to kid. The kid looked beat up with scratches and bruises all over his arms and legs from being tossed around. The kid was also wincing in pain as he held his head with one hand, struggling to stand.

"Hey kid", Aizawa shouted running towards him, "Are you okay?" The kid had enough time to look up from the ground and make eye contact with Aizawa before collapsing back to the ground. Aizawa caught the kid before he made impact with the hard floor, checking him for any worse injuries then what he had seen already. "This kid really did put up a fight back there. I would've been useless if it wasn't for his quick thinking." Aizawa thought to himself, still holding the kid. He turned his attention to the jar, "I need to take this guy into the station first though."

He tucked the jar into his back pocket before carrying the kid towards the entrance of the tunnel. The kid needed medical assistance so Aizawa had to hurry up and get the villain into another hero's custody quickly. The hospital and the police station were practically across town from each other since most of the time heroes were the ones taking care of crimes and bringing the villains to the station so the police never really had to do any work in terms of driving.

The kid let out another groan, his face turning into a grimace as he turned towards Aizawa's chest. "Hold in there kid, I got you", he said as he used his gear to propel forward towards where he hoped the other heroes would be.

1003 Words

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