What Are You Hiding

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3rd Person POV

  Bakugo's brows creased into a frown as he listened from outside the classroom door. Emotional and physical Trauma? What the fuck happened to the damn nerd during his studies? Bakugo thought to himself as he continued to ease drop.

He had planned on confronting Midoryia about his behavior after class but when Aizawa told the boy to stay behind, Bakugo decided listen in on their conversation instead. It sounded like the nerd was crying.  I'll see what his problem is after school.


Ever since the incident, the pros had decided that it would be best to keep Izuku under special watch due to the circumstances. Of course Aizawa quickly volunteered to be the boy's caretaker and nobody argued with him. It was obvious that the two of them were closer compared to the other pros.

So after the final bell rang for school to end, Aizawa waited for Midoryia by the door. "Ready to go?"

Midoryia nodded his head sheepishly as he stepped into the hallway. The duo got maybe halfway to the exit before Midoryia. "Oh shoot, I forgot my notes on my desk!" He has been so caught up in his own thoughts today he has forgotten to put them in his bag.

"That's okay, just go grab them real quick. I'll just wait for you outside." Aizawa replied. Midoryia nodded and he quickly made his way back to the classroom. He swiftly grabbed the contents off of his desk, shoving them carelessly into his bag. He was usually neater than this but he already felt bad about Aizawa needing to look over him 24/7 now and he didn't want to bother him even more for being careless.

  After Midoryia finished zipping his backpack shut,  he whipped around to head towards the door but ended up bumping into someone instead. Midoryia took a step back as he apologized before looking up to see who it was.

"What the hell has gotten into you nerd? You're jumpier than usual." Bakugo growled as he looked down at the greenette.

"S-Sorry, guess I'm just a little tired, that's all." Midoryia responded, trying to go around him. Bakugo stepped in front of him again.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" Bakugo's eyes pierced into Midoryia as he spoke. Midoryia's eyes widened slightly.


"I heard you and Aizawa's conversation earlier. What the hell is going on with you?"

Midoryia gulped softly was he looked at the blonde. Had he really heard the whole thing? Midoryia looked at the ground. He wanted to tell someone but of all people, why did Kacchan have to be the one to over hear them.

"Well?" Bakugo persisted.

"It was nothing."


Midoryia inhaled sharply as he tried to think. He knew it was best not to tell anyone and telling Bakugo could possibly make things worse.

"Just drop it Kacchan. Please."

"No. You've been acting weird all day and I want to know what your fucking problem is."

Tears began to prick at Midoryia's eyes. He continued to look at the ground while Bakugo slammed his hand down onto the desk next to them.

"Deku, what happened?"

Bakugo's voice sounded...concerned? In fact, it sounded softer than usual too. Midoryia looked up at him, making eye contact with him.  He let out a soft sigh as he sat down in the desk behind him. He put his head in his hands as he tried to think of what to say. Bakugo leaned against the desk across from him, his arms folded in front of him.

"I..." Midoryia began before cutting himself off. Was this really a good idea? Bakugo remained silent in from of him as he waited patiently.

"Shigaraki has a bounty out for me."

The words hung heavy in the air as the two of them both tried to process the information. After a couple of seconds of silence Bakugo spoke.

"A bounty? What does Shigaraki want with you?"

"He needs people with erasing quirks for something. We don't know what yet."

"And that's what's been freaking you out?"

"Well...not exactly."

"Then what?"

Midoryia fiddled with his thumbs as he twisted in his seat. He hated it when people worried about him.

"I got kidnapped while doing my hero studies." Midoryia quickly blurted out, trying to just get it over with.

"You what?" Bakugo said, his eyes locking onto him.

"One of the bounty hunters managed to get to me while I was in Hosu, and she almost succeeded. And she just happened to be a novice so I can only imagine what a skilled hunter could do." Shivers rushed down Midoryia's spine as he spoke. It was the first time he was saying it out loud. That was the truth though. They had no idea what they were up against.

Bakugo remained silent as he took in the words. Midoryia couldn't help but feel awkward underneath his gaze.

He probably thinks I'm pathetic now. I mean, who the hell let's their self get kidnapped. Midoryia couldn't help but think to himself.  That's when he suddenly felt arms wrap around him. Midoryia remained in shock as he processed the fact that it was Bakugo who was hugging him. He sat there a moment before hugging the blonde back, allowing tears to escape from his eyes. Bakugo was the first to pull away as he became level with Midoryia.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah...getting there at least."

"Who all knows?"

"Just Todoroki and Iida. They were there during the incident."

Bakugo nodded as Midoryia spoke. Midoryia's head then shot up as he looked at Bakugo with a serious expression painted over his face.

"Kacchan, you can't tell anyone about this though. It could just put the others at risk and besides...I don't want them to worry about me."

"I understand." Bakugo said as he finally stood up. Aizawa would be coming to look for Midoryia if he didn't hurry back soon. "You should probably get going. I saw you were with Aizawa, so I assume he's wondering where you are."

"Yeah you're right." Midoryia replied as he stood up as well. Bakugo was already at the entrance of the classroom when he stopped. He turned his head back towards Midoryia.

"Oh and Deku," Bakugo began, "you're going to be alright."

Midoryia nodded his head as Bakugo slinked off into the hallway.

Midoryia couldn't help but smile softly as he watched him go.

Kacchan really does care after all.

1081 words

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