Where Am I?

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Midoryia's eyes openly slowly revealing only darkness. He moved his eyes side to side, feeling his eyelashes brush against something. Was he blindfolded? His jaw also felt tight as he realized there was a piece of cloth shoved against his tongue as well. Panic began to surge through the boy's body as he tried to move. His arms and legs were hold tightly in place by scratchy rope that pinned him to the chair that he occupied. Midoryia let out a soft grunt as he pulled against his restraints.

Think Midoryia, try to use your quirk or something. He took a deep breathe before trying to tune into his powers, only to realize who couldn't focus properly. In fact, his mind was extremely fuzzy as he tried to think of how he could have gotten here. Was I drugged...or is this just the concussion? Since he was blindfolded, he couldn't really use his erasing quirk but he was at least hoping to have some advantage with his levitation.

Soft laughter rang throughout the room he was in. It had echoed quite a bit so that meant he was somewhere pretty big. A warehouse maybe? Midoryia could hear footsteps beginning to approach him, growing louder with each step. His heart was racing but he wouldn't give his capture the pleasure of seeing him scared.

"So, you're finally awake. Strange, I didn't think I had drugged you that much. Maybe it was a combination of your head injury." A voice said a few feet in front of him. It seemed familiar to Midoryia as he listened to the feminine voice.

Sharp pain ripped across his lips as the duct tape that was securing the cloth in his mouth as removed. The cloth was removed gently, allowing Midoryia to take in deep breaths. He coughed roughly, moving his tight jaw from side to side.

"I truly am sorry about this Midoryia. A kid with your kind of abilities shouldn't have to endure this kind of stuff." The voice stated softly, this time it was only maybe a foot away.

Midoryia scoffed softly, "Then why don't you just let me go and we can both walk away without getting our hands dirty."

"Afraid I can't do that. I don't feel like getting murdered, especially not by Shigaraki. I've heard of how he's tortured those who betray him, and I have no interest in experiencing it first hand."

"Shigaraki?" Midoryia asked, his throat already beginning to dry up. How long had he been out? "What does Shigaraki want with me?"

"Hmm, weird. I would've figured you already knew. He never mentioned anything to you? He usually does to those he's targeting, ya know, to strike fear into their hearts or whatever."

Memories flooded back to Midoryia as the events at the USJ played through his mind.

"I could use an erasing quirk like yours." Shigaraki had told him.

"He wants me fo my quirk?" Midoryia asked the voice.


"But he seems like he would be rather intelligent, what makes him think I would join him?"

"Trust me kid, Shig has his ways. He always comes up with some plan to get you looped in..." The voice trailed off, causing a short moment of silence.

"Is that what he did to you? Is that why you're doing this?" Midoryia asked, a hint of sympathy in his voice. His kidnapper sighed softly. I'll take that as a yes.

"The heroes could help you. If you just explained to them your situation, I'm sure they would protect you."

The female laughed softly. "Kid, nobody's safe from Shigaraki. Even if you think you've escaped, you never really do."

She must have been sitting because Midoryia could hear fabric rub against the ground as she stood up. Suddenly the cloth was shoved back into his mouth, causing him to choke in surprise. The tape was placed back over his lips as he attempted to push out the gag.

"I'm sorry kid, but I can't afford to get attached to my hostage." Her voice almost sounded sad as the footsteps grew softer as she walked away from him. A door slammed shut from across the room from Midoryia, signifying that he was once again alone. His head slumped down in front of him. Hopefully Todoroki and Iida are doing okay. I wonder if she took them as well.

"Boss, I think I caught a scent." Ryo stated through his muzzle as he lifted his head, pointing his snout down one of the streets ahead of him.

"Are you able to follow it?" Best Jeanist asked from behind him. Ryo nodded his head as he slowly crawled forward, his snout remaining close to the ground as he took in deep breathes. Faint traces of Midoryia's scent whiffed into his nostrils, causing him to throw his head back and howl before sprinting down the street on all four.

"Follow him!" Gran Torino announced, using his jet quirk to boost him through the air after him. Aizawa's scarf made a zipping noise as he shot past the old man, keeping his eyes straight ahead. Ever since he got the phone call stating Midoryia had been taken he hadn't talked to anyone, especially not to Torino. Deep down, Aizawa knew that it wasn't the guy's fault, but he still couldn't shake off the burning feeling in his chest. He felt enraged, pain, and worry all at once. Aizawa had heard what Shigaraki said during the USJ so if what the other pros said was true, then Midoryia could already be on his way to the League of Villains.

The mere thought caused the pro to grit his teeth, pulling his google over his eyes to hide his emotions from the others. "Shota-" Gran Torino tried to say before Aizawa shot him a look.

"Not right now." He stated, zipping further ahead.

Todoroki and Iida watched as the heroes zoomed past them. They had managed to make their way up to the rooftop of one of the buildings and had been following along with them during the heroes' operation. They ducked their heads down as Aizawa's scarf grabbed onto one of the poles beneath them as he pulled himself further down the street.

"I don't think I've ever seen Aizawa-sensei this mad before." Iida said, his eyes following the hero. Todoroki nodded his head in agreeance. 

"Do you really think they have Midoryia's scent?" He asked Iida, his eyes remaining locked on the hero squad below them. Iida put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"They're going to find him Todoroki. Don't worry."

Todoroki looked up at him, his eyes glazed with worry. He regretted being so cold towards Midoryia during the sports festival. Midoryia helped him when he needed it, so now it was Todoroki's turn to help him. He stood to his feet.

"Come on, let's keep moving."

1115 Words

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