Lunch Time

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Izuku was already laying down in the recovery bed when Bakugo walked into the room. He had been making a point to walk as far beyond them as he possibly could. He looked at Izuku, scanning his body to see just how damaged he was. Maybe the gauntlet blast was a little over bored. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and sat down in one of the chairs that was pressed against the wall.

Recovery Girl was busy wrapping Izuku's burns when she finally noticed Bakugo. She turned to him with a stern look on her face. "What were you thinking doing that large of an attack at such close range? Especially in a exercise where you were only supposed to capture your opponent, not try to kill them!" She scolded Bakugo, leaving Izuku's side to walk over to him.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and looked down at the ground. He began to mutter to himself, "If the nerd would have just dodged completely then he wouldn't be in here-" Recovery Girl grabbed him by his ear and pulled on it hard to where his eyes were level with hers. "DAMN IT, YOU HAG THAT HURTS-" Recovery Girl pulled on his ear even harder. Bakugo growled, his ear feeling like she was about to yank it off.

"You listen now and you listen well young man", Recovery Girl warned, "If this is how you think a hero should act then you won't be in this course for long." She then released Bakugo and went back to Izuku. Bakugo rubbed his ear, glaring back at Recovery Girl even though she had already turned her back to him. He let out a sigh. Maybe she's right.

                        (One hour later)
The rest of the class just finished up with the rest of the training and were headed back to class. Many of them had slight injuries but nothing compared to Midoryia. They gossiped to each other about how brave he was to stand alone against Bakugo. Many more were talking about how feral Bakugo was. "I don't know, maybe he's just misunderstood or something" Kirishima pitched into the conversation. People just shrugged because in reality, it was just their first day, so who were they to decide who someone was right off the bat.

As they returned to the classroom, Izuku and Bakugo were already there waiting for them. Recovery girl had finished healing Izuku, though he still had some bandages wrapped around his burns and a black eye. Uraraka and Iida were the first ones to run up to him.

"Izuku are you okay? How's your eye?" Uraraka said, examining his bandages. Iida was right behind her along with Kaminaur, Mina, Todoroki, and some of the other students.

"I'm fine, really. It's just a black eye, it'll heal." Izuku reassured them.

"Well we're happy your okay dude. Things looked chaotic in there." Kaminari said, Mina and Momo agreeing with him. Iida then stepped between everyone and Izuku.

"NOW THAT WE KNOW MIDORYIA IS OKAY WE SHOULD ALL TAKE OUR SEATS IMMEDIATELY BEFORE OUR TEACHER ARRIVES!" He shouted, doing weird gestures with his arms. Uraraka laughed and sat down in her seat behind Izuku, while the others trudged to their seats. Kirishima sat down in a desk next to Bakugo. He looked over to him.

"Hey dude, are you okay too?" Kirishima said, looking at Bakugo. Bakugo gave him a look.

"I'm fine Shitty Hair."

"Shitty Hair? Our hair is almost the same style!"

"I don't care."

Kirishima looked at Bakugo before laughing. "You are one tough dude aren't you." Bakugo stared at him in confusion. "Glad you're okay." Kirishima then turned his attention back to the front of the class. Suddenly the bell started ringing and talking could be heard from the hallway. Aizawa popped up from behind the teacher stand, rubbing his eyes with a yawn.

Was he sleeping here the whole time?!

Aizawa stared at the class in confusion. "What the hell are y'all waiting for? Go to lunch already."

"THAT WAS THE LUNCH BELL?!" The class yelled before scrambling out the door quickly. Kaminari and Mineta were already in the front of the group, trying to merge with the hallway traffic. Izuku and Todoroki were in the back of the group, not seeing the point of pushing to get in front of everybody when they were all going to get to the same place either way.

Finally after a few minutes of shoving through the hallways, everyone was in the cafeteria eating. Izuku had just gotten his lunch tray when he turned around to see Iida and Uraraka wave him over. He smiled and walked over to them, sitting opposite of Iida. He noticed that Tsuyu was sitting with them and she was staring at him. She tilted her head. "How's your eye doing Midoryia ribbit?" She asked kindly.

"It's doing better. Recovery Girl says that the swelling should be gone by tomorrow. Thanks for asking Tsuyu." Izuku replied already shoveling food into his mouth.

"Just call me Su." The girl replied back.

"What's that Bakugo kid's problem with you?" Uraraka seemed really adamant to get a proper answer. Izuku swallowed the food in his mouth and sighed.

"Beats me. We used to be really close as kids but once I got my quirk, he just started bullying me. I think he likes to remind me about how lame my quirk is and how great his is." Izuku explained.

"What was that name he was calling you in the course again? Deku?" Uraraka pushed further. Iida began doing weird hand gestures again as he turned to her, "URARAKA STOP BEING SO NOSY IN MIDORYIA'S SOCIAL LIFE!" Uraraka puffed up her cheeks. "I'm just curious."

"It's fine Iida." Izuku said looking down at his hands. "He calls me Deku because it means stupid or in my case, worthless." Uraraka seemed to be processing his response. She then said "Well I think Deku's a cute name. A name of a hero!" She said, slamming her hands down on the table and standing up. Izuku smiled at this and chuckled. "You really think so?"

"Of course! You give a new meaning to the name!"

This made Izuku begin to blush heavily, causing him to hide his face in his hands. "W-well if y'all think that that name could be one that stands for a hero then you can call me that." He exclaimed. Uraraka squealed excitedly, repeating the word Deku to herself over and over again. "It really rolls of the tongue."

The group continued to eat the rest of the meals and talked about how their training went after Izuku had to leave. Uraraka used every chance she got to use Izuku's new name and Izuku kind of liked it. Deku. It had a nice ring to it. Maybe this school year will be good after all.

1150 Words

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