Gin's Last Stand

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3rd Person POV

"What the hell are you two doing in here?!" Aizawa yelled down to the duo through gritted teeth as he continued to wrangle the fox. He activated his quirk, causing Gin to revert back to human form.

"We couldn't just sit by while our friend was in danger!" Todoroki shouted back as Aizawa wrapped his scarf around Gin's arms as she struggled. Aizawa turned his attention for the first time to Midoryia. The boy looked terrible. He had dark circles under his eyes and blood was caked practically all over one side of his head while dried blood flaked certain spots on his arms and legs.

The sight of his young successor seemed to distract Aizawa as his eyes looked away from Gin for a mere moment. Gin noticed immediately and quickly used it to her advantage. Since Aizawa had looked away from her she was able to call upon her quirk again. She acted fast as she grew in size once more, shifting back into her beast form. Before Aizawa could react, Gin had a paw on his head and pushed him onto the ground, carefully making sure his face was down to ensure he couldn't use his quirk against her again.

He struggled against her grip, trying to wiggle himself loose but to no avail.

"Let him go!" Iida got into a ready stance as the engines in his calves revved loudly. Gin's eyes narrowed into almost slits as she growled at the duo.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I could crush him before you would even have a chance to reach me." She warned as she put more pressure into Aizawa's body causing him to groan.

"Iida, you need to get Midoryia out of here now." Todoroki stated scarily calm as he lowered into a fighting stance as well.

"You're not going anywhere with that kid." Gin snarled, baring her teeth. "I'll crush him right now if you move."

"D-Don't worry about me! Just go!" Aizawa tried to shout from underneath her, half of it coming out slightly muffled due to his face being against the ground.

"Iida just trust me. Make a break for it." Todoroki said once again, turning to his friend. Iida recognizes the look in his eyes, he had a plan.

Iida's engines revved up once again as he prepared himself to shoot forward.

"I said...don't fucking MOVE!" Gin screamed to them as she went to slam her paw down on the hero underneath her. Todoroki worked fast, shooting ice towards the giant fox. The ice slithered it's way across the ground before jutting up over Aizawa and coming to a sharp point above him. Gin didn't have time to stop herself as her paw became impaled by the ice shard causing her to howl in pain.

"Iida now!" Todoroki's commanded him. Iida wasted no time shooting past the fox and out the door, Midoryia remaining limp on his back.

"No!" Gin cried out preparing to run after them. Aizawa bolted his way out from under the ice and activated his quirk once again. Gin shrunk back down to her normal size.

"Give up Gin. It's over." Aizawa called out to her, his scarf ready in hand. A small smile spread across her face as she let out a small chuckle. The small chuckle turned a loud cackle as she turned to face them. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a gun that had been concealed underneath her shirt.

Todoroki froze as he saw the weapon emerge from behind her. There would be no way he could make a wall fast enough to stop a bullet.

"Drop it Gin." Aizawa warned her as his eyes locked onto the shiny metal exterior of the weapon. Fear was present in his voice but only barely as he composed himself and stood his ground.

How can he seem so calm right now? Todoroki thought to himself as he tried to do the same. However, the atmosphere in the room changed as she turned the gun towards herself.

"Gin just drop the gun and we can talk about this." Aizawa pleaded with her as she pressed it against her temple.

"W-Why should I? I'm on Shigaraki's shit list and that d-damn boy was my only way out. Once Shigaraki gets here and r-realizes I let him escape he's going to k-kill me anyways." Gin spat back, tears forming in her eyes even though she continued to smile.

"We could protect you under our custody." Todoroki chimed in quickly, feeling like he had to say something.

"But my life won't be the same. I'll be stuck behind bars and even if I get back out I won't have a job and I'll still have Tomura on my ass!" Gin then grew quiet. Her crazed smile turning softer. She looked over to Todoroki. "You're pretty good friend. I would have loved to have a friend like you. So can you do me a favor?" She said softly.

"What?" Todoroki replied back, uncertainty in his voice.

"Don't let Shigaraki win." Gunfire rang through the air after she finished her sentence. Her body fell to the ground in a pool of blood. Todoroki didn't know what to do, he couldn't move. He felt...frozen. His mouth stayed agape as he couldn't tear his sight away from the woman.

Aizawa rushed over to him and shielded him from the gruesome scene. "We need to go."

Todoroki numbly nodded his head as he followed Aizawa out the front doors. Torino and Ryo were just outside, about to run in when they spatted the two of them exiting.

"We heard a gunshot, is everyone alright?!" Torino asked, worry in his eyes as he tried to scan their faces.

"We're fine." Aizawa simply stated. Torino quickly picked up on what he meant and fell silent. "Where's Midoryia?"

"Him and Iida are with Best Jeanist in the front of the building. An ambulance is on its way." Torino replied. Aizawa nodded and turned his attention to Ryo.

"Please take Todoroki over to the others."

Ryo complied and led Todoroki away. Torino looked up at Aizawa.

"Things aren't over, are they?" He asked grimly. Aizawa shook his head.

"No, it's not. I don't know what Shigaraki's planning, but it's not good."

"If Shigaraki's after people with erasing quirks then that means he could be after you as well."

"I know."

"What do we do?"

Aizawa was silent for a moment. Millions of thoughts ran through his head. He looked up at Torino.

"We need to find him first."

1108 Words

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