The Warehouse

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Aizawa's POV
"Are you sure this is the place Ryo?"  I asked the canine hero. He lifted his snout from the ground and nodded.

"You're student is definitely in there."

We had been following Izuku's trail for hours now. Torino had to take a few breaks here and there but we had still made pretty decent time. The trail led us to the outskirts of the city. Go figure. We were outside of what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. It has officially been 24 hours since Izuku had been kidnapped and this was the only lead we had.

"Well what're we waiting for? Let's go inside and get him." I said, confused about why the other pros were just standing there.

"We don't know anything about his captor or how many villains there are in there. We need to send someone in to scope it out before we engage." Best Jeanist stated.

"I'll go." I volunteer myself as I turn to go towards the building, only to have Ryo step in front of me. Gran Torino stood next to him.

"Shota, you're not in the right mindset to go in there alone. You might make some decisions that could make the situation worse." Torino said to me. Irritation swept through my body.

"I'm professional enough to maintain my emotions, unlike you who can't even keep track of one student." I snapped back at him. Torino's eyes widened slightly at the comment and it made my heart churn. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I'm sure he already feels responsible for what happened, I shouldn't be rubbing it in more. I looked away from the old man and trudge past him towards the warehouse. "I'll alert you when I have a visual on Midoryia."

Todoroki's POV

The pros have been positioned outside of an old warehouse for a while now. "Do you think Midoryia's in there?"

Iida shrugged softly. "I'm not sure, but the pros seem pretty certain he is."

"Okay then let's go then." I say, standing up. Iida snatched my arm and pulled me back down.

"And do what? Even if we do help Midoryia the pros will get angry with us for interfering. Who knows, we might even make things worse."

"I don't care. Our friend's in trouble." I look down to the street to see what looked like Aizawa-sensei arguing with Ryo and Torino. "Now's our chance, let's go."

I pull free from Iida's grasp and make my way down the side of the building and to the street. I could hear Iida mumbling angrily behind me.

Iida's POV

You got to be fucking kidding me.

Midoryia's POV
Gin's been on the phone for a while now. I can't make out what she's saying but she seems frustrated. I hear her slam her flip phone shut as she sighed heavily.

"This is just fucking great." She said as footsteps approached me. I feel fingers run their way through my hair before grabbing onto it roughly, forcing my head to look up. "You really are a handful, aren't you?"

I grunt into my gag as a reply. She released my hair, causing my head to slump back down to my chest. My throat was dry from dehydration and my head was killing me.

"Shigaraki isn't going to be here for another few hours so it looks like I'm stuck with you for a little longer." I could hear fear in her voice. "At this rate, we'll be found before he even gets here."

I must be her first time kidnapping someone. She's way too on-edge. I listen to her pace back and forth around the room before the door shuts. My wrists were aching from the angle they were tied at as I tried to twist them free. No use. I try to use my telekinesis but my concussion was making everything a little harder than usual. I groan softly.

I really hope the others are okay.

•sorry for taking a while to update I decided to make a tiktok account for my drawing and I was working on an animatic. But I'm back now and I will update more frequently :)•

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