The Decision

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Izuku's POV

Chaos was erupting at school as I walked through the front gates. It was the day before the Sports Festival and it appeared that people were already picking fights with the opposing teams. I tried to not ease drop but I couldn't help but laugh at some of the conversations that were being exchanged. It was as if they're methods of firing each other up was to insult them enough to make their hatred "fuel their undying strength" as one kid put it that I passed. I shook my head with a smile as I finally made it into the front doors of the school.

I will never understand how some of these kids can be such morning people. I mumbled to myself as I took my seat at my desk. I was a couple of minutes earlier so not many people were here yet. A hand slammed down onto my desk. Except for Kacchan of course.

"Listen up Deku." He spat, his body practically shaking. "Don't think for a second that you even have a chance at winning this. It's obvious I'll be the champion tomorrow, and soon the whole school will see it too. So I'm just going to say this one time, and one time only. Stay the fuck out of my way."

I looked him up and down before letting out an annoyed sigh. "Isn't it a little earlier to be this intense Kacchan?" His eye began to twitch the moment I finished that sentence. Well I'm fucked. I tensed my body, preparing for impact as Kacchan raised his fist. The impact never come though as I watched Aizawa catch Kacchan's fist mid-swing. "You sure do have a lot of energy today, don't you?"

Kirishima came up behind him and patted up him on the back. "Yeah man, relax. We're all on the same team right now, the competition doesn't even start until tomorrow."

"Don't touch me Shitty Hair."

"We got the same hair dude." Kirishima walked passed him and to his seat. Kacchan turned to Aizawa who was still holding his fist.

"You can let go now." Aizawa gave him a look before releasing his hand and walking back to the teacher's stand. Kacchan rubbed his wrist before shouldering me on his way to his seat. Uraraka watched Kacchan pass us and then leaned forward, "Ohhh looks like things are beginning to heat up already."

I scoffed, "Yeah, tell me about it."

The majority of the day went by pretty fast. There was no training today so that way we wouldn't be sore for our competition tomorrow. We also weren't given any new material to study. The teachers were all just basically repeating the same thing. "Tomorrow will be the first day that other pros and agencies will see you, so make an impression." Yeah, no kidding.

For the past couple weeks I have been thinking about the Class 1-B group's offer. I had been hearing all around school about certain groups teaming up with each other for at least the first two rounds and then going their own ways the third round, and it seemed like a pretty good idea to me. It seemed to me like their group had good potential but I needed to figure a few more things out before I could make a final decision. I couldn't risk accidentally falling for a trick and getting sabotaged during the events tomorrow.

When lunchtime rolled around, it was no surprise that Tetsutetsu was waiting for me at the table where my group and I usually sat at. Iida leaned over to me, "Are you sure you trust them?" I had told Iida and the rest of my group about the alliance a couple of days ago. It just felt wrong to lie to them. They all were hesitant about allowing me to join them, considering the fact that they had grown extra protective of me since the USJ. I turned to Iida, "Not yet, but that's what I'm about to find out. I will be back soon."

Kendo was waving her hand frantically in the air, trying to get my attention. I looked over at her and she waved me over with a big grin. I could see Uraraka's face heat up out of the corner of my eye but I figured it was best if I didn't mention it. I walked up to Tetsutetsu who seemed a lot more relax than the first time I saw him. "Hey dude, if you haven't figured it out yet, Kendo wants to talk to you." He said with a laugh. He seemed like such a different person compared to the intense version of himself that I had encountered just a couple of weeks ago. I laughed with him as we walked over to their table. I took a seat next to him while Kendo and Monoma sat across from me. Monoma seemed a little less hostile today but still seemed stiff when I sat down.

"Soooo?" Kendo questioned me, excitement bubbling in her voice. "Have you decided on what you want to do?" I remained quiet for a moment before answering. "I do want to join your alliance, but I need to know a few things about all of you first."

"As you should." Kendo replied, nodding her head in agreement. "What do you want to know?"

"Well considering how bad you want me on your team, I'm assuming you already know about my quirk." They all nodded their heads. "We heard about it after the USJ fight." Monoma spoke up, sounding bored of the subject.

"Then I want to know what you guys can do."

Kendo's face flustered as she twiddle her hands. "Mine's a little embarrassing, Tetsu do you mind going first?" Tetsutetsu smiled, seeming to not mind getting a chance to show off. He presented his forearm to me before making it as hard as metal. "My quirk is called Steel!" He proudly stated, putting his arm on display. "It allows my entire body to harden and become as durable as steel."

I tilted my head. "Hey, you kinda have the same quirk as Kirishima." Tetsutetsu's face dropped before looking back at me.

"You're telling me that someone else at this school has the same quirk as me?" Tetsutetsu raised his voice as he spoke. I nodded my head slowly. Tetsutetsu stared at me for a second before smiling, "Guess that gives me even more of a reason to give it my all tomorrow."

I like this guy. Monoma was up next as he stood up and walked next to Tetsutetsu. I didn't like him as much though. Monoma approached Tetsutetsu, placing a hand on his arm. He then turned to me, demonstrating his quirk as he then was also able to turn his arm into steel. "Woah", I mumbled to myself. Monoma smirked and turned his hand back to normal, sitting back down in his chair. "My quirk is called Copy. I can copy any quirk that I come into contact with."

"That's actually really cool." I said, causing Monoma to smile at the compliment. "I know right."

We all then turned our attention to Kendo who was still twiddling her thumbs. She looked at all of us before sighing. "Oh alright." She put her hands up into the air. Nothing happened at first, making me a little confused until she actually activated her quirk. Her hands began to grow in size, almost to the size of her own body in fact. "Those aren't heavy to hold?" I asked her, watching as she kept them in the air. She shook her head, "Nope, not for me at least." She allowed one of her hands to follow on top of Monoma who was immediately flattened to his seat. He growled at her, throwing her hand off of him and mumbling something under his breathe. Tetsutetsu and I couldn't help laugh as Kendo shrunk her hands back to normal size.

These guys really do seem genuine, and besides if they try to pull anything funny I can always erase their quirks and go off on my own. Kendo watched me, as if she was trying to guess what I was thinking. I smiled at her before standing up. "Okay, I've come to my decision. I will join your alliance."

"Hell yeah dude!" Tetsutetsu said, hitting me on the back as he smiled. Kendo clapped excitedly as she bounced up and down on her seat. Monoma continued to sulk but did manage to mutter, "Welcome to the B team", loud enough for me to hear. I smiled happily at the group. "Alright, then I will see you guys tomorrow at the competition?"

Kendo nodded, "We'll have each others backs, you have my word."

I said my goodbyes before returning to Uraraka and the others. I had planned on teaming up with them as well, that way I could protect my friends during the competition as well. "Well?" Iida asked me, Uraraka and Tsuyu staring at me as too.

"I said yes. They're actions seem genuine, and besides I plan on being there for all of you as well." Tsuyu seemed to respect my decision and nodded, giving me a soft smile. "Well it's good to know that not all of Class 1-B hates us."

"I still don't trust that Kendo chick." Uraraka grumbled to herself. "That's just because she was flirting with Midoryia the entire time." Tsuyu stated. Uraraka raised her hands up in defense and started waving them frantically in the air. "What? No! That's not it at all! I just don't like the way she conducts business, that's all. She seems really sketchy."

Iida ignored the girl's conversation as he turned to me and started discussing game plans for tomorrow. "We have to make an impression!" He exclaimed raising up from his seat. I laughed softly at his enthusiasm. He was right though. Tomorrow would change everything.

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