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3rd Person POV


Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose as his students roared into chaos.

"Holy Shit, I have one!!" Uraraka was screaming shaking Midoryia's shoulders frantically, giving him a headache. He smiled, "Well you did do pretty amazing in the tournament."

Uraraka's cheeks turned a deep red as she quickly head her face. "Deku, you're too nice!"

Midoryia smiled softly before looking behind him to Bakugo. His desk looked like it was about to catch on fire as smoke rose from his hands.

"Woah man, you didn't get a single sponsorship." Kirishima stated, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I guess they were to scared to recruit the guy who had to be chained up at the end." Sero commented. Bakugo snapped his head towards him fast.


"Todoroki, you got a bunch too." Momo stated, looking over at him. Todoroki rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, "Most of them are probably due to my father."

"Midoryia, I'm surprised at how many you got..." Kaminari stated, looking at the board. Todoroki was in first with the most amount of sponsorships, followed by Tokoyami, placing Midoryia at third.

"Yeah, me too." Midoryia responded, rubbing the back of his neck. He had not expected to receive any in fact. He figured the side effects of his powers on his body would chase the agencies away.

Aizawa cleared his voice, obviously getting annoyed. "Don't worry if your name isn't up there. Everyone will be assigned to an agency. Those who's names are up there will need to pick one to intern at."

The bell rang for lunch and everybody quickly packed their bags and rushed to the door. Midoryia was about to step out when Aizawa grabbed his arm. "I need to talk to you."

"Oh okay, what's wrong?"

Aizawa waited for the rest of the students to leave before closing and locking the door. He turned to Midoryia. "You're not going to accept any of the offers that you received."

"W-what?! Why not?"

"Because, someone I know has just requested for you, and I think you'll get a lot more out of interning for him." Aizawa explained himself. Midoryia looked at him confused.

"Who is it?"

"His name is Gran Torino."

"I don't think I've heard of him before." Midoryia put his hand to his chin while he tried to recall the name.

"I doubt you have, he was a hero years ago but he's lesser known now. He was All Might's trainer-"

"He trained All Might?!" Midoryia cut him off, his eyes growing wide. Aizawa felt a smidge if jealousy at the enthusiasm of Midoryia's voice at the mention of All Might.

"Yes. He trained him back when he was still pretty young."

"Wait, but me and All Might have completely different quirks. How could he help me?" Midoryia tilted his head.

"You'll see once you get there. Trust me."

Midoryia nodded his head, trying to think of why Aizawa was so determined to have him intern there. "Now go enjoy you're lunch. We can talk more about this later." Aizawa said, opening the door. Midoryia thanked Aizawa before hurrying to the lunch room. Aizawa watched him leave before letting out a soft sigh.

"I really hope this is the right choice.."

558 Words

~sorry for the short chapter. this was more of a set up for the next couple~

Aizawa's Apprentice {Dadzawa}Where stories live. Discover now