Attack on USJ (Pt.1)

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The bell rang for class to start. The door began to close as Izuku quickly slid it just in time. Iida was towering over him within seconds. "MIDORYIA! YOU KNOW BEING LATE TO CLASS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" He screamed, his arm gestures almost hitting Izuku. Izuku yawned tiredly and waved him off.

"I'm sorry Iida I'll try to be more aware of the time tomorrow." Izuku said, sitting down in front of Uraraka.

"Good morning Deku!" She said, smiling happily. How can she have so much energy in the morning. Izuku rubbed his eyes and looked at her, smiling softly. "Good morning Uraraka."

Ever since inheriting Aizawa's quirk, Izuku's insomnia seemed to more than double in intensity. Since his quirk was based off brainwaves that meant they were mostly always activate and did not calm down enough to go into REM sleep at night. Now that he has another quirk based off those same brainwaves, going to bed is quite the challenge.

Aizawa walked into class, wearing his usual hero gear instead of a sleeping bag this time. "Good morning everyone. I hope y'all got enough sleep last night because today's training is gonna be pretty difficult", he announced to the class. Shit, Izuku muttered softly.

"Today we will be going to the USJ for rescue training."

Excited whispers filled the classroom. "What do you think we're gonna have to do? Save people from a burning building? Collapsed building? VILLAIN ATTACK?!" Kaminari named off different scenarios of what could possibly be in store for them. "Oh whatever, I highly doubt we will be saving anyone from a villain attack, even as practice. We haven't even been in this course for a month." Jiro said, twiddling with her ear jacks. Kaminari pouted, "It would still be cool though."

"Everybody needs to put on their hero costumes and head down to the bus. I will not hesitate to leave one of you." Aizawa said, staring down the class before making his exit. The class quickly changed before running after him. They assembled themselves onto the bus with the assistance of Iida's hand signals motioning for them to keep moving. Once everyone was seated, the bus took off.

"Ohhh this is gonna be sooo much fun!" Mina said, excitedly tapping her feet on the floor of the bus.

"I know right! I can't wait!" Hagakura squealed, though nobody realized it was her.

"I can't wait to use my quirk!" Kirishima said, making his hand turn into as hard and ridged as a rock. Aoyama posed dramatically, calling attention to himself.

"But of course nobody can keep their eyes off of my precious naval lasers!" He said with a gleam in his eye. Mina stifled a laugh. "Sure but it's not that cool if it gives your a bellyache whenever you use it sweetie." She teased, patting him on the shoulders.

"Ha! None of your quirks are as cool as mine. So I wouldn't even brag about your stupid powers." Bakugo said standing up and making a small explosion from the palm of his hand. Tsuyu looked at him and then put her finger to her face.

"Bakugo's power might be cool but he's always angry so I doubt he'll be that popular." Tsuyu said, not even looking in Bakugo's direction. Bakugo looked as if he had just been kicked in the gut. DID SHE REALLY SHE SAY THAT, Izuku was shocked by Tsuyu's bold behavior.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" Bakugo screamed, practically crawling over his seat. Kirishima had to jump in to hold him back. Tsuyu pointed her finger at Bakugo and looked at the others, "See what I mean?"

"Yeah man, we just met each other and it's obvious that you have the shittiest attitude out of anybody else here." Kaminari said, smugly sitting in his seat with his hands behind his head and has legs reclined. Bakugo turned his head so fast to Kaminari that Izuku thought he would accidentally snap his own neck.

"I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!" Bakugo lunged at Kaminari while Kirishima continued to hold onto him, struggling to get him back in his seat.
This is so much different from Junior High. The kids are teasing Bakugo now, Izuku was surprised by the role reversal.

"That's enough, we're almost there so settle down for the rest of the trip." Aizawa turned to the class, giving them a warning look. Izuku looked at Aizawa as the rest of the class went back to their small talk. Aizawa made eye contact with Izuku before motioning him over. Izuku made his way to the front of the bus and sat across for him.

"What's the matter?" Aizawa said looking at the bags under Izuku's eyes, "It looks like you haven't slept in days." Izuku was caught off guard by his straight forward approach but nodded his head.

"Ever since I've been using both of my powers, my insomnia has seemed to increased as well." Izuku said, twiddling his thumbs. Aizawa nodded his head as he listened to Izuku talk. He put his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"It will get easier, I promise. Remember I'm always hear if you need advice on how to better control your powers, okay? I am your mentor after all." Aizawa smiled at Izuku, causing Izuku to softly smile back. "I would also like to continue our training that we had done before your try-outs to get into UA. I know we had to stop in order to not draw attention from the other students but it's best if we get your body used to handling the intensity of your quirks."

"Yeah, I think that'll be a good idea. Also... did you happen to bring more Advil? It really helped the last couple times."

Aizawa chuckled and pulled out a small container from his shirt pocket, revealing the pills inside. "Just let me know when you need one." Izuku thanked him gratefully for remembering since he had forgotten to bring some himself. The bus then pulled to a stop in front of a huge colosseum. The students pressed against the windows to see the whole thing and awwed in excitement. The bus doors swung open and Aizawa escorted them into the building.

Izuku walked next to Uraraka and Iida, both of them excitedly talking about how big the building was. "YOU COULD FIT LIKE ONE THOUSAND OF MY HOUSES IN HERE!" Uraraka exclaimed as they walked through the front doors. The inside of the dome revealed many different set ups around the entire facility. Aizawa lead the group to another hero who had been waiting for them.

"Oh my gosh! You're Thirteen!" Momo fangirled as she noticed the hero. Thirteen waved to the class.

"That's right, I'm a pro-hero like Eraser Head. As most of you know, my quirk is black hole. It enables me to suck things up through the tip of my finger, no matter what it is." The pro explained as the class watched her in amazement. She then turned to Aizawa. "So is it just the two of us today?" Aizawa looked around as she said that before scratching his head.

"All Might was supposed to be here but I suppose he probably got caught up somewhere... like usual." Aizawa seemed annoyed as he said that.

"Hey, don't sweat it. We can handle these kids fine on our own." Thirteen said, turning her attention back to 1-A. She gestured to the set-ups behind her. "You will be separated into groups today during your exercise. Each simulation you see before you can imitate different things, such as: Tsunamis, Fires, Floods, Earthquakes, you name it."

Mina and some of the other classmates were basically shaking with excitement, with the exclusion being Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Bakugo, all of which seemed like they were bored out of their mind. Thirteen was then about to name groups when a purple portal opened in the middle of the colosseum.

"What is that?" Aizawa said, a frown forming on his face. The portal seemed empty at first as a couple seconds went by without anything happening until the first person came through. And then the next. Soon there were dozens of people coming out of the portal at once.

"Wait a minute, I recognize those guys! They're villains!" Thirteen said, positioning herself in front of the class.

"The league of villains to be exact." A loud voice said, coming from the portal. The voice belonged to a pale man with raggedy white hair. Disembodied hands were clenched to his body, including one in the center of his face, covering all of his features except for his piercing red eyes. He stepped completely through the portal before it closed behind him. "Now... where is All Might?"

1466 Words

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