Unexpected Visitor

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3rd Person POV

"Well, welcome to my house." Todoroki stated as he opened the front door to his home.

"Woah! You're house is so neat!" Midoryia replied as he stepped into through the front door.

"Yeah my sister likes to keep things organized." Todoroki said, rubbing the back of his neck as the others took their shoes off by the front door.

"Ohhh are those guest I hear?" A voice called out from one of the rooms.

"Who's here?" Iida asked, looking at Todoroki with confusion. A girl with white hair appeared in the doorway to one of the rooms, quickly approaching the group. She pushed up her glasses and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Shoto's older sister Fuyumi! You must be his friends he's always talking about!" She stated, excitedly shaking the duos hands.

"What's all the commotion?" Another voice came from a different room as an older boy walked out. He also had pure white hair. He turned to see the group and smiled.

"Aww did Shoto bring friends?!" He exclaimed as he walked over to them.

Todoroki sighed as he looked at them. He then turned to Iida and Midoryia. "Sorry I forgot to tell you about my siblings. You just met Fuyumi and my brother's name is Natsuo."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Midoryia chimed in smiling happily at the two older siblings.

"So what're you guys planning on doing?" Fuyumi asked tilting her head.

"We have midterms tomorrow so we need to study." Todoroki said in his usual monotone voice.

"Alright then we'll let you guys get to it. Come on Fuyumi." Natsuo said as he lead his sister away from the trio.

"You're siblings seem really nice Todoroki." Iida said, getting a shrug from Todoroki.

"Yeah, they're pretty cool. Come on, my room's over here."

After a good two hours of studying the group agreed to take a short break.

"I have a headache." Midoryia whined as he slumped down onto the floor.

"Yeah, this is a lot of material to go over." Iida agreed as he laid down next to him.

"Do you guys want anything to eat or drink? I can get you something from the kitchen." Todoroki asked them. He didn't even appear to be tired at all.

"Sure, I'll come with you." Midoryia said as he stood up. He looked at the clock on the wall.

9:00 p.m.

Aizawa had told Midoryia that he was picking him up around 10:00 so that meant he still had an hour of studying left to do.

Iida volunteered to stay in the room to finish looking at one of the sections while the duo left to find food. As they got into the hallway though, Fuyumi quickly came from around one of the corners and stopped them.

"Shoto, I wouldn't go in there right now."

Todoroki tilted his head. "And why's that?"

"I swear I didn't know he was going to be back this soon." She said as she looked back to the kitchen door.

"Shit, don't tell me-" Todoroki began to say before a figure appeared in the doorway. His eyebrows creased into a frown. Endeavor stood before them, his eyes going between Fuyumi to Midoryia and then landing on Todoroki.


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