Let Him Go

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3rd Person POV

Stain turned away from the unconscious green-haired boy as he looked towards the other two students in front of him. Todoroki was already in fighting mode, rushing towards him while Iida seemed to be frozen in his own thoughts.

"Let him go!" Todoroki yelled as he shot an ice pillar towards the villain. Stain twisted around the ice, barely missing its sharp edges. He pulled out a long blade from within his costume as he locked eyes with the boy.

"Maybe you should be more focused on yourself at the moment." Stain hissed as zoomed towards Todoroki. Todoroki breathed heavily as he attempted to dodge each of Stain's jabs.

"Iida!" He called out to his classmate who was still looking at the passed out Midoryia. Iida's eyes ripped away from his friend and looked to Todoroki. He seemed to have snapped out of his little trance and the engines on the back of his calves revved.

Iida shot towards the villain, lifting his leg as he prepared to bring it down on top of his opponent's back. Stain noticed the boy but it was too late as Iida's heel drove into his spine. Stain let out a loud grunt as he was shot down to the ground. Todoroki tried to freeze the ground beneath him but Stain was already back on his feet.

Stain jumped from one side of the alleyway to the other as he spun towards the duo. Iida growled softly as he lunged towards him again, his calves radiating an immense amount of heat. "Iida! Don't be careless!" Todoroki tried calling out to him as he watched Stain lift yet another blade towards the incoming student.

The blade lodged into Iida's hamstring, causing him to yell out in pain. Before Stain had a chance to pull the blade free, Todoroki had made a wall between the two, rushing to Iida's assistance. Iida winced as Todoroki pulled him away.

"I'm s-sorry. You guys are getting hurt because of me! If I hadn't been so stupid then none of this would have happened!" Iida sobbed as he watched Stain cut through the wall with ease. Todoroki could feel his nerves rising as he looked down at his friend.

"You can either keep dwelling on the what-ifs or you can stand up and fight. You are supposed to be the hero Ingenium, act like it." Todoroki's approach was not nearly as soft as Midoryia's but it seemed to have an equal impact on Iida. Iida wiped his tears away as he lifted himself up to his feet, groaning softly as the blade remained in his leg. He couldn't afford pulling it out because then Stain would have a chance at grabbing it and paralyzing him.

A low moan echoed from behind Stain, causing the group to look over towards Midoryia. His head was still laying limp in front of him but he was starting to gain some more movement. Stain cussed underneath his breath. He ignored the two kids in front of him as he hurried to Midoryia's side.

Before they had the chance to react, Stain had sunken a knife deep into Midoryia's shoulder, causing the boy to scream in pain. He was definitely awake now. Stain quickly licked the blood from the blade before turning back to the others. He hadn't noticed how fast his opponents were as they were already upon him. Iida's foot made contact with Stain's face, sending him flying into the opposite wall. Todoroki worked fast, using Iida's distraction to create an ice cocoon around the villain. Stain thrashed around as Todoroki approached him.

Todoroki's fist lifted up past his head before swiping down into Stain's nose. His nose produced a dreadful crunch as Stain's eyes snapped close as he fell into unconsciousness. His nose was beginning to bleed heavily, making red streaks form on the ice restraining him.

"Midoryia? Are you okay?" Iida asked, taking the blindfold off of the boy's eyes. Midoryia's eyes opened barely into a squint as he groaned. His shoulder wound had caused blood to stream down his arm and onto the ground next to him along with a couple cuts on his leg. Iida felt the back of Midoryia's head, his fingers running over a large bump that had formed from the collision with the wall. He definitely had a concussion.

Todoroki hurried to his friend's side, lifting him into his arms even though they had cuts of their own. The metal chain around Midoryia's arms were still in place since they were too tight to get off without assistance. "Todoroki, let me carry him. I've already put you through to much trouble." Iida insisted as Todoroki took his first step down the alleyway.

Todoroki rolled his eyes as he continued walking. "Did you forget you have a knife in your leg?" Iida blushed softly before looking down to notice that he still indeed had a knife lodged in his leg. They had only managed to make it a couple feet before a small object shot towards them. They prepared themselves for a fight but then the object stopped in front of them. Gran Torino stood before them, a worried look in his eyes as his gaze landed on Midoryia.

"What the hell happened here?!" The old man asked as he examined the boy's wounds.

Iida quickly stepped forward, moving his arms frantically in front of him. "Everything that happened here was my fault. They just stepped in to save me!"

Gran Torino looked at him in confusion, "Save you? Save you from wha-" He fell silent as he noticed the chaotic scene behind them. The alleyway was scorched with burn marks and had chunks of ice everywhere. The bricks in some of the walls on the sides of the alleyway were broken or caved in. Gran Torino was mostly interested in the ice structure against one of the walls that contained a certain man.

"The Hero Killer? You kids captured the hero killer?" Gran Torino asked, his mouth agape. Todoroki nodded his head softly, being sure not to move Midoryia too much. Shouting echoed from the end of the alleyway, signifying the arrival of the other pros.

"You three need to get Midoryia to the hospital right now. Nobody can know about what you did." The old man warned as the shouting grew louder.

"What? But we were the ones to capture him!" Todoroki replied back , obviously flustered. Iida put a hand on his shoulder.

"But we don't have our license yet. If people found out we were the ones who trapped Stain then all of us and our instructors could get in trouble." Iida stated. Todoroki scoffed as he looked at the ground.

"My dad knows I was here though. I was the one who told him to send the other pros"

"I'll tell Endeavor and the other heroes that Stain had paralyzed you before any real damage could be done and that the rest of the debris was present before you arrived." Gran Torino said, his eyes locking onto Midoryia's body. The boy still couldn't move and the chains seemed to be cutting off the blood circulation to his hands. He sighed heavily, "Now get out of here. I'll alert them that you already escaped and seeked medical attention."

Todoroki didn't like the alibi that Gran Torino had come up with but it was the best one they had even though it would make him sound weak in front of his father. Todoroki looked up from the ground, "Fine. We'll get out of here."

The group quickly hurried down the other end of the alleyway, turning the corner just as the pros had come into view. Gran Torino was swarmed by the heroes, all of them asking him questions about what had happened. The closest hospital was about four blocks away so it was going to be a long walk. However, Todoroki couldn't get one thing out of his head. He looked up at Iida who was walking next to him before asking,

"What could Shigaraki want with Midoryia?"

1338 Words

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