The Competition Begins

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3rd Person POV
Crowds poured into the huge stadium, people pushing and shoving each other just to get through the front gates. The Sports Festival always drew in big crowds but this year broke records after agencies heard of the 1st year class that took on the League of Villains. Everybody wanted to see the group of students for themselves. Even pros like Mount Lady or Kamui Woods were making appearances.

  The contestants were getting ready in their locker rooms before the event started. Everyone was on edge as the time continued to count down before they needed to be ready to go out onto the field.

Izuku's POV

  "I'm so nervous!" Uraraka was making last minute adjustments to her hero costume, freaking about every little imperfection. "What if I mess? What if I ruin my chances to become a hero forever? What if the pros think my quirk is lame?!"

  Uraraka slumped against the wall, pulling her legs up to her chest and putting her head down. I walked over to her and knelt down beside her. "You're going to be perfect Uraraka. How could anyone not like you?"

  My words caused her cheeks to turn a bright red before she jumped up really fast. "Deku! You flatter me too much!" She quickly ran off to fix her hair for the tenth time.

  "Glad I could make you feel better?" I called after her. I sighed and finished putting on the rest of my costume. I clipped my capture belt into place and set my goggles on the top of my hairline.


  I turned around to see Todoroki walking towards me, his face showing practically no emotion. I've never really talked to him before except for brief moments during training, so I was confused about what he wanted. "Yes Todoroki?"

  He was taller than me so when he stopped in front of me he was practically towering over me. "I just wanted to let you know that I don't plan on holding back against you today."

  I looked at him in confusion. He's words caught the attention of the rest of the class and all eyes were on us. "Uh okay?"

  Todoroki took another step forward, causing me to have to back up to prevent us from colliding with each other. "I've noticed how Aizawa favors you. It's not much of a secret that he's been helping you out, probably because of how alike your powers are." I didn't say anything, but even if I did have something to say back, Todoroki was already talking again.

  "It's no secret I'm stronger than you. You can't control your quirk well, so you will be an easy target during the competition." Todoroki has no emotion when he spoke, he's eyes piercing through mine. What the hell did I do to piss him off so bad?

  "So what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him, holding my ground. The room was filled with tension as everyone continued to watch our conversation play out. Todoroki's eyes narrowed.

  "It means, watch your back, because I don't plan on leaving here without winning."

  "Hey come on man, it's just a game. No need to be declaring war against anyone." Kaminari went to put his hand on Todoroki's shoulder but he was quickly brushed off. Todoroki turned to face him.

  "I didn't come here to make friends." And with that, Todoroki left the room, everyone watching him as he closed the door behind him.

  "Well at least someone else understands the intensity of this damn competition." Kacchan announced standing up before leaving the room as well. Uraraka walked over to me, touching my forearm. "Are you okay Deku?"

  I gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks Uraraka." As if I was going to let some prick throw off my focus. The remainder of the class spent the rest of our time in the locker room in silence, nobody knowing what to say. It was a relief to hear the horn blow, signaling for the competitors to began making their way to the field. I sighed, mentally preparing myself. Aizawa had been training me outside of classes to try to increase my quirk's limit capacity. I wasn't getting as many headaches anymore and the headaches I did get were mild. That didn't mean that I couldn't accidentally go pass my limit again though and accidentally relapse, so I had to be careful.

  "Come on Midoryia, we're going to be late." Iida called after me as the rest of the class exited the locker room. I cleared my head and followed him outside.

All the students from each of the first year classes walked out into the open field of the stadium. "I don't realize there were so many first years." Uraraka said, her nerves obviously returning. "You're going to do great." I smile at her. This gave her some reassurance and she seemed to calm down a little as we all lined up in front of a giant podium.

"Welcome to the field, the rated-R hero, Midnight!" Present Mic screamed through the loud speakers. Midnight approached the stage, waving to the crowd. "Some one should really talk to Ms. Midnight about her outfit." Kirishima said, blushing while trying to avoiding looking at her directly. "Honestly, it doesn't seem very appropriate for a high school event." Kaminari pitched in, except he didn't bothering looking away.

"Don't you dare say a word." Mineta said, seeming to analyze every part of Midnight's body. The class stared at him with a disgusted look before turning back to Midnight as she began to speak.

"Welcome to the UA Sports Festival everyone! Here's how this is going to work. There will be three rounds but each competitor is going to have to give it their all in order to advance to each round! Before I begin talking about the first round, I would like to have the top student from Class 1-A come to the podium and say a few words. Give a round of applause for Katsuki Bakugo!"

Kacchan rolled his eyes and walked up to the stage where Midnight handed him a microphone. Kacchan looked at the microphone, turning it around in his hand before speaking. "I just wanted to say that I'm going to win."


Chaos erupted as the other classes began to yell insults at not only Kacchan but also at the rest of Class 1-A as well. "Great, now not only does Class 1-B hate us, but the rest of the first years do too!" Kaminari shook his head.

Kacchan turned around to face the other classes before yelling, "It's not my fault you are all just stepping stones to my success."

"BAKUGO SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY, DO YOU WANT TO MAKE ENEMIES WITH EVERYONE HERE?!" Mina screamed at him, the rest of the class basically thinking the same thing.

"Thank you Bakugo, why don't you join your class now." Midnight nervously shoo'd Kacchan off of the stage. He shrugged and walked back over to the class. Midnight sighed before beginning to explain the first round. There was a big opening in the wall of the stadium, revealing an obstacle course. "For the first round, competitors will have to get through the obstacle course. Quirks are of course allowed, just try not to kill anyone. Not everyone will be moving onto the next round so try to be the first one through the gates at the end of the course!"

An obstacle course? Should be easy enough. All the students approached the gate and got into ready position. I looked around, seeing a variety of emotions sketched on everyone's faces. Some were nervous, some serious, and some were laughing as if they weren't worried.

I turned my attention back to the gate. I have to make an impression.

"Alright competitors! Get mark...Get set...GO!"

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