Breaking Through

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As each group went through their finals, Midoryia grew more and more nervous. He knew Bakugo's attitude had lightened up slightly towards him but there was no way in hell he would willingly work with him without putting up a fight first.

As Uraraka's group finished up, the speaker in the waiting room chimed up.

"Bakugo and Midoryia are next up. Please report to your arena."

Midoryia could feel chills running down his body as he stood up. He hadn't gotten much sleep these past couple weeks so his limit would be shorter today. That meant he had to be wise with when he used it.

Bakugo was already a few yards in front of him as they entered the arena. "Oi, Kacchan! I have an idea-"

"I don't give a shit about what your useless ass has to say Deku. Just because I showed you sympathy doesn't make us friends." Bakugo interrupted him quickly, not bothering to turn around.

"I never said it did. Just hear me out-"

"Fuck off Deku, I can win this all by myself!" Bakugo retorted.

"That's not the point of this exam Kacchan! This is a team exercise! We have to do this together!" Midoryia finally yelled back. Bakugo rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Suddenly a horn blew from within the arena signifying the start of the exam. Before Midoryia could get in another word, Bakugo had already propelled himself forward and over the rooftops.

"Damn it Kacchan." Midoryia grumbled, spurring after him.

He had a plan in his head but if Bakugo wasn't willing to listen then it would never work. His only chance was to get to the gate and escape the arena. Trying to capture Aizawa was futile without Bakugo's assistance.

Midoryia split off from Bakugo's path and shot towards the houses present in the arena. As Bakugo continued to blast down the street, Midoryia took to the alleyways.

"Aizawa will definitely be drawn to Kacchan's explosions so my best bet of winning would be to get to the gate while he's distracted." Midoryia mumbled to himself as he continued to sprint.

Suddenly, a zipping noise filled the air and Midoryia immediately knew what it was. He quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding Aizawa's scarf as it collided with the side of one of the buildings. 

He didn't go after Kacchan?!

"Izuku, what're you doing? It's not like you to separate from your classmates. Especially not during team assignments." Aizawa stated as he shot through the air.

He has the high ground. I need to climb up or lose him.

Midoryia dodged quickly behind one of the buildings to his left, shooting through the alleyway before taking a sharp right.  The whizzing of Aizawa's scarf followed him around every turn.

He didn't answer my question. He's trying to lose me. Aizawa thought to himself.

As Aizawa prepared to grab onto Midoryia again, the greenette spun around quickly his eyes landing on Aizawa's body.

Oh no you don't. Aizawa quickly activated his quirk before Midoryia could have a chance to do the same. Midoryia cursed himself as he realized he had also brought himself back to the open street. Still no sign of Bakugo. Maybe he already escaped.

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