Lando Norris - In His Arms

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Requested by; Anon

Request: Hello, I hope you are well and safe 💕 I was wondering if I could request something with Lando Norris or George Russell. Something fluffy bassed of the lyrics ' All I want is your head on my chest, touching feet' from 11 minutes away by Halsey and YungBlud. It's totally fine if not and I know its vague but the thought of being in someone's arms right now is very comforting 😅. Thank you.

A/N: So I chose Lando, I hope you don't mind that, and I tried to make it as fluffy as possible (I suck at fluff) I researched how to do fluff, and I tried to make long, unfortunately it's not as longed as I hoped. But I hope you like it!

Word Count: 410.

Warnings: I think just pure fluff (If this can be called fluff)

(Y/n) had tried her hardest to stay awake and wait for Lando to finish his stream, but she had been so tired she had started falling asleep on the soft bed pulling the comforter closer to her as the bed felt empty and cold without Lando, she hadn'...

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(Y/n) had tried her hardest to stay awake and wait for Lando to finish his stream, but she had been so tired she had started falling asleep on the soft bed pulling the comforter closer to her as the bed felt empty and cold without Lando, she hadn't heard him enter the bedroom when he did at midnight, she had barely felt him as he crawled underneath the covers moving closer to her, he softly wraps his arm around her trying not to wake her.

"Hey." (Y/n) says, her voice soft and sleepy.

"Hey, did I wake you?" Lando asks, that was the last thing he had wanted to do, she had seemed tired when she told him she was going to get ready for bed, and if he did wake her, he felt guilty about it.

"No, no." (Y/n) softly says. "I was waiting for you." she lets out a yawn tiredly covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "Sorry." She mumbles. "How was your stream?" As much as she wanted to sleep rather than talk about his stream right now, she wanted him to know that she cared, that she wanted him to share his joys with her.

"Hm." Lando hums thinking back to the stream. "It was all right." (Y/n) softly nods her head, if her hair didn't tickle his nose he wouldn't have realized she had nodded. "Sorry it went on for so long." (Y/n) turns around in his arms to face him, she lazily looks up at him giving him a faint smile.

"It's okay." (Y/n) says. "Did you enjoy it?" Lando pulls her closer to him.

"I did." Lando says, The warmth from his body made her move closer into his body, she lifts her head from the pillow and lays her head down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, their legs entangle as they move into a more comfortable position. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow, you seem tired."

"Hm." (Y/n) hums. "Are you sure?" The smell of his scent calming her mind, his arms around her making her feel safe and at home.

"You're tired, I'd rather tell you about it when you're more awake," Lando says.

"All right." (Y/n) whispers.

"Goodnight." Lando softly says, his lips brush against her forehead.

"G'night." The sound of his heartbeat and breathing made (Y/n) fall asleep faster, Lando listened to her breathing as it became calm before drifting off to sleep herself.

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