[S] "I Like It When You Say My Name Like That." - Lewis Hamilton

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Requested by: Anon

Request: B13, B33 with Lewis. Maybe Lewis is your ex and you met someone else

Prompts: B13*- "I want to taste you." & B33*- "I like it when you say my name like that."

Warnings: Mention of cheating, Cheater!(Y/n), nudeness, nipple playing, clit stimulation, fingering, female receiving oral.

Word Count: 2.1K

(Y/n) and Lewis had broken up months before due to their schedules colliding with each other and they barely had time to see each other, during the time apart (Y/n) had met somebody else, it wasn't as nice but they were at least seeing each other ...

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(Y/n) and Lewis had broken up months before due to their schedules colliding with each other and they barely had time to see each other, during the time apart (Y/n) had met somebody else, it wasn't as nice but they were at least seeing each other and spending some quality time with one another, as (Y/n) was cleaning her apartment her phone vibrates, signalling she had a message, she picks it up and saw a message from Lewis.

Lewis: Hey, I found one of your sweaters, if you maybe want to have it back?

(Y/n): I'll come by later today, thank you for letting me know.

She locks her phone and let's out a soft sigh, she still had strong and deep feelings for him, but the break up was mutual after it had become cleat that they hadn't been spending much time with each other, she knew what she signed up for when she started to date him, but at the end of the day, she couldn't help but feel a little for affections, which in the end caused the break up, it took months before she went out and found somebody else, but old feelings quickly resurfaced and the only thing she could do was push them aside, deciding that she should go fetch her sweater before it got too late she left her apartment and made her way to his penthouse, in no time she arrived at his penthouse and made her way up to his floor, she steps out the elevator and made her way to his door before softly knocking on the door and waited for him to answer, it didn't take long before she heard the door being unlocked before it opened to reveal Lewis in just a pair of basketball shorts, his skin coated his skin indicating that he had been working out.

"Hey, come on in." Lewis softly says as he steps aside to allow her to enter.

"Hi." (Y/n) softly says as she steps into his penthouse, he closes the door behind her. "Was I interrupting a workout session?"

"Nah, I just finished a minute ago," Lewis says, she nods her head and clasped her hands in front of her.

"Uh, my uh sweater?" (Y/n) says as she scratched at the skin on her fingers, she felt nervous in his presence.

"Right, of course, this way," Lewis says and leads her through his penthouse towards his bedroom, nothing had changed since she had last been there. "How have you been?" They hadn't spoken much since they had separated.

"Eh, I've been okay, and you, how have you been?" (Y/n) asks as she kept her gaze on the floor.

"As good as it can be without you," Lewis says, she nods her head unsure how to respond to him. "Have you been seeing somebody else?" she took in a deep breath.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now