"I COULDN'T SAVE THEM!" - Callum Ilott

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Requested By: loontje2006

Request: Hi, can I have 80 or 147 and 162 with Callum pls? Thank you xx♡

Prompts: A80- "I Couldn't Save Them! I Couldn't Save Them!" & A147- "So The Baby, It's Yours?" & A162- "I Will Move The Sea And The Sky To Ensure Their/his/her/your Safety."

A/N: I used all of them, and I am so sorry, there isn't a happy ending, and let me tell you, I might have had a headache while planning this, but I made myself almost tear up in the end, oh and this kinda became an AU, I hope you don't mind, and I think I got the medical facts right, I googled and read a book, but if it's not... sorry.


Word Count: 2.1K

In the world of hitmen and assassins, you have to keep your private life hidden that way your enemies won't have anything to use against you, but it was your choice

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In the world of hitmen and assassins, you have to keep your private life hidden that way your enemies won't have anything to use against you, but it was your choice... a lesson Callum had learned the hard way, he was still young but he was a brilliant hitman, and when he met (Y/n) her child he wanted out of the business, he wanted to be sure that their lives would never be in danger, but he was given one final task, a final task that ending up taking (Y/n) and her child from his grasp.

Callum's unblinking mournful eyes stared ahead of him, he was numb, his mind replayed the scene over and over, trying to see or figure out if he would have ever been on time to save them, it took days before it finally sunk in, he would have never been on time, her child would still be dead and she would still not have survived, he picked up a glass of water and took a sip, he wanted to stay sober, he didn't want to become drunk and numb his mind, he wanted to remember her, he could still remember the first day they met, the day he was given his last assignment and the last day he saw them.

Callum enters the toy store, his friend had sent him to come and buy a toy for his child because he was too busy with some paperwork, he was given a picture of how the toy looked like and was sent on his way, as he walks past the aisles looking for down them hoping that he would spot the toy, but instead, he saw a woman with a small child next to her.

"Is it that the one you want?" (Y/n) asks, Callum could see the playful smile on her lips as she looked down at the kid.

"Yes." The kid beamed up at the woman.

"All right, but are you sure?" (Y/n) asks, the child giggles nodding his head.

"Yes, I am," Damien says, Callum walks down the isle going towards them, (Y/n) quickly noticed him approaching them, being unsure of his intentions she pulled Damien closer to her.

"Oh, no, no, I'm not going to..." Callum trails off, (Y/n) nods her head, still unsure if she should trust him or not. "I, uh, I'm looking for a toy."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now