"This Is Hard For Me Too." - Sebastian Vettel

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Requested by: anon

Request: Hi! Can you do A117 A57 B23 with seb and a girl he's having an affair with? Thank you 🥰

Prompts: A57- "This is hard for me too.." A117- "I'm just tired of this. I'm tired of it all." & B23*- "Take me now."

A/N: Hello, so uh while writing this, I didn't feel very comfortable with the plot, but I tried my best.

Warnings: Mention of cheating, Cheater!Sebastian, touching, angst.

Word Count: 788

As they lie in bed together during the early morning just staring at each other, Sebastian runs his fingers through her hair as he pushed them behind her ear, she sucks in a deep breath as a soft smile formed on her lips, she stared at him with lu...

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As they lie in bed together during the early morning just staring at each other, Sebastian runs his fingers through her hair as he pushed them behind her ear, she sucks in a deep breath as a soft smile formed on her lips, she stared at him with lust-filled eyes.

"Take me now." (Y/n) whispers, he moves closer to her and softly brushed his lips against hers before climbing on top of her, his hands moving down her sides before twisting the fabric from her shirt between his fingers as he inched it upwards, he slips his hands underneath her shirt and moved them upwards, the air surrounding them quickly became thick from the heated kiss, Sebastian's phone dings on the nightstand, he reaches for it before breaking the kiss to look at the name, Hanna's name flashed across the screen causing Sebastian to quickly climb off from (Y/n), she lets out a sigh as she immediately knew who it was and guilt started forming in the pit of her stomach, she hated being the girl Sebastian was seeing behind his wife's back, but she never meant for it to happen, she tried her best to keep her distance when they first saw each other, but somehow they started talking and talking lead to nights out and finally ending with them sleeping with each other and entering a secret relationship, the guilt ate away at her, but she couldn't stop, Sebastian was like an addiction to her, he was her drug of choice and she loved getting high on him, but it needed to stop, she needed to put an end to what they were doing, she sits up on the bed and moves her legs off the side of the bed and sat on the edge as her thoughts filled with guilt.

"All right, I'm all yours," Sebastian says as he moves across the bed and took a seat behind her, his legs on either side of her as he placed his hands on her shoulders and softly kissed the back of her neck, she almost sinks into his sensual touching but quickly snapped out of it.

"No, no, no." (Y/n) says as she quickly stood from the bed and turned to face him. "We can't... we shouldn't."

"What are you trying to say, (Y/n)?" Sebastian asks as he moves to the edge of the bed.

"This is too hard for me, I can't... we can't, Seb." (Y/n) says, Sebastian quickly stood from the and moved closer to her, she lifts her hands, stopping in his step.

"This is hard for me too, (Y/n)," Sebastian says as she lowered her hands down to her side. "How do you think I feel when I have to return home, I have to look my wife in her eyes and lie to her." (Y/n) wraps her arms around herself as she felt a lump forming in her throat.

"We need to stop, Sebastian." (Y/n) says. "This isn't fair, not to Hannah, she doesn't deserve this." The guilt was just eating away at her conscious, she knew she deserved somebody that would her and her alone, not somebody that was married and kept her in the dark. "If you had to choose, who would you choose?" Sebastian's hand moved to his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Are you being serious right now?" Sebastian asks, she already knew the answer to her question, but she needed to hear him say the words.

"Say it, because I'm tired, Seb, I'm just tired of this, I'm tired of it all!" (Y/n) says. "Just answer my question." Sebastian lets out a sigh as he saw tears forming in her eyes.

"I'd choose her," Sebastian says. "It's always going to be her, (Y/n)..." (Y/n) nods her head as her heart clenched in pain, his words hurting her more than she expected.

"This needs to end, Sebastian." (Y/n) says. "Today." Sebastian steps closer to her, closing the space between them.

"Then say the words," Sebastian says, he placed his thumb and index finger underneath her chin and lifted her head up to look at him. "Look me in my eyes and say the words." (Y/n)'s eyes found his, it needed to end, he might've been addicting, but at some point, she would have to quit and it needed to stop, it wasn't fair on anyone in the relationship, she swallowed the growing lump. "Just say the words and this will end."

"We're over." (Y/n) whispers before pushing him away from her. "I want you to take everything, and get out, and never come back." Sebastian nods his head. "I don't ever want to see you again, I don't want you in my life anymore."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now