Daniel Ricciardo - Angelic - Angel!AU

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Requested by: DannyRicFan06

Request: if you can could you do this with Daniel. But Daniels the angel?

AU Prompt: D6- Angel x Human AU - You've been my best friend for years and I'm completely in love with you, but you just walked in while I was stretching my wings and you're probably freaking out, and I probably just ruined- wait, why are you looking at my wings like that? Why are you coming closer and why are you touching them- oh my gosh, that feels amazing, don't stop whatever it is you're doing.

A/N: Originally I wasn't going to write over the weekend due to my cat being at the vet throughout the weekend, he came home Sunday, but I decided to write Sunday afternoon before the race, just didn't publish it, so I am sorry you had to wait a little longer.

Warnings: Besides for it being a little short, maybe not to your liking, no warning.

Word Count: 1K

(Y/n) and Daniel have been friends for years, they bumped into each other while searching for a specific item at the grocery store and instantly clicked, as the years passed by Daniel developed a crush on her but never acted on it, and recently (Y...

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(Y/n) and Daniel have been friends for years, they bumped into each other while searching for a specific item at the grocery store and instantly clicked, as the years passed by Daniel developed a crush on her but never acted on it, and recently (Y/n) needed a place to stay just for a couple of months after she'd been evicted from her place due to the rent being too high, Daniel didn't hesitate to offer her the extra bedroom in his apartment, he cleared theorem from all the junk and boxes he had pushed into the room, but as the day approached when she would move in with him, he quickly realized that he wouldn't have is privacy anymore, he wouldn't be able to stretch his wings when he wanted, something he would just have to adjust to because he didn't want to tell her that she couldn't move in with him anymore, that he needed his privacy to stretch his wings.

That was the one secret he kept from (Y/n), they usually shared everything with each other, but he couldn't just tell her that he was an Angel, it was something he would have to adjust to, he wasn't about to tell her that she couldn't move in with him anymore just because he remembered that he had wings that needed to be stretched, or they would cramp up, he would just have to figure it out and deal with it.

A week after she had moved in with him, he quickly learned her sleeping pattern, he had learned that she would go to bed late and sleep in, some night she had to work nightshift at her job, usually, when she would leave for her shift he would take the opportunely to stretch his wings, and the nights she didn't go to work, he would stretch them in the early mornings, as the sun would start to rise.

That morning was just like any other mornings, she had come in from her nightshift an hour before and went straight to bed, as he walked pasted the bedroom door he could hear her light snoring, he quietly passed the for going to the spacious sitting room in his apartment, it was more of a penthouse than an apartment, but he preferred to call it an apartment, he would have an hour and a half before she would wake up and leave her room to eat breakfast before going to take a shower, the sunlights rays, golden and strong, lit up the sitting room, he steps into the warmth.

"Mhm." Daniel hums feeling the sun almost lighting up his skin, he loved the feeling of the early morning sun on his skin, his wings pop out and extend behind him as he stretches them in the sun, the knots in his muscles coming loose as he stretched them in the warmth, the freeing feeling of having them extended, that one hour and a half when he didn't have to hide them from the person he was in love with, his eyes were focusing on the outside world, watching as the sun lit up the trees and flowers, the birds chirping outside, he became lost in the beauty of it, that he failed to hear (Y/n) opening her bedroom door, she slowly enters the sitting room with her hand over her forehead, she opens her mouth but stops herself when she saw Daniel standing in the sunlight with wings.

"Ahem." (Y/n) cleared her throat, Daniel turns around to face her, his eyes were wide in shock and his mouth was slightly open, he failed to see that she was looking a bit red in the face from a headache, instead, he thought it was because she was shocked.

"(Y/n)," Daniel says. "You're awake, I didn't hear you." (Y/n)'s eyes move with his wings, watching them, almost mesmerized by them. "I'm sorry, I thought you were still sleeping, I can explain, I mean, you're probably freaking out right now, but I can explain." His eyes found hers and saw that she was staring at her wings. "I Uhm, why are you, hum, staring at my wings like that?" Without saying a word she slowly moved closer to him. "Why are you coming closer?" He wasn't sure what was running through her mind, but he thought that she would be freaking out, she should be freaking out, why wasn't she freaking out? He thought to himself as she stops in front of him, she carefully reaches out to touch his wings, her hand grazes overs wings, causing them to slightly flutter, to her they felt soft almost like a baby kitten's fur, Daniel watched as she strokes his wing.

"Soft." (Y/n) mumbles, Daniel still felt unsure but the way she touched them felt amazing, he lets out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Why are you touching them? I, uh, mean don't stop, it feels amazing." Daniel says, (Y/n) looks away from his wings and stares up at him.

"You are an absolute asshole." (Y/n) softly says, her voice sound hoarse, Daniel could feel his heart clench in pain at her words, and she saw the pain in his eyes. "I can't believe you kept this from me, do you know how many cod nights I've suffered through?"

"I uh, I'm sorry?" Daniel questioned more, he wasn't expecting that, he was expecting her to go off on him, completely freak out. "It's not really something that, um, comes up during a conversation."

"Mhm, well, you could've started one." (Y/n) says. "But it's fine, you'll make it up to me over time."

"Wait..." Daniel says. "You're not... freaked out?" (Y/n) softly chuckles.

"Somehow, I always knew that you were an angel." (Y/n) says.

"But... why's your face red? Are you angry?" Daniel asked, he didn't want her to be angry, not at him.

"I have a migraine, I came to get a migraine kit." (Y/n) says, Daniel carefully reaches out to feel her forehead, feeling how warm it is.

"Let me, you go back to bed and I'll bring it to you," Daniel says.

"See, that's how I knew you were an angel, I should've just realized that you really are one."

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