[S] "All Mine." - Sebastian Vettel

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Hi! Can you do B22 and B29 with Seb ? 💖

Prompts: B22* - "Fuck me like you mean it." & B29* - "All Mine."

A/N: hope you enjoyed it.

Word Count: 2.1K

Warnings: Possessive Seb, Jealous Seb, bondage, reader being tied up, reader being teased, fingers, unprotected sex (use protection), slight choking.

Sebastian was fuming as he drove himself and (Y/n) home after their date night, she had worn a stunning dress showing off every inch of her curves, he didn't mind it at first until he caught other men staring at her in the restaurant, practically ...

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Sebastian was fuming as he drove himself and (Y/n) home after their date night, she had worn a stunning dress showing off every inch of her curves, he didn't mind it at first until he caught other men staring at her in the restaurant, practically undressing her with their eye, after dessert he quickly paid and lead them outside to his car, they weren't far from their house and (Y/n) could see his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel.

"Seb?" (Y/n) softly says, she could see him glaring at the road ahead, she had no idea why he was angry.

"Did you enjoy tonight?" Sebastian asks, she could hear the anger in his voice as he tried to hide it, but failed.

"I did, yes, thank you." (Y/n) says.

"Did you enjoy having everyone's eyes on you?" Sebastian asks, she hadn't even noticed people staring at her.

"I uh-" She begins, but was quickly cut off.

"Because I didn't," Sebastian says, she quickly realized that he was more jealous than angry. "I saw how they all undressed you with their eyes." They approach the house and Sebastian pulls into the garage, the engine shuts off, and he removes the keys from the ignition. "Go wait for me in the bedroom." (Y/n) could feel herself become wet knowing what was coming, he was going to have his way with her, he was going to remind her who she belonged to.

"Any special requests?" (Y/n) asks, her voice sounding soft as she tried to hide the excitement.

"You better be naked and on the bed when I enter that room," Sebastian says, (Y/n) climbs out of the car quickly making her way into the house, she discarded her shoes at the bottom of the stairs before dashing up to their bedroom, she reaches behind her for the zipper as she heard the door connected to the garage slam shut, she took hold of the zipper struggling to pull it down, if she wouldn't be naked on the bed when he entered she would surely be punished, she manages to unzip the dress and slips out of it, dropping it to the floor, She reaches behind her to unclasp her bra, as she begins removing the straps from her shoulders she could hear Sebastian making his way up the stairs, she pauses for a second to think, did she want to get punished? Or did she was to be a good girl? Her bra drops to the floor and her fingers curl around her underwear, about to remove them.

"I thought I said that I want you naked and in the middle of that bed when I got here," Sebastian says from the doorway, his voice filled with authority making her wetter, she looks up at him as his eyes darken with lust.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now