"Kiss Me And Promise Me A Forever." - George Russell

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Requested By:  formula1l0ver & Littlemissunnoticed

Request: Can I get this with George please ??❤️ & Can I also have this one with George please, if it's no trouble ❤️

Prompt: A112- "Kiss Me And Promise Me A Forever." & A152- "A Ring On Your Finger Really Suits You."

A/N: I hope you two don't mind that I combined your requests together, and right now I feel so bad because it's only 700 words.

Warnings: -

Word Count: 700.

(Y/n) and George was gathering their things preparing to leave the house, George would be going to the factory while (Y/n) and a morning class to attend

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(Y/n) and George was gathering their things preparing to leave the house, George would be going to the factory while (Y/n) and a morning class to attend.

"All right, I hope I have everything." (Y/n) says as she slips into her jacket. "Do you have everything?"

"Almost," George says, he walks to the bedroom and opens his underwear drawer.

"What's missing?" (Y/n) asks as she zips her book bag closed, George feels around the drawer before wrapping his hand around the small black box, he had been thinking about proposing for such a long time now, but each time he tried to think of a way to ask her, he'd back out, afraid she'll say no and afraid that it wasn't the right time, but when would be the right time? "George?" (Y/n) walks into the bedroom as he shuts the underwear drawer. "Can I help you find whatever it is you're looking for?" George shakes his head 'no'.

"Uh, no, I found it," George says, (Y/n) nods her head giving him a soft smile.

"All right, well, come on." (Y/n) says, (Y/n) turns around to leave the bedroom, George opens the box and takes out the ring, he placed the empty box on the drawer.

"Wait," George says, he takes big steps towards her, she turns around to look at him and he takes her left hand, deciding that it was now or never.

"Yeah?" (Y/n) says, George goes down on one knee and held the ring up, (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she covers her mouth with her right hand in complete shock.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while now." George begins. "But I always chickened out, afraid It wouldn't be the right time, afraid that I wouldn't find the perfect place and afraid you'd say no, but there's never going to be a perfect time or place to do this, and I'm just going to have to find out if you're going to say no." He looks glances down at her hand. "Or I could not ask you and just slip this on your finger, and you can decide if you want to marry me." He slides the finger onto her ring finger, examining it for a second. "A ring on your finger really suits you." He smiles up at her. "Now we can leave." George stood from the ground releasing her hand, (Y/n) grabs his hand using her right hand.

"Okay, no, wait." (Y/n) says. "Aren't we going to talk about this?" She was in utter shock, she had not been expecting this.

"About what?" George asks.

"About the fact that you just proposed to me." (Y/n) says. "And without actually properly asking me."

"All right," George says. "I'm ready to take the next step if you're not-"

"I didn't say that." (Y/n) quickly cuts him off. "I'm just shocked, I thought- I just- I was expecting this." (Y/n) stutters as she tries to think of something to say.

"All right, let me do this a little more traditional," George says, He goes down on his knee again taking her hand in his, he looks up at her. "(Y/n), will you make the happiest person alive and marry me?" A smile that could light up any room appeared on (Y/n)'s lips as tears formed in her eyes.

"Yes." (Y/n) whispers. "Yes, I'll marry you, George." A wide smile appears on George's lips, George stood up seeing tears roll down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying? You shouldn't be crying." George says, he placed both his hands on either side of her faced and used his thumbs to wipe the tears away on her cheeks.

"These are happy tears." (Y/n) says, they lean closer to each other, stopping once their foreheads touched. "Kiss me and promise me a forever." (Y/n) whispers.

"Forever? Are you sure?" George asks, (Y/n) softly chuckles. "Forever is a very long time."

"Forever, George." (Y/n) says. "I want a forever with you."

"Forever it is," George says, his lips were inches from hers. "I promise you a forever." Brushing his lips against hers, the kiss was filled with warmth and passion, making them both feel at home in each other's arms.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now