Daniel Ricciardo - California Girl

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Hi! Can I get a Daniel Ricciardo imagine about you meeting in California (you're a typical black hair tan Cali girl) at the Santa Monica Pier or Disneyland while you're out with your friends and it's a flirtatious thing that turns out to be something special! (Maybe even steamy at the end) Please and thank you!!

A/N: It isn't as heated, but smut is suggested! it's hinted.

Word Count: 1.2K

Warnings: mention of a spreader bar, mention of being tied up, mention of being spanked, reader in lace, i guess it's sort of vanillaish.

(Y/n) laughed with her friends as they wandered around Santa Monica Pier, when they decided to go buy some water, the guy in front turns around to leave only to accidentally bump into (Y/n)

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(Y/n) laughed with her friends as they wandered around Santa Monica Pier, when they decided to go buy some water, the guy in front turns around to leave only to accidentally bump into (Y/n).

"Sorry," Daniel says, his eyes displayed concern that he might've hurt the person

"Oh, I'm so sorry." (Y/n) says at the same time, they look up at each other, it almost felt as if the noise surrounding them disappeared.

"No, no, my uh fault," Daniel says. "I wasn't paying attention."

"No, it's, I shouldn't have stood so close." (Y/n) says.

"No, really, it's my fault," Daniel says. "I uh, I didn't plan on bumping into an angel today."

"Oh, an angel, huh?" (Y/n) asks.

"I'm pretty sure that's what you are," Daniel says.

"Well, then, I'm glad you bumped into me then." (Y/n) says. "It's not every day that a hot guy bumps into me and call me an angel." Daniel laughs.

"I believe they're all idiots then, you're obviously an angel," Daniel says, (Y/n)'s friends could clearly see Daniel was flirting with her, but if (Y/n) could sense it, they didn't have a clue, but they kept quiet and stepped around the two to buy something to drink as they watched the two interact. "My name's Daniel, but everyone calls me Dan or Danny."

"I'm (Y/n)." (Y/n) says smiling up at him, she brought her hand up to her hair and softly started playing with her tips.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Daniel says, a wide charming smile on his lips.

"It's nice to meet you as well." (Y/n) says, Daniel glances past (Y/n) and saw his friends in the background waiting for him, he needed to get back to his friends, but he wanted to get to know (Y/n) more.

"So, we're going to the club later on, would you like to join us?" Daniel asks. "Because I would love to get to know you more."

"We'd love." (Y/n) says, she would love to, she didn't know if her friends would like to go or not. "Where?"

"West End," Daniel says, (Y/n) nods her head.

"All right, we'll meet you there."

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