"Don't Be Silly, I Want To Stay Up With You." - Lando Norris

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Requested by: Anon & Anon

Request: Hey there!!!!! 😊I was wondering if you could use A10 to write about Lando?

Prompt: A10- "Sometimes I wonder how I fell in love with you."

Request: Hello! Can you write prompt A67 with Lando Norris??

Prompt: A67- "Don't be silly. I want to stay up with you."

A/n: I hope the two anons won't mind that I mashed their requests together, also, I got inspired by this idea when I slipped in the bathtub and hurt my own foot, please note that I'm not a pro doctor, and some facts might be wrong, but some people do get extremely lucky when slipping in the bathtub and shower.

Warnings: Injury Mentioned, Hospital Mentioned, Pain Killers Mentioned.

Word Count: 1.5K

(Y/n) rinsed the soap from her body as she showered, it was late at night and she had decided it was time to take a shower before she and Lando would head to bed, she closes the water after making sure she was clean, she opens the door and steps o...

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(Y/n) rinsed the soap from her body as she showered, it was late at night and she had decided it was time to take a shower before she and Lando would head to bed, she closes the water after making sure she was clean, she opens the door and steps out from the shower only for her foot to slip on the tiles below, she had forgotten to place an old towel in front of the shower, she quickly reacted and managed to stop before she could fall flat on her back, but her foot and leg weren't as lucky, she felt a sharp pain travel up her leg from her foot twisting.

"AH OW!" (Y/n) scream in pain as her foot throbbed with pain, she could hear the blood rush through her along with her loud heartbeat as it drummed against her chest, a sudden loud knock startled her.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), what happened, are you okay?" Lando's concerned voice rung through the door.

"Ugh, ow." (Y/n) mutters as she felt tears building up in her eyes, but she didn't want to cry nor did she want to worry him. "I Uhm." She could see the doorknob starting to turn through her blurred eyes. "Wai!" She was cut off by the door swinging open, the cold air blowing against her moisten skin creating goosebumps.

"Shit, what happened, are you okay?" Lando asks as he quickly made his way towards her, grabbing her towel on his way towards her, he gave it to her as he sinks down to the ground next to her, she quickly covered herself with the towel, pulling it closer to try and warm up, the floor was cold along with the cold air blowing through the bathroom. "This looks so bad."

"I'm fine, it looks worse than it is." (Y/n) says although her ankled throbbed with pain, Lando's eyebrows furrowed as he frowns at her statement.

"Can't you see that your ankle is starting to swell," Lando asks, she could see the worry in his eyes. "We need to get you to the emergency room." He wraps his arm around. "Put your arm around my shoulder."

"I can't go like this!" (Y/n) suddenly says. "Besides, all I need is some ice." She could see he started getting annoyed with her stubbornness.

"Could you stop being so stubborn for just a moment, please," Lando says, she rolls her eyes but placed her arm around his shoulders allowing him to help her to her feet and out the bathroom, he guides her towards the bed and carefully made her sit down before making his way towards her closet to get her some clothing. "Do you need a bra?" He asks as he steps out the closet.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now