Pierre Gasly - I Couldn't Help But Fall In Love

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Requested by: Anon.

Request: hi! can i request for a pierre gasly imagine wherein you work for team alpha tauri as pierre's PR (or any member of the team really) and as you work for the team, pierre slowly falls in love with you and the same goes for you? thanks! i love your writing by the way 🤗

A/N: Holy shit, I'm horrible at being romantic, but in honour of Pierre's fist win, I've decided to push this up to today, instead of waiting for Friday.

Warnings: I didn't know what Daniil's PR's name was, so warning, I made up a name, also, Covid-19 is mentioned.

Word Count: 1.5K

(Y/n) had been hired to work for Alpha Tauri as Pierre's PR officer for the 2020 season, unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 evens the season was postponed, but during the time (Y/n) and Pierre had kept in touch via text message and quickly grew cl...

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(Y/n) had been hired to work for Alpha Tauri as Pierre's PR officer for the 2020 season, unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 evens the season was postponed, but during the time (Y/n) and Pierre had kept in touch via text message and quickly grew closer to each other, during that period he quickly learned about the things that irritated her, the things that made her happy and what she did in her free time, each weekend he would make sure to avoid everything she disliked and he was always on his best behaviour when she was near, she also quickly caught onto his behaviour, leaning his likes and dislikes and what he felt comfortable doing and what made him uncomfortable.

"Morning, (Y/n)," Pierre says as he approaches the table she was seated at, she looks up from her papers and adjust her mask.

"Hey, Pierre." (Y/n) greets him. "Good week?" They hadn't seen each other for the week, she was locked in her hotel room waiting for her COVID test results to return negative while he and his trainer were at the gym most of the time.

"Yeah, but I'm glad it's the weekend now," Pierre says as he stops at the table, he placed his hands on one of the chairs.

"Feeling lucky this weekend?" (Y/n) asks.

"I am always when you're here," Pierre says causing (Y/n) to softly giggle, she lowers her mark and picks up her bottled water.

"How sweet of you." (Y/n) says as she unscrews the cap before taking a sip from her water.

"Are you busy right now?" Pierre asks, she closes the bottle and placed it back on the table, she pulls her mask over her mouth and adjusts it.

"I'm just going through some things, but not that busy right now." (Y/n) says. "Why?"

"We're about to go for the track walk, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?" Pierre asks.

"You want me to join you guys out on the track?" (Y/n) asks, he nods his head as a smile grew underneath the mask he wore, (Y/n) could see his eyes crinkle as he smiled. "Only if I'm not gonna be in the way."

"You'd be never in the way," Pierre says, (Y/n) stood from the chair and pushed her papers together.

"I might not be in your way, but the engineers might say differently." (Y/n) says.

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