Carlos Sainz Jr - Mafia Leader - AU

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Requested by: Izzy_xxx24

Request: Can I have this one with either Carlos or Daniel please

AU Prompt: D16- Mafia AU - I knew you were too perfect, of fucking course you had to be the leader of the mafia. of ALL things, the leader of the mafia?

A/N: So, I was going to take a nap yesterday afternoon, but then I scrolled through my phone looking at my notes, and just got so inspired, I think I might have gone a little overboard.

Warnings: Guns, Blood, Death, Shock, Fear, Horror, Possessive Carlos, Jealous Carlos.

Word Count: 2.4K

(Y/n) sat at the bar in the night club that Carlos owned, he was talking to somebody about some sort of business while she waited for him to finish, she had no idea what kind of business and why it had to done at his club, but she was becoming bor...

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(Y/n) sat at the bar in the night club that Carlos owned, he was talking to somebody about some sort of business while she waited for him to finish, she had no idea what kind of business and why it had to done at his club, but she was becoming bored while waiting for him, somebody walks up to her with one thing in their mind, everybody at the club knew not to flirt or talk with her, but now and then a new person would find their way into the club and they try their luck and night was no different, a guy new to town decided to visit the popular night club and saw (Y/n) sitting alone by the bar, and just like every other man, he thought she was single and looking for a quick fuck.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asks, she could hear the confidence in his voice.

"No thanks." (Y/n) mutters, Carlos had told her that he was the jealous type and she had witnessed it a few times when she was left alone at the bar while he conducted business, she was always told it was promotion business, she had no idea that he was a Mafia boss.

"Oh come on, one drink." He says, thinking that she was just playing hard to get.

"I said, no thank you." (Y/n) says as she turns her head to look at the guy, the bartender could see Carlos approaching the bar and knew by morning the man's body would be found by the side of the road.

"Don't be such a bi-" He begins but was quickly cut off by Carlos.

"Finish that sentence and see what happens," Carlos says, (Y/n) froze in her spot as the man turns around to look at Carlos. "Go on, I dare you to finish it." The man had no idea who he was dealing with. "What were you about to call the lady?"

"A bitch." He says and chuckles, Carlos chuckles as well but (Y/n) could hear how fake it was, she glances at the bartender and saw he had turned away.

"A bitch huh?" Carlos asks, his voice sounding calm, (Y/n) turns around in her chair, her eyes silently pleading with Carlos.

"Carlos, please." (Y/n) whispers.

"No," Carlos says harshly. "I will not let this man or any other man call my girl a bitch." The man stood from his seat.

"Look, man, she was sitting here looking lonely, I was just keeping her company." The man says, thinking he was going to talk his way out of trouble.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now