[S] "I Want To Taste You." - Nico Rosberg

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Requested By: gytios02

Request: Hello, can I request B13, B16 and B38 for Nico Rosberg? Thank you

Prompts: B13*- "I Want To Taste You." B16*- "Take Off Your Clothes." & B38*- "I'm Not Wearing Any Panties."

Warnings: Nudeness, slight nipple play, female receiving oral, fingering, handjob, unsafe sex (please always be safe and use a condom).

Word Count: 3.7K

(Y/n) climbs out of Nico's Mercedes and looks up at their new home, they had punched it a couple of months ago but it needed some renovation before they could move in, she closes the door to the Mercedes and tugs at her skirt as she felt the night...

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(Y/n) climbs out of Nico's Mercedes and looks up at their new home, they had punched it a couple of months ago but it needed some renovation before they could move in, she closes the door to the Mercedes and tugs at her skirt as she felt the nights cool breeze blowing between her legs, Nico locks the Mercedes as they walk towards the front door, they were coming to see how everything was going and everything was still on track before they would move into the home in three months time, it was already past six meaning it was only going to be them exploring their new home, they enter the house and slowly look around, the tiles had been finished and fitted perfectly with the walls, they begin ascending up the stairs.

"What do you think?" Nico asks as they glanced into one of the bathrooms.

"It looks nice, I think it's coming along really good." (Y/n) says, they step into what will be their bedroom once they move in, the soft plush carpet complimented the room perfectly, (Y/n) walks towards the walk-in closet and opens the door to look inside. "I can't wait to move in, this is going to be a beautiful room once we furnish it." Nico stood in the middle of the room watching her.

"What do you say we break it in?" Nico suggests, (Y/n) turns away from the walk-in closet to look at him.

"What? Are you being serious right now?" (Y/n) asks, Nico nods his head eagerly.

"I'm serious, we've got space, and it's a nice soft carpet," Nico says, she looks down at the carpet. "And it's only us here." (Y/n) lifts her gaze to him and closes the closet door before slowly striding towards him. "It'll be our little secret, nobody will know."

"Unless somebody comes in here with a UV light." (Y/n) says, she stops in front of him, knowing she didn't have any underwear on.

"Who's going to come in here with a UV light?" Nico asks, she nods her head glancing towards the balcony doors that had a view over the ocean. "So, what do you say? Shall we break it in? Test it out?" She looks back at him and leans closer to him, she places her hands on his biceps leaning her head closer to his, their lips were inches away from touching when she moved to the side and moved closer to his ear, her soft lips brushed against his ear, he shivered feeling her breath on his ear.

"Well..." (Y/n) whispers, the suspense eating away at him as he waited for her to finish, but what she purred into his ear next was something he wasn't expecting to hear from her. "I'm not wearing any panties." They had left the house in such a hurry, and she hadn't had any time to put on any panties after she climbed out the shower, she already struggled to put on the bra and didn't want to waste any more time with Nico telling her to hurry up, she had grabbed a mid-thigh ruffled skirt and pulled it on not wanting to struggle with a pair of leggings either, Nico's eyes widen, and she moves back to watch his expression.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now