Charles Leclerc - I'm Sorry

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Hi there! I was just wondering if you could write an imagine about getting in a fight with Charles but making up at the end? Sorry if it's a bit cliche, I'm a sucker for angst haha. I love your writing!! ♥♥

Warnings: Angst, Asshole!Charles, COVID-19.

Word Count: 1.1K

Charles had a long weekend in Monza and everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and by the time the Tuscan Grand Prix was finished he still wasn't in a good mood, so when he arrived back in Monaco he was frustrated and unhappy about the past ...

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Charles had a long weekend in Monza and everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and by the time the Tuscan Grand Prix was finished he still wasn't in a good mood, so when he arrived back in Monaco he was frustrated and unhappy about the past three weeks, as he stepped into his apartment he shared with (Y/n) he lets out a sigh when he saw her shoes lying by the door and her coat had fallen from the coat hanger, usually, she would make sure to move everything out the way before he arrived, but this time she was feeling a little under the weather and didn't bother cleaning, Charles didn't take notice that she didn't come to greet him at the door and instead made his way to the bedroom where he found her lying in the bed asleep, he frowns and loudly drops his carry on bag to the floor causing her to wake up and sit up to look around before her eyes fall on his frowning face.

"Oh, you're home." (Y/n) quietly says, her voice was hoarse from the sleep.

"Yeah, I'm home," Charles mutters. "Your shoes welcomed me at the door." (Y/n) lets out a soft sigh.

"I'm so-" (Y/n) begins to say only for Charles to cut her off.

"I didn't know my girlfriend was so careless if I had known then I wouldn't have given you a key and asked you to move in with me," Charles says, he was taking his frustrations out on her without realizing it, she frowns hearing him say that. "If I had known you couldn't at least pick up your coat or shoes..." He trails off, she climbs out of bed, feeling a little woozy from the headache, she had gone to bed with a headache two nights ago, not thinking much about it, until it started getting worse and worse as time passed.

"I'm sorry, I'll go pick it up, your majesty." (Y/n) mutters as she let the bedroom, Charles rolls his eyes as he heard her reply, he heard movement down the hall before heading something hitting a wall, he heard her footsteps shuffling past the bedroom door before another door was shut, he begins unpacking his things, throwing the dirty clothes into the laundry basket.

"(Y/N), WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DO THE LAUNDRY?!" Charles shouts as he saw the basket quickly filling up, he heard a door open and her footsteps approaching the bedroom before she stopped in the doorway.

"Can you seriously not do anything for yourself today?" (Y/n) asks, Charles turns around to face her, ignoring the glare she had.

"I just got home and I'm tired," Charles says. "Besides, it doesn't even look like you've done it yet!" The pounding in her head became worse, but not wanting to say anything about it, she steps into the room and picks up the laundry basket and left the room without saying a word, Charles runs his hand through his hair as he lets out a sigh before hearing a knock on the front door, thinking (Y/n) would open it, he decided to ignore it, until the person continued knocking. "Must I do everything around here." He left the bedroom and made his way to the front door and pulled it open.

"Oh, you're back, Hello." Their neighbour stood in front of him.

"Uh, yeah, I just got back maybe 30 minutes ago," Charles says, the neighbour nods her head.

"How is (Y/n)?" She asks. "She woke up with a horrible headache yesterday, and she said she would call if it wasn't getting any better. "Charles frowns at the piece of information. "She seemed so pale yesterday, sweat coating her skin."

"I uh..." Charles was unsure how to respond, he hadn't even noticed something was wrong, he was too caught in his own misery. "Please excuse me, I'm sorry for being so rude right now, I must go." Without waiting for a really, Charles closed the door and made his way to the laundry room where he heard the washing machine, he steps into the room, his eyes moving to the floor where (Y/n) was sitting, her back against the wall and her knees brought up to her chest with her head resting against her knees, s something he hadn't picked up when he arrived home, her skin was indeed coated with a thin layer of sweat, he quickly moves towards her before crouching down in front of her, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to look up, once she did his heart dropped to the floor, her eyes were red and glossy from crying. "(Y/n)..." He lifted his other hand and placed the back of his hand against her forehead, feeling how warm it was. "You're burning up." He removes his hand from her forehead. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"When was I supposed to tell you?" (Y/n) asks. "You came into the room and didn't even let me talk properly." Guilt ate away at Charles conscious, thinking back to when he entered the apartment, he was short off with her, he didn't even look at her properly when he entered the bedroom, he should've known something was wrong when she didn't greet him at the door, he slips his arm underneath her knees and moves her away from the wall before wrapping his arm around her upper body, lifting her from the ground, her body, her body felt on fire as she fell against his chest when he stood, he exits the laundry room and made his way to the bedroom, he carefully lays her down on the bed when they reached the room.

"I'm sorry." Charles begins. "I should've paid more attention." He brushes some of her hair out her face. "We need to get this fever down, I hope it's not what I fear it is." He hoped and prayed that it was not the virus.

"I'm fine, it's not that." (Y/n) whispers. "It's just a stupid cold." Charles nods his head.

"I'm going to go make some soup and tea, I'll be right back," Charles says and begins making his way to the door, he stops by the door and looks back at her. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on you."

"You didn't know..." (Y/n) softly says.

"It's not an excuse, I should leave my work problems at work, not bring them home with me," Charles says, in his mind, he was already punishing himself, he felt awful for the way he treated her. "I'll be right back with everything.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now