[S] "I'm Not Wearing Any Panties." - Carlos Sainz Jr

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Requested by: Anon & Anon

Request: carlos sainz smut B1 & B28 please!!! thank you so much I love your imagines xx & hi! love your writing so much its really helping with my english :) can i pls have carlos sainz B33 and B38 when you have the chance thanks!

Prompts: B1*- "I Love It When You Moan My Name." B28*- "I've Never Wanted Anyone This Badly Before." B33*— "I like it when you say my name like that." & B38*— "I'm not wearing any panties."

A/N: I hope you two won't mind that I mashed your requests together.

Warnings: Explicit language, explicit detail, needy! (Y/n), nudism?(Only her shorts are removed), fingering, Oral(F receiving).

Word Count: 1.1K

Carlos was busy working out in the home gym he had at his house, while (Y/n) watched him from the workout bench that was pushed up against a wall, she stared at him as his muscles worked each time he lifted a heavyweight, his skin was coated with ...

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Carlos was busy working out in the home gym he had at his house, while (Y/n) watched him from the workout bench that was pushed up against a wall, she stared at him as his muscles worked each time he lifted a heavyweight, his skin was coated with sweat as he focused on his form, (Y/n) shifts on the bench as she felt herself becoming wetter by the second as she watched him, they might have had sex the previous night, but she was needy for his attention before he would leave for another two weeks, the shorts she had pulled on when she had joined him in the gym rubbed against her bare pussy, creating some friction between her legs, but not enough to satisfy her.

"Carlos." (Y/n) softly breathes out, Carlos tilts his head thinking he had imagined it until it happened again. "Carlos, mh." Her eyes were closed as she softly whimpered his name, he placed the weight down on the ground as he turns his focus on her. "Mh, Carlos." Carlos slowly and carefully approached her. "Carlos." He comes to a halt in front of her, looking down at her as she shifts around on the bench.

"I like it when you say my name like that," Carlos says, heroes fly open to stare up at him with wide eyes, he could see the lust in her eyes. "You should say it like that more often." He lowers down onto his knees in front of her, he placed his hands on either side of her on the workout bench. "What's got you so riled up?" she licks her lips, her face flushed. "Didn't I do my job properly last night or are you just insatiable?" He placed one hand on her inner thigh and slowly begins inching it closer to her shorts, his fingers dipped underneath the shorts. "Are you going to answer me?" His fingers inched closer to her moistening pussy. "Not going to answer me?" His fingers suddenly brush over her pussy lips causing him to halt his movements. "Oh, what is this?" His dark eyes stared into her lust covered ones.

"Yes, I'm not wearing any panties." (Y/n) breathes out. "I couldn't find a pair quick enough." She could see his eyes becoming clouded with lust.

"My naughty girl," Carlos says. "I should probably take care of you, I can't just leave you like this." His fingers slipped between her pussy lips, almost instantly they were coated with her wetness. "Already this wet for me?"

"I need you, Carlos." (Y/n) whimpers. "I've never hated anyone this badly before." She could feel his fingers circling her wet slit, she pressed her back into the wall behind her.

"I can feel how much you want me," Carlos says. "So damn wet." He pulls his fingers from her shorts and moves both his hands to the band of her shorts, his fingers curling around the fabric. "Lift your hips for me." She does as told and lifted her hips from the bench, he pulls the shorts down and she lowers her hips before lifting her feet, allowing him to completely discard of her shorts, she shifts on the bench, moving closer to the edge of it and spreading her legs, seeing how wet she was for him, how needy she was for his touch made his cock twitch in his workout shorts. "Let's see how sensitive and needy you are for me." His eyes glanced up at her face. "You know..." He begins as he moves his face closer to her pussy. "I love it when you moan my name, let's see how loud you can moan it." His hands wrap around her thighs and lift her legs over his shoulders, her hands grip the bench for support, his face inches away from her moist pussy, she could feel a tingling sensation form in the pit of her stomach as excitement builds up, his lips brush against the inside of her thigh as he leaves a trail of kisses to where she needed him the most.

"Oh." (Y/n) gasps as she felt his lips brush over her pussy lips before feeling his tongue running over them. "Oh, oh." His hands slide up her thighs, stopping just below her hips, his fingers lightly digging into the skin while his tongue slips between her pussy lips. "Carlos." She gasps his name out as his tongue circled her slit, dipping the tip of his tongue inside her beef pulling it out and circling her entrance once again, she could feel a pull in her lower stomach slowly forming, she didn't know how he managed to do it, but his mouth always drove her crazy and made her reach her release quicker, he could feel how wet she was becoming from his tongue and decided to move his mouth to her clit, the tip of his tongue flicks over her clit. "Carlos!" His hand left her hip and moved closer to her pussy, his tongue swirls around her clit as two fingers slowly circled her slit.

"Oh, Carlos." (Y/n) gasps out, as much as he loved hearing her gasp out his name, he wanted to hear her moan it loudly, scream it even, is fingers sink into her, filling her, the feeling not the same as his cock, but it was enough to satisfy her, his lips wrap around her clit. "Carlos!" His tongue flicks over her clit as he curls his fingers inside her. "CARLOS!" Her toes curl at the sensation, he extends his fingers inside her before pulling them out until just the tips remained inside her, the tension forming in her lower stomach was close to breaking, his fingers slip back inside her. "Carlos." She was a mess as sweat formed on her skin, her heart rate picked up and her breathing had become deep, he curls his fingers inside her, her walls clench around his fingers. "CARLOS!" Her grip on the bench tightens. "CLOSE!" He didn't falter at the information, he extends his fingers and instead of pulling them out, he curls them again, she squeezes her eyes shut as she tilts her head back, resting it against the wall, warmth travelled through her body as her legs begin to shake with pleasure.

"CARLOS!" (Y/n) shouts as the tension bursts inside her and pleasure wash over her, Carlos could feel her release around his fingers making him unwrap his lips from her clit, he extends his fingers inside her and slowly pulls them out before pushing them back in, helping her through her high, her chests heave from her rapid breathing, she slowly comes down from her high and lowers her head to look at him, her legs felt like jelly around his shoulders.

"Are you going to be a good girl and let me finish my workout now?" Carlos asks, even though his workout was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

"After you clean me."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now