Carlos Sainz Jr - 5 AM Skinny Dipping

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Requested by: Anon.

Request: i'm begging you to write carlos sainz jr with c26 !!! please and thank you

Scenario Prompt: C26- I like to go skinny dipping by myself at 5 am when the sun starts to rise and you've started to go running at that time

A/N: If you don't like running, please don't force yourself, you're not gonna want to do it if you're forcing yourself, instead find something that works for you.

Warnings: Nudism, confident!(Y/n), Rich!(Y/n), Rich!Carlos, Kinda rude!Carlos.

Word Count: 988

It was a usual morning routine for Carlos, he absolutely loved watching the sunrise at 5 in the morning, and nobody was awake at that time, meaning he could have time to himself, to think and clear his mind before the day would start, but for the ...

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It was a usual morning routine for Carlos, he absolutely loved watching the sunrise at 5 in the morning, and nobody was awake at that time, meaning he could have time to himself, to think and clear his mind before the day would start, but for the past two months he's decided to float in the pool to watch the sunrise, a week after he started to wait in the pool for the sunrise, he decided to remove his clothes completely, nobody would know unless somebody decided to join him, but for the past month nobody had been awake at that time and he had enjoyed feeling the first rays of the sun warm his skin in the cool pool water, today was just another morning, he went to the pool and climbed in before discarding his clothes, with no idea that it was the morning when (Y/n) finally decided to start her running routine.

"Come on, (Y/n), it won't be that bad, just do five minutes, just five!" (Y/n) spoke to herself as she stood at her front door in a sports bra and a pair of knee-length shorts with a prat of running shoes. "Come on, go for the stupid run, if you do then you won't feel guilty about not going for the stupid run." She opens the door and sucked in a deep breath as she gripped the bottled water in her hand. "Let's do this!" She closed the door behind her and took in another deep breath. "Let's go." the pep talk was doing nothing to help her, but eventually she left her yard and started a slow jog down the road, the sun was just starting to ride and her breathing had quickly got deep and hard, she hadn't gone for a run in almost an entire year and told herself that she just needed to get used to the routine again, She stops near a pool to take a breather for a minute, barely noticing the person inside the cold water trying to hide. "Morning!" (Y/n) waved at the person, Carlos gave her a quick wave.

"Morning," Carlos says as he felt his heart speed up. "Go away, go away, don't come any closer," Carlos whispered to himself as he became panicked with the situation he found himself in, how would he be able to explain himself if he gets caught, his eyes moved down her face and fell on her chest as she took in deep and quick breaths, he could see her stomach and the thin layer of sweat that coated her skin. "Fuck." He didn't want to be caught naked in the pool, even with somebody as beautiful as she was.

"Do you usually come for a swim this early?" (Y/n) asks not having a clue that he was naked.

"Uh, yes, it's the only time when nobody is around and I can watch the sunrise in peace," Carlos says sounding rude, he didn't want to come off as rude, but he also didn't want her to realize that he was naked, he would have to find out where she lived in the estate to apologize to her for this rude behaviour.

"Oh, Um, I'm sorry, I'll let you have your moment of peace." (Y/n) says, although her voice sounded sincere her body language told Carlos something else, she quickly jogged away before Carlos could say anything else, Carlos lets out a sigh of relief in the pool but felt guilt creeping up on him.

"Ugh." Carlos groans as he realized he wasn't enjoying himself anymore as his thoughts kept trailing back to the woman that almost caught him, he climbs out the pool and quickly wrapped the towel he had brought with him around his lower half before picking his clothes up and making his way back to his house.


Carlos had found (Y/n)'s address after asking around and describing her to the residents in the estate, he now stood in front of her front door ready to apologize for his behaviour earlier, he pressed the doorbell and waited for her to answer the door, he heard movement coming from inside before hearing footsteps approaching the front door, the door opens to reveal (Y/n) no longer in her sportswear, but in casual clothing, how does she manage to look good in everything? He thought to himself.

"Hello?" (Y/n) says interrupting his thoughts, her eyes flickered over his face before realizing who was standing in front of her. "You're the man from the pool this morning, aren't you?"

"Uh, yeah," Carlos answers as he felt himself become nervous, his hand moved to the back of his neck and scratched at the skin. "Hi." He gave her an award smile and she returned a faint smile. "I uh hope you don't mind that I asked around for your address, I just wanted to uhm apologize for my behaviour earlier this morning."

"Um, it's okay, I guess." (Y/n) says, if she had to be honest, she didn't think she would ever see the man again, but there he was apologizing for his rude behaviour. "I didn't know I was disrupting your morning routine."

"I was just caught off guard." Carlos quickly says. "I'm not uh, used to people being up at that time, especially to go for a run." (Y/n) nods her head. "I mean, a lot of people here aren't exactly morning people."

"I've noticed." (Y/n) says. "But uh, I decided it was probably time for me to get back into the routine." Carlos nods his head. "I haven't gone for a run in almost a year."

"Ah, I see, now I understand," Carlos says. "I just uh moved here five months ago."

"Oh, no wonder I've never seen you before today." (Y/n) says, deciding to give him a second chance at an impression. "Do you uh want to come in for a drink?"

"I would like that."

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