Nico Rosberg - So... You Weren't Attacked By The Mob? - AU

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Requested by: KimberlyHtuLvesque

Request: Hello, can I request D26 with Nico Rosberg. Thank you

AU Prompt: D26- Werewolf x Human - When I saw you climbing out of the stream I was visiting dirty, wet, and naked, I assumed you had just survived some kind of intense mob hit or something but really you had just transformed from your werewolf form back to your human form after you were playing in the water trying to catch a fish, and ultimately failing, Nice ass, by the way.

Warnings: Mention of being nude.

Word Count: 1K

(Y/n) lets out a frustrated sigh and climbs out of the river after failing to catch a fish, and it probably wasn't the best idea to try and catch one during the day, she was completely naked when she climbed out as well as covered in dirt, as she ...

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(Y/n) lets out a frustrated sigh and climbs out of the river after failing to catch a fish, and it probably wasn't the best idea to try and catch one during the day, she was completely naked when she climbed out as well as covered in dirt, as she walks towards the bushes where she had left her clothes, she hears something across the river, she stops in her tracks and looks over her shoulder, a man stood there watching her as she climbs out the river, luckily the only thing he could see was her ass, her arms covered her boobs well, and unless there was a mirror in front of (Y/n), he wouldn't see them nor her mound.

Nico stood across the river lost in thought when he saw a woman climbing out of the river, she was wet, naked and covered with dirt, he moved his weight from one side to the other probably catching her attention, she looks over her shoulder at him, her eyes wide in shock, she probably never thought somebody would be out there, she most likely wanted to make her escape from whatever had thrown her into the river, perhaps a gang hit? Mafia hit? his eyes fall down to her exposed ass, he looks up as she runs behind a large bush, unsure if she was behind it or still running through the woods completely naked.

Nico felt shame and guilt build up inside him, shame for wanting to see more of her, he was only a man, but he should have looked away or avoided looking at her ass, she, however, did a good job at keeping her breast hidden, he couldn't even see a glance at her nipples or side boob, not that he was specifically looking to see them, guilt for not offering help, but would she have accepted his help? She looked shocked to see him there, instead of frightened, but she did run away from him, perhaps she was frightened.

(Y/n), however, was part of a large pack, and in a pack, everyone knew how everyone looked naked, clothes had to be removed before you shift, otherwise, you'd leave a trail and humans would become crazy with trying to find a person that was mauled by an animal, or killed by another human, when a pack member sees another member naked, it didn't bother them, but when a human would see a pack member naked, it was a bit of a problem, they were outsiders, they aren't supposed to see them in their most vulnerable state.

Two days had passed and (Y/n) waited by the river to confront the stranger, she needed to know why he was there, what he knew, and if he had seen her transform back to her human form while in the water, she couldn't let it go, another day passed before she had seen him back at the river.

"Hey, hey, you." (Y/n) says as she walks out from behind a bush, Nico turns around and almost instantly recognizes her. "I need to talk to you." Nico had no idea what it was about, but he was happy to see that she was still alive.

"You're the girl I saw climbing out the river the other," Nico says, (Y/n) stops in front of him. "Are you okay? Who did this to you?" (Y/n) tilts her head in confusion and narrowed her eyes at him. "The mob? The gangs? What happened? How did you survive?" She could hear the worry in his voice, her enhanced sight could see a thin layer of sweat building on his skin.

"What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asks, he could hear the confusion in her voice. "Mob? Gangs?"

"Yeah, you were completely naked, covered in dirt as you climbed out of the river, didn't anyone try to get rid of you or something?" Nico asks, he was now the one sounding confused, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" (Y/n) says. "No, nobody tried to murder me, why would you even think that?"

"I don't know, because you were in the river, dirty and naked," Nico says. "Why were you in the river?"

"I was trying to catch a fish!" (Y/n) says loudly, a sceptical look in her eyes. "I thought you..." (Y/n) trails off as she realizes, he hadn't seen her, he had no idea what she was. "Saw, I thought you saw."

"I was too caught up in my own thought," Nico says. "Why were you in the river trying to catch a fish? Fishing poles and nets exist."

"Because it's fun in the water." (Y/n) says. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I thought you might have seen something else, if I had known, I wouldn't have..."

"I only saw your nice looking..." Nico trails off, he had no idea what to call it, could he just say ass?

"My ass? Surely, otherwise, you would be blind if you hadn't seen it." (Y/n) says.

"And I didn't see anything else," Nico says as he pushes his hands into his pocket. "Not that I wanted to see anything else, you hid the rest pretty well." (Y/n) crosses her arms over her chest, a faint smile on her lips.

"Did you want to see more?" (Y/n) asked, she wanted to have a little fun, even if it meant embarrassing him for a minute, she could see his cheeks flush red.

"I, well, um." Nico struggled to find the words, he wanted to see more of her, but he didn't have to nor did he need to.

"Relax." (Y/n) says as her smile widens. "All men, sometimes women, want to see more, desire is normal, as long as you ask, and not just take." Nico nods his head, slightly relieved. "I should probably get going, be careful around the rivers, yeah?"

"As long as you'll be careful as well," Nico says. "Not everyone will respect boundaries." (Y/n) nods her head, better keep her secret save than have a human running around knowing about werewolves, (Y/n) turns around and begins walking back to the bush she had come from. "Will I see you again?" (Y/n) turns around as she placed her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

"We'll have to find out." (Y/n) says, giving him one soft smile she turns around before disappearing behind the bushes, going back to her pack.

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