[S] "Don't Be Gentle." - Lance Stroll

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Requested By: moonlightbabby

Request: Can I have this and A169 with Lance? 💘

Prompts: A169- "You're Hot When You're Angry." & B27*- "Don't Be Gentle."

Warnings: nudeness, angry Lance, hair pulling, nipple play, hickeys, fingering, safe sex(Always wear protection), slight choking.

Word Count: 2.3K

Lance had rented a small yacht for (Y/n)'s birthday after she had said that she didn't want a big party and just wanted to spend some time with him, they've been on it for over three days now in the middle of nowhere enjoying each other's company,...

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Lance had rented a small yacht for (Y/n)'s birthday after she had said that she didn't want a big party and just wanted to spend some time with him, they've been on it for over three days now in the middle of nowhere enjoying each other's company, they were sitting next to the small pool on the yacht when he received a phone call.

"Excuse me," Lance says as he stood up from the ground, she watched as he answered the phone while walking down the stairs to their small bedroom for the week, her gaze slowly moved around, taking in the nature surrounding them, she reaches behind her and pulls the string loose from her bikini top, she takes it off and puts it aside, she pulls down her bikini bottoms next and placed them with her top before lying down on the deck, soaking in the warm sun, she wasn't ashamed of her body and it wasn't like Lance hadn't seen her naked before, she was certain that he wouldn't mind her being naked, she heard his footsteps almost stomping up the stairs as he left the bedroom, she turns her head to watch him and props herself up on her elbows to watch him, she could see how angry he was, she bites her lip feeling her pussy moisten, she rarely saw him angry, usually when he was angry they would be in his penthouse and he would keep himself in his office, he didn't want her to see him angry afraid he would scare her, but he had no idea what it did to her when she did manage to get a glance of his angry, the thoughts that would invade her mind was nothing but sinful.

"Fuck." (Y/n) mutters to herself. "You're hot when you're angry." Her voice louder this time, Lance looks up from his phone about to comment when he saw her lying naked next to the pool, the sun hit her skin perfectly making it appear like it glowed, his eyes darken with lust and she could see him clench his jaw.

"I see you made yourself comfortable," Lance says as he walks towards her, his shadow covers her face as he stopped next to her and stared down at her, he placed his phone down on the small round table near the pool not looking away from her, his eyes slowly wandered over her exposed body, she squeezes her legs and he quickly noticed it. "Does it turn you on when I'm angry?" Her eyes shift away from his and looked at everything else besides him, he crouches down next to her and gently placed his index finger underneath her chin before forcing her to look up at him. "Answer me." She licks her lips as she looks into his eyes.

"Yes." (Y/n) answers, her voice suddenly sounding small, his eyes slowly moved over her body before stopping at her thighs, he could see that she was still squeezing them together.

"Then I should probably take care of you." Lance says as his gaze returned to her face, removing his finger from underneath hr chin, he saw her eyes glancing between his legs trying to catch a glimpse of his growing bulge.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now