"Several People Knew About My Baby Before I Did?" - Max Verstappen

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Requested by: littlemissunnoticed

Request: Can I have this one with "you're angry with me I know it" with Max pls? He's mad because you tell other people about your pregnancy before him but a happy ending please??xxx

Prompts: A120- "You're Angry With Me, I know." & A150- "Several People Knew About My Baby Before I Did?"

A/N: I would like to let everyone know, that I've decided to not write in the order the request was received, but instead in the order I get inspiration for it, so I am so sorry for everyone that has to wait longer for their requests.

Warnings: a little bit of angst

Word Count: 1K

Max stood in front of the refrigerators in the supermarket about to pick up a milk carton when Tara, one of their friends, walked up to him seeming happy about something

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Max stood in front of the refrigerators in the supermarket about to pick up a milk carton when Tara, one of their friends, walked up to him seeming happy about something.

"Congratulations!" Tara says excitedly, Max looks at her confused not sure what it was about.

"Uh thank you?" Max questions. "About what?" Tara softly laughs thinking he was joking.

"On the pregnancy, of course," Tara says. "I mean, that's amazing news."

"Pregnancy?" Max asks, Tara's excitement slowly fades away as she realizes that he had no idea.

"Oh... you really don't know." Tara trails off, it dawns on her that she could have spoiled a surprise. "Uh, just forget I said anything." His eyebrows move closer together as his forehead wrinkled in confusion and displeasure.

"Know about what?" Max asks.

"I uh, um have to go," Tara says, with quick short steps Tara scurried away from him.

"Pregnancy?" Max mumbles to himself, he picks up the carton of milk and almost drops it to the ground. "Wait, what? (Y/n)'s pregnant?" He puts the milk back into the fridge deciding to go straight home to confront his girlfriend about what he had just heard.


Max arrives home, the smell of the food (Y/n) was preparing for them filled his nose, but right now he was angry, he wanted an explanation.

"Back already?" (Y/n)'s soft calming voice asks him as he enters the kitchen, she took out the chicken and rice oven dish. "Uh, Where's the milk and bread?"

"I uh... that's not important right now." Max says, (Y/n)'s eyes showed confusion as her forehead wrinkled.

"What? What do you mean by that?" (Y/n) asks. "We kinda need the milk, I don't care about the bread, but we're out of milk."

"I'll go get it later," Max says. "| just- I uh ran into Tara at the store." He rubs the back of his head indicating that he wasn't sure how to approach the topic, (Y/n) nods her head as she places the oven dish on the stovetop.

"Oh, how is she doing?" (Y/n) asks, she turns the oven off, this was his chance to bring it up, and he wasn't going to let it slip through his fingers, he needed an explanation.

"She congratulated me on the pregnancy." Max states, (Y/n) slowly removes her oven mitts as she realized what was going on, he had found out and not the way she wanted him to find out. "Are you pregnant, (Y/n)?"

"Uh, um." (Y/n) stutters as she tries to find the right words to say. "I am, but I can explain."

"When were you planning on telling me? When we were in the delivery room?" Max asks, she could hear the anger in his voice. "Why did I have to hear from our friend?"

"I was going to tell you when you got home." (Y/n) says. "But you were so tired I didn't want to bother you."

"Bother me?" Max asks. "(Y/n), this is big news, you wouldn't have bothered me with this." He runs his hand through his hair, frustrated. "How many of our friends know?" (Y/n) looks down at her feet. "(Y/n)?"

"Almost all of them." (Y/n) mutters.

"Several people knew about my baby before I did?!" Max says loudly, (Y/n) looks up at him, she could see his jaw clenched and his eyes squinting with anger, maybe telling everyone before she had told him wasn't such a good idea, she thought.

"All right, you're angry with me, I know, but I was just so excited!" (Y/n) tries to explain herself. "I couldn't keep it to myself, and I didn't want to tell you over the phone."

"It would have been better if you had," Max says, he was trying his best not to shout or yell. "Do you have any idea how foolish I felt when Tara congratulated me and I had no idea that you were carrying our child?"

"Telling somebody that you're pregnant isn't something you can just say over the phone." (Y/n) says. "I was in the wrong not to tell you, and I'm sorry." Mex lets out a sigh, he needed to get fresh air and let the anger out before he yelled at her, which was the last thing that he wanted to do.

"I just, I need some air," Max says, This wasn't how (Y/n) had imagined he would react to her pregnancy, but maybe she should have tried harder to keep it to herself, but hearing him say that he needed air made her freeze, was he going to leave? Was he that angry? She thought.

"You're coming back, right?" (Y/n) asks, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide showing fear, fear that he would leave her, Max's eyes soften seeing her in such a state.

"Of course I am," Max says. "I just need some air." (Y/n) slowly nods her head as she wraps her arms herself, Max leaves the apartment, leaving (Y/n) alone with her thoughts.


48 minutes had passed when Max returned to the apartment with the milk and bread he had gotten on his way back, he makes his way to the kitchen and placed the milk in the fridge and the bread on the table, he looks at the untouched food in the oven dish on top of the stove.

"(Y/n)?" Max alls out, he leaves the kitchen making his way to the bedroom, (Y/n) laid on the bed staring out the window, her back facing the door. "Hey, I'm back." (Y/n) rolls onto her back to look at him, he makes his way towards the bed. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted."

"It's all right." (Y/n) says. "I shouldn't have told everyone." She lets out a sigh. "At least not before telling you." Max lays down on the bed next to her.

"I'm really happy about this," Max says. "We're going to be parents." (Y/n) turns her head to smile at him. "I'm going to be a dad." He lays his hand on her stomach. "I can't believe this." He smiles to himself. "Did you tell our parents as well?" (Y/n) softly chuckles.


F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now