"Come Back To Bed." - Lando Norris

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Requested By: nathnath97

Request: Can you please do this (prompt number B39) with Lando? 🧡

Prompt: B39*- "Come Back To Bed."

Warnings: -

Word Count: 727

It was just past eight in the morning, the sun's golden beams lit up the room warming the small space, (Y/n) had spent the night at his place making it the first time she had spent the night at his place, Lando and (Y/n) were already awake enjoyin...

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It was just past eight in the morning, the sun's golden beams lit up the room warming the small space, (Y/n) had spent the night at his place making it the first time she had spent the night at his place, Lando and (Y/n) were already awake enjoying the heat that the sun was giving them during the cold morning, she laid on her back while Lando was lying on his side watching her while running his fingers over her soft skin, the sun lit up her skin making it appear as if she was glowing, her skin felt soft and warm underneath his touch.

"Did you at least get some sleep?" Lando asks, his tone still husky from the sleep, before she had agreed to sleep at his place she had told him that she usually had trouble falling asleep in unfamiliar places, but to her surprise, once her head hit the pillow she was out like a light.

"Yes." (Y/n) says, her voice just above a whisper. "Surprisingly I fell asleep right away." A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"That's good, I'm glad, I was worried that you wouldn't fall asleep," Lando says as he props himself up with his elbow, he leans over her, brushing her hair out of her face with his fingers. "But you'll tell me when you feel uncomfortable, right?" (Y/n) nods her head.

"Yeah, I will." (Y/n) softly says.

"Good," Lando mumbles, he leans down and softly brushes his lips against hers, her eyes fall close as does his, his scent invading her nostrils, her lips felt soft against his, and strangely his lips tasted like caramel even though they haven't eaten yet, while her lips tasted like her vanilla label lip butter, he pulls away and opens his eyes, staring down at her, admiring her, she softly bites her bottom lip already missing the feeling of his lips against hers, she slowly opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes followed him as he laid back down next to her, his hand begging to play with the ends of her hair, she lets out a long sigh.

"We should probably get up." (Y/n) says.

"Why?" Lando asks. "It's still early." (Y/n) softly giggles.

"Yeah, but we need to go make some breakfast, and I should get home." (Y/n) says, hearing that, Lando felt as if he had done something wrong, doubt slowly started creeping into his mind.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lando asks, she could hear the concern in his voice.

"No, no, no." (Y/n) quickly says. "You did everything perfectly." She pushes herself into a sitting position, his hand falling away from her hair as he retracts it, he stares up at her waiting for her to continue. "But uh, if I'm going to be spending another night here, I'll probably be needing a clean set of clothes."

"Oh, so you're planning on spending another night, huh?" Lando asks in a teasing tone, his eyes displaying the playfulness.

"Well, unless you don't me to..." (Y/n) trails off as a smile tugged at the concert of her lips.

"No!" Lando quickly says. "Of course I want you to spend another night." (Y/n) smiles at him wide, some of her teeth showing.

"Then we should get up." (Y/n) says.

"Ugh." Lando groans, (Y/n) chuckles as she stood from the bed.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me that you're not staring." (Y/n) says as she walks towards her overnight bag, that was placed on the bench at the end of his bed, she zips the bag open and takes out a jacket as she cold morning air surrounded her, Lando watched as she slipped into her jacket before he stood from the bed, he walks towards her. "I'm glad to hear that you've decided to get up." He wraps his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Mhm, no, I didn't decide to get up." Lando softly says. "Come back to bed." She could feel the heat from his body radiating off him and surrounding her. "Just for a couple more minutes."

"How long are a couple more minutes?" (Y/n) asks.

"And an hour," Lando says. "Maximum." (Y/n) pretends to this about this suggestion. "Come one, it's much warmed and cosier in bed."

"All night, just one more hour."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now