George Russell - Arcade Games

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Requested by: anon

Request: hello and good day to you! just saw someone request a pierre imagine from you about the reader being a part of their team and both reader and pierre falling in love, and i loved that scenario! i was just wondering if i could request for a similar one with alex and one with george? they are my favorite drivers 🥺🥺 only if it's alright with you of course! love your writing sm! i enjoy reading your work so much ❤️

A/N: Claire is still in charge, okay? Okay.

Warnings: This is also pre-COVID, I haven't been in an arcade since 2017... and it was a casino arcade, so excuse me if I get a few things wrong.

Word Count: 1.4K

(Y/n) was recently hired to work with Williams as George Russell's engineer, the season opened was approaching and the team wanted to go out and have dinner, George and (Y/n) ended up sitting next to each other at the dinner, neither of them know ...

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(Y/n) was recently hired to work with Williams as George Russell's engineer, the season opened was approaching and the team wanted to go out and have dinner, George and (Y/n) ended up sitting next to each other at the dinner, neither of them know about the crush they had developed for one another, (Y/n) picks up her champagne glass and takes a sip from it as she glanced at George for a second, Claire stood from her chair as she picked up her champagne glass.

"Thank you, everyone, for making time for this team dinner, we realize each and every one of you have lives outside the team, so thank you for taking the time to attend," Claire says gaining everyone attention, everyone dropped their conversation with another and turned to look at her. "Also, thank you for keeping faith in this team and not giving up, let's hope for a strong season this year." Everyone quickly picked up their glasses filled with champagne and lifted them into the air. "Cheers." Round of cheers went around the table before everyone took a sip, Claire sits down and looks between (Y/n) and George. "Have you two gotten to know each other?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I uh know his name." (Y/n) jokingly says causing George to chuckle.

"Yeah, yea, I think that's all we need to know about each other, right?" George says, (Y/n) nods her head as a playful smile tugged at the corner of her lips, Claire laughs before turning her attention to someone else, (Y/n) and George glance at each other. "Are you have a good time?" She nods her head as she placed her champagne glass on the table.

"I can't complain, it's really nice." (Y/n) says, George nods his head. "What about you, are you enjoying yourself?" A wide smile formed on his lips.

"Uh, I'm gonna be honest, not that much," George says.

"Oh, so you're planning on excusing yourself early then?" (Y/n) asks, he could hear the playfulness in her tone as she spoke.

"I just might," George says. "Only if you agree to come with me." (Y/n) licks her bottom lip as she thought for a moment.

"Where would we go?" (Y/n) asks, George thinks for a moment before looking towards Claire.

"Excuse me, Claire," George says, Claire breaks away from her conversation with another team member and looks at him. "Uh, I think maybe (y/n) and I should get to know each other a little more, I thought about it and I don't think it's enough for us to just know each other's names." A faint smile grew on Claire's lips, she was a wise woman and knew when something was brewing between two people. "If you won't mind, we'd like to leave a little earlier?"

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