[S] "I Want You To Leave Marks." - Max Verstappen

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Request by: justanf1fan

Request: Can you please do B20 and B11 with Max?

Prompts: B11*- "You Can Get Louder, Can't You?" & B20*- "I Want You To Leave Marks."

Warnings: Roughish!Max, Explicit Language, slight choking, unclothed scenes, Slight Sir Kink, hickeys, slight bruising, Nipple play, clit stimulating, finger fucking, handjob, blowjob, hair pulling, cum swallowing.

Word Count: 3.6K

Max sat on the couch in the living room, leaning forward as he focused on the game he was playing, his fingers rapidly moved over the controller and tapped each button with the same speed they moved around, (Y/n) sat next to him trying to read a b...

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Max sat on the couch in the living room, leaning forward as he focused on the game he was playing, his fingers rapidly moved over the controller and tapped each button with the same speed they moved around, (Y/n) sat next to him trying to read a book, she never minded when he played video games, it was his way to escape reality for a moment and forget about the stress of the world while also blowing off some steam, but today was a little different, (Y/n) struggled to focus on the book in her hands, instead, her eyes were looking at his fingers and wondered what his fingers could be doing instead of tapping controller buttons, she shifts in her seat as she felt something serif inside her, she could practically feel a wet patch growing on her panties as her mind continued to wander, taking in a deep breath she shut the book in her hands.

"How much longer?" (Y/n) asks, it was the first time she interrupted during his gaming session, he glanced at her, taken by surprise by her question, she was usually so patient.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Max mutters not thinking much until he heard a whine coming from her. "What?" He was engrossed with his game and suddenly felt annoyed by her whining presence.

"I want some attention." (Y/n) says in a whining tone, her bottom lip popped out as a pouted.

"I'll give you attention once I'm done," Max says, she lets out a loud long sigh as she shifted on the spot next to him, he restrained himself from rolling his eyes with each loud sigh that escaped her lips.

"Fine." (Y/n) says as she stood from the couch. "I'll just use my vibrator." He was sure that he wasn't supposed to hear her as she muttered her words, he tapped the pause button and turns his head to stare at her.

"What did you just say?" Max asks, his voice dangerously low, she turns around to look at him, he could see her flustered cheeks.

"I said, I'll just use my vibrator to get myself off because you're obviously too busy and you probably don't even want to do it." (Y/n) says, he could hear the annoyance in her voice as she spoke, she simply wanted his attention, but he wasn't given her any. "I always let you play your games, but when I just want a little attention from you this once, you get annoyed with me." He could see her shifting her weight from one leg to another as she tried to cause some sort of friction between her legs. "I'm the one that should be annoyed."

"Why today?" Max asks as he placed the gaming pad down on the couch next to him. "Why all of a sudden?" She crosses her arms across her chest, pushing her breast up making them appear fuller.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now