"Kiss Me And Promise Me A Forever." - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by: Two anons.

Request: Hi! Can I get an A112 with Ricciardo please? & Hi!! Can you write C35 with Daniel Ricciardo please?

Prompt: A112- "Kiss Me And Promise Me A Forever."

Scenario Prompt: C35- I have been having the crappiest week ever, but you surprised me with a bubble bath and comfort food and I cannot even right now. What did I do to deserve you?

A/N: Hi, two different anons requested this, and I decided to pop them together, I hope you don't mind.

Warnings: -

Word Count: 1.2K

The week felt like a month-long for (Y/n) and Daniel had noticed it each day when she came home from work, she was either angry or completely deflated and each time he would ask her, she would tell him that it was a crap day and that she didn't wa...

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The week felt like a month-long for (Y/n) and Daniel had noticed it each day when she came home from work, she was either angry or completely deflated and each time he would ask her, she would tell him that it was a crap day and that she didn't want to talk about it any further before heading to the bathroom to remove her makeup and take a brisk shower before going to bed right and quickly falling asleep next to him, it was upsetting to see how much her work was deflating her mood, so when Friday morning arrived and she left for work, he went to the store and bought cakes, doughnuts, candy, ice cream and almost anything that was considered comfort food.

Once the clock ticked down to 5:00 pm he started preparing everything in the kitchen, after preparing everything he checks his watch and saw she would be home soon, he went towards their bathroom and started filling the tub with warm water and poured in some bubble bath, once the tub was filled he closed the taps and left the bathroom and the bedroom only to hear the front door open and close a minute later, he walks down the hallway to greet her at the door.

"Hello, beautiful, welcome back," Daniel says, his voice sounding cheery and a wide toothy grin tugged at the corner of his lips, but his smile quickly disappeared once he saw the pout on her lips and her brows furrowed as she frowned.

"Hi, Dan." (Y/n) mumbles as she removes her shoes, she lets out a long defeated sigh and begins removing her jacket. "My day was shit before you ask." She hangs her jacket up on the coat hanger by the door, her eyes never leaving the floor.

"I prepared a bubble bath for you," Daniel says, she lifts her head to look at him the frown on her face slowly fading away.

"You did?" (Y/n) asks.

"I kinda figured you'd need it," Daniel says. "I bought some cake, doughnuts, chocolates, ice cream, and other things."

"Are you messing me with?" (Y/n) asks. "Because if you are, Dan, I swear..."

"I'm not messing with you, why would I mess with you?" Daniel asks. "I've seen what a shit week you've experienced, you deserve to get treated." He gently takes hold of her hand. "Come, the treats are in the kitchen, and just down the hall in our bathroom awaits a nice warm bubble bath."

"Oh, what did I do to deserve you, Dan?" (Y/n) asks as he leads her to the kitchen, as they neared the kitchen she could almost smell the sweet treats coming from it.

"There's ice cream as well," Daniel says as they enter the kitchen, her eyes slowly move over all the treats before she turned around to face him, she wraps her arms around him and pressed her head against his chest.

"I don't deserve you." (Y/n) says as she sniffles, she couldn't believe how kind he had been to this for her. "This is so nice of you." He could hear her sniffling.

"Hey, don't cry, why are you crying?" Daniel asks. "Look at me, please." (Y/n) lifts her head to look up at him. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just... this is so nice." (Y/n) says as she sniffs.

"Only the best for my girl, you're the best and you don't deserve to get treated like crap at your work," Daniel says. "You're so good at it, and they don't deserve you." (Y/n) faintly smiles up at him. "Now, come on, choose what you want and go get in the tub before the water's cold, I'll bring everything to the bedroom." She unwraps her arms from around him.

"You are so sweet." (Y/n) says before turning towards the table filled with all sorts of snacks only for Daniel to pull her back to him, his lips brush against her, softly kissing her plump lips.

"You taste sweet," Daniel mumbles before letting her go, she softly giggles as she turns around to make her way towards the table, she could feel her mouth water from all the treats he had bought.

"Are we even gonna be able to finish all these before they go off?" (Y/n) asks.

"I don't know, but we're gonna try," Daniel says, she nods her head as she felt her mood improving after the day she had at work.

"All right, well, I want a slice of this, this, oh and this, three of these doughnuts." (Y/n) says while pointing to at the treats, Daniel nods his head, paying close attention to what she was pointing at. "Oh, and this!"

"Is that everything? You don't want more?" Daniel asks, she thinks for a moment before nodding her head.

"Yeah." (Y/n) says.

"Are you sure?" Daniel asks.

"Yes, I'm sure." (Y/n) says giving him a smile.

"All right, head on to the bathroom and go enjoy your bubble bath," Daniel says, she nods her head.

"Thank you, thank you so much, it means a lot to me." (Y/n) says as she begins leaving the kitchen. "You have no idea how much this means to me." Daniel gives her a toothy grin before she left the kitchen and made her way to their bedroom and towards their bathroom, as she entered the bathroom she could already smell the scent from the bubbles and saw them floating on top of the water with steam coming from it. "You absolute angel, Daniel." She removes her clothes, tossing them into the laundry basket with the dirty clothes before stepping into the warm bath, she lets out a satisfied sigh before slowly sinking into the warm water, she leans back as the warmth enveloped her, she closes her eyes as she felt the tension in her body slowly relaxing, it was quiet for a moment, her mind clearing up from the weeks trouble, Daniel walks into the bathroom causing her to open her eyes to look at him.

"Is the water still good?" Daniel asks.

"Oh, it's perfect." (Y/n) says as she walks towards the tub, he bends down next to the tub letting his fingers disappear into the bubbles. "This feels so nice and relaxing." He dips his hand into the water.

"I'm glad you're feeling relaxed," Daniel says as he placed his hand on her knee.

"Keep spoiling me and I'm never gonna let you go." (Y/n) says.

"I don't want you to let me go," Daniel says, she licks her lips as she lifts her head from the tub.

"Then kiss me and promise me a forever." (Y/n) says, Daniel looks at her a goofy smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Forever huh?" Daniel says. "Forever sounds like a very long time."

"Well, if you don't want to..." (Y/n) trails off.

"I didn't say that I didn't want to," Daniel says as he stood from the floor, he steps into the tub causing the water to spill over onto the floor making (Y/n) laugh as he lowers himself down into the tub, he placed his hands on the side of the tub and leans closer to her, stopping inches away from her lips. "Forever with you, sounds perfect."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now