"Dance With Me?" - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Hello! Can you do A13 and A19 with Ricciardo? :)

Prompts: A13- "Dance With Me?" & A19- "Stay, Just For The Night."

Word Count: 841

(Y/n) sits down next to Daniel on the couch as he scrolls through his Spotify playlist trying to find something decent to listen to, she had been over at his place since the afternoon and the sun had just started setting, but she wasn't planning o...

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(Y/n) sits down next to Daniel on the couch as he scrolls through his Spotify playlist trying to find something decent to listen to, she had been over at his place since the afternoon and the sun had just started setting, but she wasn't planning on leaving just yet.

"Ugh, I can't find anything," Daniel says, (Y/n) lays her head down on his shoulder wrapping her one arm around his, she looks at his phone before taking it from his grasp.

"Let me see." (Y/n) says, Daniel looks down at her smiling to himself, he counted himself lucky to be with her, he enjoyed every moment with her. "All right, so this might not be your usual taste, but I heard one of their songs and I kinda liked it."

"I'm sure I'm going to like it," Daniel says. "Your taste in music is almost just a great as mine." He jokes, (Y/n) softly chuckles as she playfully pushes him.

"Hey, that's a lie, mine is better." (Y/n) says jokingly.

"What are they called?" Daniel asks.

"Think you might like them?" (Y/n) asks as a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips, Daniel soft suppressed laugh.

"Are you doubting yourself?" Daniel asks, (Y/n) only smiles at him. "What are they called?"

"All right, so they're called Thousand Foot Krutch." (Y/n) says, Daniel nods his head. "I don't remember where I heard the song, but I really liked it, so please don't make fun of it if you don't."

"When have I ever?" Daniel asks, a toothy grin on his lips.

"I'm serious Dan." (Y/n) says, a smile still on her lips. "Don't spoil it for me, all right?"

"All right, all right," Daniel says. "I promise that I won't spoil it for you." (Y/n) nods her head, her finger hovers above the song. "Well, are you going to hit play?"

"I'm nervous, okay?" (Y/n) says, Daniel chuckles and decides to grab the phone. "Hey!"

"Which one is it?" Daniel asks. "I'm not going to wait the entire night for you to hit play."

"Already Home." (Y/n) mumbles, Daniel tilts his head not sure what she had said.

"You're gonna have to speak up," Daniel says, (Y/n) takes in a deep breath.

"Already Home." (Y/n) says, Daniel nods his head and presses on the name and begins playing, Daniel listens for a second

"It's slow." Daniel states, he presses pause on his phone. "It's already 45, seconds and they haven't sung."

"Daniel, you promised." (Y/n) says.

"All right, all right, but are you sure this is your favourite one?" Daniel asks, (Y/n) slowly nods her head. "Like I'm going to believe you, but all right." He presses play and they begin singing, Daniel nods his head listening to the lyrics. "This isn't your favourite one!" (Y/n) giggles as she leans back against the couch. "It's nice and slow, but seriously, I know this isn't your favourite."

"All right, all right." (Y/n) says. "Search for broken wing." Daniel nods his head and begins scrolling through the playlist, he taps on the song and the music begins playing.

"Rock, you listen to rock?" Daniel playfully asks, (Y/n) smiles at him. "I can't believe you didn't tell me you listen to rock."

"You never brought it up." (Y/n) says, Daniel placed his phone down on the couch and stood from the couch.

"Dance with me?" Daniel says, he held his hand out for (Y/n) to take.

"Seriously?" (Y/n) asks, Daniel nods his head.

"Seriously," Daniel says, (Y/n) places her hand in his and he pulls her to her feet.

"You can't even slow dance, how are you going to dance to this?" (Y/n) asks, Daniel pulls her away from the furniture to an open space in his living room.

"We're gonna improvise!" Daniel says excitedly, he begins releases her hand and begins moving his arms around, (Y/n) covers her mouth as a wide smile appears on her lips. "Are you gonna dance or what?"

"I uh, all right."


Daniel had his arms locked around (Y/n) as they laid on the couch listening to Spotify, it was silent between them, a comfortable silence, (Y/n) was becoming tired in his arms when her eyes opened wide, she struggles in his grasp as she tries to sit up.

"What? what's going on?" Daniel asks, he release her and she sits up.

"What's the time?" (Y/n) asks, she reaches for her phone and taps on. "Shit, I should've left hours ago."

"What's the time?" Daniel asks as she props himself up on his elbow.

"It's past midnight." (Y/n) says, she reaches for her shoes that she had discarded before they had laid down on the couch to cuddle, Daniel grabs her hand pulling her back into his arms. "Daniel."

"No, no, you're not leaving," Daniel says. "I'm not going to allow you to drive home this late."

"Dan..." (Y/n) sighs out.

"Stay, Just for the night," Daniel says, (Y/n) looks over her shoulder at him searching for any sign that he might be joking. "I'm serious, stay."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now