Mick Schumacher - We Couldn't... Could We?

14.7K 126 5

Requested by: Anon

Request: Hello! I was wondering if I could request something with Mick Schumacher? Possibly they are related to Lando in some way and are always around races, because of this they know Mick and have a very public friendship with him. They get asked questions from reporters a lot speculating that Mick and her are in a relationship? I'll let you decide how it ends up but I thought about it as I sore a picture of Lando and Mick sharing a podium in possibly f4 or f3. Anyways thank you :))

A/N: Hello, Anon, I had a little trouble coming up with a plot, but I hope you like the idea I went with.


Word Count: 1.7K

(Y/n) and Mick stood in the paddock laughing when (Y/n) caught sight of a reporter taking a video of them

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(Y/n) and Mick stood in the paddock laughing when (Y/n) caught sight of a reporter taking a video of them.

"Oh my gosh, I wish they could just leave us alone." (Y/n) says, Mick glances over his shoulder at the reporter.

"Another story about us." Mick says, (Y/n) was Lando Norris' niece, and she went to most of his races during his time in F4 and F3, becoming friends with Mick Schumacher along the way, and ever since reporters have been videotaping them and taking pictures of them, with the headline 'Lando Norris's niece dating Mick Schumacher?' "I've gotten so many tweets about our relationship," Mick adds air quotes around the word relationship.

"Lando's fans have been asking him if you and I are dating as well." (Y/n) says. "Can boys and girls no longer be friends without them dating?" A mischievous smirk appears on Mick's lips.

"Well, why don't we give them something to talk about?" Mick asks, (Y/n) slightly tilts her head in confusion.

"And what do you mean by that?" (Y/n) asks.

"Let's give them a show." Mick says, (Y/n)'s eyes slightly widen as she covers her hand with her mouth trying to hide the smile appears on her lips, Mick didn't have to say the words 'kiss' for her to know that's what he meant.

"Are you serious?" (Y/n) asks, she pulls her hand away from her mouth. "Do you want them to freak out? Do you want them to go mental?"

"Oh come on, it's innocent fun," Mick says, (Y/n) looks around her as she thought about the idea.

"Oh my go- I can't believe that I'm about to agree to this." (Y/n) says. "But we deserve to have a little fun."

"So, do you want to do this?" Mick asks as a wide smile tug at the corner of his lips.

"Mhm, okay, let's have some fun." (Y/n) says. "At least when they gossip about us this time, it won't be a lie." Mick cheerful chuckles.

"Haha, you hope," Mick says. "All right, are you ready?"

"Am I ready? Probably not." (Y/n) says. "I mean, we haven't had any practice, what if it doesn't look natural enough?"

"Don't stress, it's going to be fine," Mick says. "Remember, it's just a little innocent fun." (Y/n) nods her head.

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