[S] "You Got Started Without Me?" - Lando Norris

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Requested by: Mi1234ll

Request: Can you do b2 and B25 with Lando please?

Prompts: B2*- "You Got Started Without Me." & B25*- "Let Me Watch You Touch Yourself."

Warnings: Masturbation, slight nipple play, teasing?, vibrator, nudist, slightly handjob, safe sex (Always be safe). explicit language, explicit, detailed sex scene.

Word Count: 3K

The air felt warm in the bedroom and the only sound that could be heard was the hard breathing coming from (Y/n) as she laid on her back with her legs spread with her hand between her legs holding a vibrator above her clit, her skin had become war...

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The air felt warm in the bedroom and the only sound that could be heard was the hard breathing coming from (Y/n) as she laid on her back with her legs spread with her hand between her legs holding a vibrator above her clit, her skin had become warm and a barely noticeable layer of sweat coated her skin as she masturbated and tried to make herself cum, Lando hadn't given her a time when he would be home and she had suddenly started craving for a release and decided to turn to her vibrator she had got for the nights when he wasn't there, she didn't think he would be home early since he hadn't been home early for the entire week, so why would today be any different? She could feel her muscles contracting as her orgasm neared, her mind focusing on the pleasure between her legs.

"(Y/n), I'm home!" Lando announces himself from the front door, her eyes widen as she pulls the vibrator away from her, she rolls off the bed pulling her skirt back into place, and fixing her shirt, she pushes the vibrator underneath the covers and steps over her underwear as she quickly made her way towards the bedroom door, she exits the bedroom only to almost run into Lando as she did.

"Oh, sorry." (Y/n) says, he could see how flustered she looked and became concerned.

"Hey, are you okay? You look flustered." Lando says, she nods her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a little hot." (Y/n) says. "I uh thought you would be home later?"

"Me too, but then I finished early and decided to come home early," Lando says, he heard a buzzing sound coming from the bedroom and tilted his head in confusion. "What's that noise?"

"What noise?" (Y/n) says, but she could hear it and cursed herself for not turning it off.

"That buzzing sound," Lando says.

"Oh, it must be my phone, I have it on vibrate." (Y/n) says. "Let me go check." She quickly steps back into the room, closing the door in his face before speed walking towards the bed, she begins searching for the vibrator when the door opens and Lando walked in.

"I can still hear it," Lando says as he walks towards the bed, his eyes fall on her phone lying on the nightstand. "Let me help, we'll find it faster together."

"No!" (Y/n) quickly says, she clears her throat. "I uh, mean no, go get yourself something to drink, eat and I'll be right with you." (Y/n) says, she swallows as she felt her nerves building, she didn't want Lando to find the vibrator nor did she want him to know that she had one, and she had just used it, but she didn't know that she had been caught already.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now