[S] "Don't Be Gentle." - Carlos Sainz Jr

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Request by:  Mi1234ll

Request: B4 and b27 with Carlos?

Prompts: B4*- "Grab The Headboard For Me, Will Ya?" & B27*- "Don't Be Gentle."

A/N: I'm sorry, but there isn't a detailed sex scene this time, .

Warnings: Cocky!Carlos, One night stand, explicit language, Pre-Covid-19, drinking, public touching, nude, getting eaten out, face sitting, cum swallowing, handjob, safe sex mentioned.

Word Count: 2.5K

It was a night for celebrations when Carlos had got back home after getting his first podium with McLaren, as soon as they were back home they went to a club to celebrate with the team, once they arrived the place was already packed with music bla...

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It was a night for celebrations when Carlos had got back home after getting his first podium with McLaren, as soon as they were back home they went to a club to celebrate with the team, once they arrived the place was already packed with music blaring through the speakers as sweaty bodies danced to the beat, or tried, they made their way towards the bar and ordered some shots for every, (Y/n) sat on the other end of the bar watching her friends dance with people they had met earlier, she had once again lost out and hadn't found anybody that piqued her interest, she stirred the cosmopolitan before taking a sip from the drink, her eyes moved away from the dance floor to stare at her drink, Carlos picked up his shot glass and tossed his head back as he tossed the drink down his throat, he lowers the glass and cheered with his friends before h looked around the bar, his eyes fall on (Y/n) as she sat by herself looking almost miserable, he quickly excused himself from his friends and made his way towards her.

"Hello," Carlos says as he comes to a stop behind her, (Y/n) takes in a deep breath as yet another guy greeted her, she turns to look at the person and send him on his way only for her words to get caught in her throat, her eyes moved over his face as she took in his dark brown eyes. "Can I buy you a drink or at least pay for the one you're currently drinking?" He took a seat in the empty chair next to her.

"Well, we have a tab open, I doubt you'd want to pay for everyone's drink." (Y/n) says as she felt heat run up her veins.

"We?" Carlos questions as his brows furrowed. "As in you and your...?" He trails off, hoping she would tell him that she was single.

"Friends." (Y/n) finishes his sentence.

"You and your friends," Carlos says as he nods his head, but he still didn't know if she was available or not.

"Yes, although they have abandoned me." (Y/n) says as she glanced towards the dance floor, her friends still clung to the people as they tried to dance, (Y/n) looks back at Carlos. "I'm (Y/n)." She extended her arm towards her.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n)," Carlos says as he took hold of her hand. "Carlos." He could feel her soft delicate skin underneath his touch.

"So, what brings you here, Carlos?" (Y/n) ask as she releases his hand and placed it on her lap.

"Celebration, and you, what brings you here?" Carlos asks.

"A night out to let loose." (Y/n) says, it was a month thing for (Y/n) and her friends, they would go to the club and hoped they would have a fun night, Carlos glanced towards the dance floor, unsure who her friends were.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now