Sebastian Vettel - I'm In Love With You

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Hi! Can you do c17 with Sebastian? I was imagining, like, she was his lover for a year and they both never confessed their feelings. 💕

Scenario: C17- everyone assumed we were going to end up together, but it's your engagement party and you overhear me talking about how I'm in love with you

A/N: I didn't know if you wanted a happy ending or an angst one, So I hope you don't mind the happy ending.

Warnings: Slight Angst, kissing in the rain

Word Count: 2.2K

Sebastian stood inside the venue where (Y/n) and Peter were having the engagement party with a glass of champagne in his hand, he was dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath the blazer, a black-tie to complete the suit, he knew...

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Sebastian stood inside the venue where (Y/n) and Peter were having the engagement party with a glass of champagne in his hand, he was dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath the blazer, a black-tie to complete the suit, he knew the bride-to-be, and he just so happens to love her, three years ago he and (Y/n) were in a relationship for an entire year, but they never confessed their love to each other, as a new year started they ended up separating and going separate ways, still keeping contact with each other

A year and a half later she invited him to her engagement party, he now stood in a corner watching her laugh with her husband-to-be as he sipped on the champagne, as each day passed, he regretted never telling her that he loves her, yes, love, not loved, he was still deeply and madly in love with her, but now he had to stand by and watch her be happy with someone else.

"I always thought it would be the two of you." Sara, one of (Y/n)'s friend say as they stop next to Sebastian. "You guys looked good together." Sebastian gives her a half-smiles and takes a sip from his drink.

"She looks happy," Sebastian says, it hurt to say it, it hurt seeing somebody else being the cause of her happiness.

"I guess," Sara mutters. "Her smile isn't as big as it was when she was with you." Sara sees somebody waving her over. "Oh, excuse me." Sara leaves his side and Sebastian finishes his drink, he looks down at the empty glass in his hand before going to the open bar.

"One whiskey," Sebastian says, the bartender picks up a glass and the whiskey bottle

"You don't appear to be having fun." The bartender says, Sebastian lets out a dry chuckle.

"Not that much," Sebastian says. "The bride-to-be is my ex-girlfriend."

"That sucks." The Bartender says, he pours the whiskey into the glass.

"It sure does." Sebastian sighs. "I never told her that I love her." The bartender could see (Y/n) standing behind Sebastian, but Sebastian had no idea.

"Do you still love her?" The bartender asks, Sebastian nods his head, sadness displayed in his eyes as a slight frown formed on his face.

"Yes, I do," Sebastian says, the smile on (Y/n)'s lips slowly fading, why hadn't he told her when they were together? Why wait until she was celebrating her engagement?

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