"I Think I'm In Love With You." - Luca Ghiotto

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Requested by: holy_ground13

Request: can you do this one with Luca Ghiotto please? 😊

Prompt: A19- "I Think I'm In Love With You And I Don't Know What To Do."

Warnings: mention of pussy and cleavage, cleavage being touched as well..

Word Count: 1.3K

(Y/n) was in love with Luca, or she thinks that she's in love with him, but she hasn't said anything to him about her feelings, afraid it might destroy their friendships, but she couldn't help but notice that he treated her differently, he made he...

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(Y/n) was in love with Luca, or she thinks that she's in love with him, but she hasn't said anything to him about her feelings, afraid it might destroy their friendships, but she couldn't help but notice that he treated her differently, he made her feel special, she was currently at a pool party he had invited her to, sitting on a tanning chair in a black bikini, she takes out sunscreen as the hot sun burned down on them, Luca walks up to her with his charming soft smile.

"Hey," Luca says, he pulls a tanning chair closer to hers and sits down on it. "Glad to see you could make it." (Y/n) softly smiles at him as she felt her heartbeat quicken and butterflies erupting from her stomach.

"Well, I didn't have anything else to do, and it's a scorching day already." (Y/n) says.

"The sun is pretty strong today, hopefully, it'll be better when it goes down," Luca says, it was still early in the afternoon so it would take some time for sun would go down.

"I hope so, but in the meantime, I have to settle for some sunscreen." (Y/n) says as she showed him the bottle in her hands.

"Oh, here, let me help you," Luca says taking the bottle from her hand.

"Oh, um, are you uh sure?" (Y/n) asks, the thought of Luca running his hands over her skin made her nervous and excited.

"Yeah," Luca says, he opens the lotion and squeezes some onto his hand and placed the bottle down next to him on the tanning chair, he begins at ankles and slowly works his way up, his hands kneading her skin as he's rubbing the lotion over her legs, (Y/n) could feel her cheeks heat up at the feeling of his hands moving over her thighs, and very close to her pussy, Luca didn't even realize what he was doing to her as he moved his hand to the inside of her thighs, (Y/n) closes her eyes and leans her head back against the tanning chair, enjoying the moment before reality hits her, she opens her eyes and looks at him as he concentrated on rubbing the lotion.

"Are you uh, enjoying yourself?" (Y/n) asks, she couldn't let it escalate any further, they weren't even dating, and he most likely didn't feel the same way about her, Luca's movements slowly comes to a halt as he realized how high his hands had gone, his fingers were inches away from brushing her pussy though her bikini bottoms, he was too caught up touching her that he hadn't realized, her skin felt soft and warm underneath his touch, and he wanted more, he wanted to know every inch of her, he looks up at her giving her a toothy grin.

"I uh, yeah," Luca says. "I um think your legs are well covered." He picks up the lotion bottle and squeezes some more lotion onto his hand. "Let me do your tummy and then I'll do your shoulders." (Y/n) nods her head as he puts the bottle down next to him again, she lets out a gasp as the cold lotion makes contact with her warm skin.

"Wow, that's cold." (Y/n) mutters, Luca softly laughs.

"Sorry about that," Luca says, he spread the lotion over her stomach, his fingers barely brushing up against her breast before moving lower, (Y/n) bites her lip as she could only imagine that if they were dating and if they weren't out in public his hand would slip in and touch her, he moves closer to her almost making it seem like he was hovering over her as he rubbed her sides, lost in thought about how soft her skin felt and how it almost seemed to glow in the sunlight he moved his hand to her cleavage, he rubbed the remaining lotion on his hand over her cleavage before suddenly stopping, his eyes move from her cleavage to her face and saw her biting her lip while looking at him, their faces were inches apart. "I-i'm sorry." He quickly moves away.

"I uh, no, no it's uh okay." (Y/n) says, already missing his hands gliding over her skin, Luca closes the lotion bottle.

"I um." Luca begins, he was nervous, and he wasn't sure what to say after he was caught touching her cleavage and almost her pussy without her permission. "I have to go, somebody's signalling for me." He quickly stood up, putting the bottle lotion on her upper thigh before walking away from her, (Y/n) lets out a sigh knowing nobody was calling for his attention, it felt like her heart clenched in pain as he walked away, he's probably embarrassed and feels guilty about touching me the way he did... but I loved it, she thought to herself.

Luca looks over his shoulder as he walked away (Y/n) with only one thought running through his mind, she's not yours, you can't touch her like that, what have I done? Probably ruined our friendship, she probably doesn't even feel the same way.


The pool party was in full swing once the sun went down, music was playing loudly, people were drinking and there were a lot of people in the pool, some making out and others playing with their friends, (Y/n) had decided that it was time to go home seeing as she wasn't having any fun and the only person she was close with was avoiding her like the plague, Luca stood near the pool talking to some friends when he caught sight of (Y/n) putting on her short shorts.

"Excuse me for a minute," Luca says before walking away from his friends, he reaches (Y/n) as she was pulling her t-shirt from her bag. "Hey, leaving already?" (Y/n) avoided eye contact with him.

"Um yeah, I'm just kinda not feeling it anymore." (Y/n) says, Luca nods his head.

"All right, well, um I want to say how sorry I am," Luca says, (Y/n) looks up at him and gives him a faint smile, she was a little angry with him.

"It's um fine, your friends needed you." (Y/n) says, she pulls her t-shirt over her head and pulls over her body, covering herself.

"You're my friend too, and I ignored you," Luca says. "I invited you here and basically left you on your own." (Y/n) looks down at her bag making sure she had all her things. "I was talking to you and then I just left, I'm sorry." (Y/n) shrugs and zips her bag closed. "And I need to apologize for touching you inappropriately." She lets out a sigh picking up her bag.

"Yeah." (Y/n) says. "I think we need to talk, I need to get something off my chest." She adjusts the strap over her shoulder. "Because it kinda feels like I'm being suffocated by my own secret." She takes in a deep breath. "And this might ruin our friendship, but I need to get this out into the open." Her palms were sweaty as she became nervous. "I think I'm in love with you." She lets out a long sigh feeling like a mountain had been lifted from her shoulders, but Luca's expression told her something else, he stared at her with eyes wide open. "And I don't know what to do." He didn't say anything, he was frozen with shock, he had never noticed it. "All right, I'm just going to go now." She turns away from him and quickly leaves the backyard of the stranger she didn't know, Luca blinks coming back down to reality as he watched her walk away, thinking that he didn't feel the same way.

"Wait," Luca whispers, but she was already entering the house and everyone around him were too loud, he runs towards the house hoping to catch her before she could leave, she exits the house and makes her way to her car, Luca runs out of the house and towards her stopping her just as she reaches her car, he takes hold of her hand turning her around while placing his hand on her checking caressing it, he pushes her up against her car stepping closer to her before she could get a word out his lips were against hers.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now