Daniel Ricciardo - FIA Awards

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Requested by: Anon.

Request: Hi, can I request a Daniel Ric where you are his wife and you accompany him to the FIA awards? Thank you so much! Your page is wonderful! :)

A/N: I've never seen the FIA awards, but I have heard about it, so... I'm just gonna make up some nonsense as this goes on. 😊

Warnings: None that I can think of

Word Count: 1.1K

(Y/n) looked at herself in the mirror as she fixed her makeup, a black dress hugged her body perfectly as it showed off each curve, the black stilettos she had bought a month ago complimented the outfit perfectly, it would be the first time she wa...

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(Y/n) looked at herself in the mirror as she fixed her makeup, a black dress hugged her body perfectly as it showed off each curve, the black stilettos she had bought a month ago complimented the outfit perfectly, it would be the first time she was going to attend the FIA awards, she and Daniel had met two years ago and quickly fell in love with each other, a year and eight months later they had gotten married, but during those years (Y/n) had never gotten the chance to attend a race weekend nor meet his friends, she had met some at their wedding, but others couldn't make it and she would be meeting them at the award show, to say she felt nervous would've been an understatement, she was afraid that they wouldn't like her and she hoped that they would approve of her.

"(Y/n)!" Daniel calls out, she moved away from the full-length mirror in the bedroom as Daniel enters the bedroom. "Are you ready?" His eyes widen at the beautiful outfit she had chosen to wear, everything fitter her beautiful and he almost debated if they should skip the award show and stay in. "Fuck, you look so beautiful." (Y/n) could feel blood rush to her cheeks at his comment.

"It's not too much?" (Y/n) asks in a soft tone, Daniel strides towards her and placed his hands on her hips once he reached her, she lifts her head to look up at him.

"It's perfect, you're perfect," Daniel says. "You could wear a trash bag and you would still be the most beautiful person in the room." she softly giggles ad placed her hands on his chest.

"Okay, now you're just overreacting." (Y/n) says. "Shall we go?" Daniel nods his head but didn't make a move to step away from her. "Dan?"

"Just one more minute," Daniel says and leans down, his lips brush against hers and the scent from her perfume filled his lungs, they slowly break away from the kiss. "Okay, now we can go."

• • •

Daniel stops the car in front of the large building that was rented for the awards, he climbs out and made his way around the car before opening the door for (Y/n), she steps out the car and fixed her dress while Daniel closed the door, he hands the keys to the valet that was rented for the night, giving them a large smile before hooking his arm with (Y/n)'s arm and leading her up the stairs, Cameras flashed as they captured the married couple entering the building.

"Are you still okay?" Daniel asks, he knew she wasn't used to the flashes as pictures were taken of them.

"Uh, yeah, I'm good." (Y/n) says as they reach the top of the stairs and enter the building. "I just didn't realize there would be photographers."

"Well, when you're married to such a handsome guy like me..." Daniel trails off as he jokes, (Y/n) softly chuckles as she softly slapped his arm. "Hey, don't damage the goods."

"Oh gosh." (Y/n) mutters causing Daniel to laugh loudly, which quickly pulled all attention on them.

"Come, let me go introduce you to everyone," Daniel says as he pulls her through the building, it had been decorated to perfection, tables were scattered around the main floor and at the other side of the room was a large stage set up. "Why are there plates on the tables?"

"For the after-party, sometimes they serve us before the end of the show," Daniel says, (Y/n) nods her head as she stared at the place in amazement. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Oh, yeah, what do they serve?" (Y/n) asks as he stops a waitress carrying a tray with numerous champagne glasses on. "Oh." Daniel picked up two glasses and handed one to (Y/n), she gave him a thankful smile before taking a sip. "Oh, this tastes so good." She continued to follow him as he walked towards a group of people talking amongst themselves.

"You've probably already met some of them already at our wedding, but the best wasn't there," Daniel says as they moved closer to the group. "Don't be nervous, they're gonna love you." she glanced up at him, unsure at his statement, he stops for a moment and turned to look at her. "(Y/n), I'm serious, they're gonna love you, I haven't met somebody that doesn't like you." (Y/n) nods her head and took in a deep breath.

"Let's go meet them." (Y/n) softly says, Daniel smiles at her before turning towards the group.

"Hello, gentlemen," Daniel says in a horrible accent causing (Y/n) to giggle, the group turned towards him.

"Dan!" Pierre was the first to greet him, everyone's eyes quickly fell on (Y/n) as she stood next to him with her arm still hooked through his. "You must be (Y/n), the girl that stole Daniel's heart, and his mind, because you're all he's been talking about." A shy smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "I'm Pierre." He extended his arm out and held his hand out for her to shake, she quickly placed her hand in his.

"That uh would be me, but I didn't realize I distracted his mind that much." (Y/n) says as she shook his hand, they release each other's hands.

"Are you kidding?" Max says. "It's (Y/n) this, (Y/n) did this cute thing, Oh, I wonder what (Y/n)'s doing right now." (Y/n) could feel her cheeks heat up as blood flushed her skin, she looks up at Daniel and saw a wide smile on his lips.

"Okay, that's enough, stop embarrassing me," Daniel says causing (Y/n) to softly laugh.

"I didn't know you could get embarrassed." (Y/n) says.

• • •

The night quickly passed and surpassingly went smoothly, it was around 2 in the morning when Daniel and (Y/n) returned to the hotel they were staying at.

"That wasn't too bad." (Y/n) says as they wait for the elevator to reach the ground floor.

"Mhm." Daniel hums in response, the doors open and they step inside.

"Your friends are really nice." (Y/n) says as he pressed their floor number, the doors close and Daniel turns to her and gently presses her up against the mirror wall inside the elevator. "Dan?" His lips were inches away from hers.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for us to get back," Daniel says in a husky tone. "The night felt too long, do you know how beautiful you look in this dress." His hand slowly moved over her torso as he felt the soft fabric from the dress. "But finally we're alone." The doors open behind Daniel. "My friends seem to have really like you, which made me a little jealous, so maybe I should show them who you belong to."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now