[S] "I Want You Now." - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by: Anon.

Request: Hello!! Can you do C16 with Daniel Ricciardo please? & Hello! Can I ask you to do A38+B6 with daniel ricciardo? Thank you :)

Scenario: C16— it's almost 3 am so I go down to the lake to skinny dip and you decide to join me but you don't realize I'm naked

Prompts: A38— "I like your face." & B6*— "I want you now."

A/N: -

Warnings: Explicit language, nudism, Sex mentioned, cock mentioned.

Word Count: 862.

It was a weekend away with a large group of friends, multiple cabins had been booked for the weekend, it was summer and the days were scorching hot and the summer nights were almost just as brutal, which usually left a layer of sweat on everyone's...

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It was a weekend away with a large group of friends, multiple cabins had been booked for the weekend, it was summer and the days were scorching hot and the summer nights were almost just as brutal, which usually left a layer of sweat on everyone's skin, it was just another one of those mornings, expect it was 3 am and (Y/n) couldn't sleep due to the heat, she tossed and turned on the bed, the covers already in a pile on the floor, but the warmth wouldn't ease, letting out a frustrated groan, she stood from the bed and left the cabin for some fresh air, when she approached the lake near the cabins.

She stops near the water, staring at it, it looked so inviting, so cool, she begins removing the thin shirt she wore before her shorts and panties followed, she slowly enters the water and lets out a satisfied sigh as the cool water welcomed her, she moves in deep and stared up at the sky, the full moon lit the night sky and the stars twinkled next to it, she comes to a halt when the water reached just below her shoulders, not that she would have to worry about anyone being awake at that hour, she didn't have a care or worry as she stared up at the sky, the cool water relaxing her muscles, nothing could ruin her mood, that was until she heard footsteps approaching the lake, and approaching fast.

"(Y/N)?!" Daniel's voice shouted out as he slows down from his run, she looks over her shoulder and saw him in a t-shirt and shorts, staring at her. "What are you doing in the lake?" She could feel her heart rate quicken, this was not part of the plan, why was he awake at 3 in the morning and why was he running? "At this time?" He steps closer to the lake, his eyes never leaving her face.

"I uh, it was warm in the cabin." (Y/n) says, he nods his head understanding, that was why he was up also, he stops near the water. "I couldn't sleep in the heat, so I decided to go for a walk, and then I decided to uh come for a dip." Daniel nods his head, not once thinking that she could be naked.

"How's the water?" Daniel asks wanting to join her.

"Uh, yeah, it's good." (Y/n) says, Daniel begins removing his shirt, causing panic to run through her body. "Wai-wait, wh-what are yo-you doing?" He quickly removes his shirt, dropping it by his shoes before entering the water and approaching her, her eyes widen as he neared, she wanted to sink into the water and disappear.

"You're right, the water feels good," Daniel says as he comes to a halt next to her, having no idea that she was completely nude next to him. "It's a wonderful night." She nods her head as she stared straight ahead, her heart felt like it was about to burst out her chest. "I like your face." she whips her head to look at him. "With the moonlight shining on it, you look like you're glowing."

"Oh, I uh... thank you." (Y/n) says, how long would she have to stay in the water, how long before he realized something was wrong, how long until he figured out the truth, those thoughts ran through her mind as she turns her head away to look straight ahead once again, he tilts his head to the side, noticing how stiff she was.

"Is something wrong?" Daniel asks.

"Why would something be wrong?" (Y/n) asks, she didn't dare look at him this time.

"You're so stiff, tense almost," Daniel says and begins moving closer to her, she tries her best to remain still, hoping she could disappear. "Are you feeling okay, (Y/n)?" She slowly nods her head, afraid to talk, afraid her voice might fail her and give her away. "Are you sure?" He reaches out for her, his hand softly brushes over her bare stomach before moving upwards, his hand suddenly stop and confusion clear in his eyes, before they widened with realization. Oh, oh." He retracted his hand as blood rushed to his cock, he should feel guilty about the action, but he couldn't help himself, she was beautiful and he couldn't help but imagine how she would look naked underneath him, fluttering with pleasure as his cock was buried deep inside her. "Fuck." He begins moving away from her, wanting to respect her privacy, she slowly turns to look at him, the swell from her chest barely above the water, he swallows as his cock continues to grow. "Sorry, I didn't know." She softly smiles at him, how would he have known? "But, fuck, I want you now, (Y/n), badly." His words going straight to her core as her stomach twisted at his words. "I should go, I'm sorry." She quickly reaches for his hand, stopping him before he could begin exiting the lake, he looks back at her, she could see his eyes darkening with lust.

"What if I want you also?" (Y/n) asks as her hormones taking over.

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now