"I Don't Want To Stop Loving You." - Carlos Sainz Jr

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Requested by: Anon.

Request: Could you please do Carlos Sainz A39, A40 & A41 !!

Prompts: A39— "Come back to bed." , A40— "You have me, however you want me; just say the word." & A41— "I don't want to stop loving you."

A/N: It's a little short.

Warnings: Angst, Sex mentioned.

Word Count: 604.

Carlos couldn't fall asleep, he rolled around in bed before deciding to get up before he woke (Y/n) from her sleep, leaving the room he made his way to the kitchen and filled a glass with water before moving to the screen door and stared out at th...

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Carlos couldn't fall asleep, he rolled around in bed before deciding to get up before he woke (Y/n) from her sleep, leaving the room he made his way to the kitchen and filled a glass with water before moving to the screen door and stared out at the dark night sky, the thought of (Y/n) falling out of love with him gnawed at him, lately, she had been going to bed early and refusing to go out, maybe he was overthinking, but it almost felt like she was pulling back, distancing herself from him, maybe she was, he was deep in thought when he suddenly felt arms wrapping around him and (Y/n)'s perfume filled his nostrils as she placed her head on his shoulder blade, his thoughts suddenly interrupted.

"Why are you up?" (Y/n) softly asks him.

"Mh, I couldn't sleep," Carlos mutters.

"What's bothering you?" (Y/n) asks, he lets out a sigh unsure if he should tell her or keep his thoughts to himself. "Come on, you know you can tell me, if we're not communicating in this relationship then it isn't much of a relationship." Carlos took a step forward making her unwrap her arms from around him, he turns around to face her, his brows furrowed and his lips in a straight line as he frowned.

"Then what are we doing?" Carlos asks. "I feel like we're drifting apart, you're pulling away from me." (Y/n) tilts her head in confusion as a slight frown form on her face. "I don't want to stop loving you, (Y/n), but it feels like you've stopped."

"What are you talking about, Carlos?" (Y/n) asks. "How am I pulling away?"

"You're always tired and you don't want to do anything anymore." Carlos states. "When I suggest we go out, you always turn it down and suggest that we stay in."

"Am I not allowed to be tired?" (Y/n) asks becoming upset with him.

"That isn't what I'm saying." Carlos quickly says.

"I'm sorry that I'm constantly tired and that I just want to go to bed early or that I would rather stay in than go out." (Y/n) says. "But work's been really hard, especially after the promotion last month." Carlos stops for a second as he remembered the promotion she spoke about only a month ago, she had warned him that it would be tiring if she did accept it, and he encouraged her to take it. "It doesn't mean that I've fallen out of love with you, I'm just really tired, Carlos." Carlos nods his head, suddenly feeling like a fool.

"Fuck, I'm such an idiot," Carlos mumbles as he runs his hand through his hair, he couldn't believe he had forgotten.

"I have the weekend off, and I know you don't have a race either." (Y/n) says in a suggestive tone.

"What did you have in mind?" Carlos asks, he could see her eyes become clouded with lust as her tongue darts out to lick her lips.

"You have me, however you want, just say the word." (Y/n) says. "For the entire weekend." Carlos could feel his blood rush towards his cock at her suggestion.

"Oh, I like the sound of that," Carlos says, she reaches for his hand, their fingers interlacing as she took hold of his hand.

"But for now, come back to bed." (Y/n) says. "We have an entire weekend to discover each other again." She pulls at his arm making him step forward, he wasn't going to argue. "And if you ever doubt that I'm not in love with you anymore, please come and talk to me about it."

F1 & F2 - Imagines Prompts [BOOK 2] • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now