[S] Mick Schumacher - The Monza Win

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Hi, I hope you are good. Could I please request a Mick smut of the win in Monza?

A/N: I don't know if F2 drivers have their own drivers room or dressing room.

Warnings: Explicit language, explicit details, nudism, horny/needy!(Y/n), oral(m. receiving), slight handjob, hair gripping, cum swallowing.

Word Count: 1.2K

It was his first win for the 2020 Formula 2 season and he was happy that his girlfriend, (Y/n), had travelled with him to Monza and witnessed it, (Y/n) had watched the race before returning to his driver's room and waited for him to return, growin...

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It was his first win for the 2020 Formula 2 season and he was happy that his girlfriend, (Y/n), had travelled with him to Monza and witnessed it, (Y/n) had watched the race before returning to his driver's room and waited for him to return, growing restless as she waited for him, 45 minutes passed before he entered the room after attending the press interviews.

"Hey," Mick says as he closes the door behind him, locking it in the process before approaching her, she stood from the couch. "Let me just take a quick shower and then we can go." He leans in and softly pecks her lips, he pulls back from the kiss and begins removing his racing gear.

"You're just going to waste the water." (Y/n) says, Mick tilts his head in confusion and looks over his shoulder at her. "If you shower now."

"What do you mean?" Mick asks as he strips down to his underwear, she walks up behind him and wraps her arms around him, her lips brush against his earlobe.

"We haven't celebrated your win yet." (Y/n) says, her voice was soft and low as she spoke, Mick from as he felt her teeth lightly grazing over his earlobe, he could feel his cock twitch as it begins to harden.

"Right now?" Mick asks. "Here?" Anyone could hear them if they just walked past the room.

"Why not?" (Y/n) asks. "Unless you want to wait until we're back at the hotel." He fingers ghostly traced patterns on his exposed torso before moving them lower until her fingers dipped into his underwear.he couldn't resist, he couldn't turn her down no matter how hard he would try, she had always had a way to get what she wanted. "But I don't think I can wait until we're back at the hotel." Blood rushed to his cock as it continued to grow, her fingers softly grazed the skin just below his underwear, the feeling of her gentle touch made the decision easy for him.

"I don't think I'll make it to the hotel either," Mick says. "But we don't have any protection here." He was hoping to convince her to back off, but it did nothing to halt her movements.

"Then I guess we'll just have to please each other with our hands and mouth." (Y/n) says as her hands slipped deeper into his underwear, her fingers gently graze over his hardening cock. "Or I could pleasure you, congratulate you now and you can thank me back at the hotel." Mick wraps his hands around her wrists and pulled her hands from his underwear, he releases her wrists before turning around to face her, his hands instantly going to her hips, his finger softly kneading the skin.

"I'd rather wait until we're back at the hotel when nobody can disturb us," Mick says. "But you're so persistent, you're not going to let up." A soft smirk tugs at the corner of her lips. "You're not going to let me shower, you're not going to wait patiently until we reach the hotel."

"Oh, you sure know how to pick your girlfriend's?" (Y/n) says in a teasing tone, he leans closer, his lips inches away from hers.

"I do," Mick says. "I really do, which means I have to cherish you and take care of you." His hands move underneath her shirt, feeling her warm skin underneath his touch.

"You can do all that when we're at the hotel." (Y/n) says as she takes a step back, his hands falling away from her hips, she took hold of his hand and pulled him to the couch. "Sit down." Mick quickly follows her orders and took a seat on the couch, she lowers down to her knees in front of him and placed her hands on his knees, her fingers softly kneading his skin. "You deserve to be rewarded, you did win after all and you're also leading the championship." Her eyes darken with lust as she slowly slides her hands over his thighs, moving them towards the band of his underwear, her fingers delicately curls around the fabric, he lifts his hips from the couch allowing her to pull his underwear down to his knees, he lowers his hips as she pulls the fabric down to his ankles, she licks her hips as she saw his muscle tens and relax when he lifted and lowered his hips, he lifts his feet and she removes his underwear completely and tosses it over her shoulder. "Mh, it didn't take long for you to get hard." Her tone almost sounding seductive.

"You have that effect on me," Mick says, she places one hand on his outer thigh and gently wraps her other hand around his length, her hand slowly moving down his length as she moves her face closer to his cock, she wraps her lips around the head of his cock and slowly lowers down, taking the tip of his cock in her mouth, she lifts her head before lowering down again, he couldn't explain what he was feeling when he felt her warm wet mouth around his cock, she unwraps her lips from his cock and runs her tongue up and down the length of his cock, casting her eyes upward to look at him, her hand moves from the base of his cock to his balls and softly begins kneading them, the sight of her looking up at him with her big innocent eyes caused him to tilt his head back and let out a groan. "Fuck." Her lips brush over the head of his cock as she softly kisses it, her lips slowly trail down his length before moving back to the head, she gently squeezes his balls as she wraps her lips around his cock, taking him firmly in her mouth.

Her tongue swirls around the head of his cock before darting the tip of her tongue in and out the slit at the end of his cock, he reaches out for her hair and gently runs his fingers through them before suddenly twisting them between his fingers, softly gripping at her hair as he neared his orgasm, his other hand formed into a fist and pushed it against the couch cushions. "I'm close, fuck, (Y/n)." his mind slowly becoming fogged with the immense pleasure, she could see his muscles tensing as he neared his high. "Fuck, (Y/n)." His eyes fell close as the grip in her hair tightens, his cock twitches inside her mouth, giving her a quick warning, to him it felt like a burst of energy in his cock as he releases in her mouth, the energy draining from his body as he filled her mouth with his cum, her hand gently kneading his balls as she helped him through his release, her mouth quickly filling up as she tried swallowing his load, some liquid running down her chin.

He lets out a sigh of satisfaction as he opens his eyes to stare up at the ceiling, a dazed look in his eyes, (Y/n) unwraps her lips from his cock and slowly releases his balls, causing him to lift his head to look at her, only to see her using the back of her hand to clean his cum from her chin, the skin glistening from his load. "You didn't have to swallow it."

"I wanted to." (Y/n) says. "Now, come on, go take a shower." She stood from the ground and made her way towards the towels he had in his driver's room, she picks one up and unfolds it. "We have a long night ahead of us, Mick, hurry." Mick stood from the couch and made his way into the small bathroom as (Y/n) used the towel to clean her face.

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